Saturday, February 11, 2017

“Nobody puts Wynnie in the corner”

“Nobody puts Wynnie in the corner”

Except when that Wynnie is Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, an openly gay feminazi who was forced to sit all alone – barefoot and wearing an Islamic headbag in a back corner of the mosque while she was waiting to speak – because women are banned from sitting with men during prayer.

Toronto Sun (h/t Victoria B)  While the Muslim men prayed, Wynne (below) sat patiently in the back corner of the mosque waiting to say the words many in the room were so thankful to hear.

“There should be no fear ever in worshipping your God, our God, in Ontario or in Canada,” Premier Kathleen Wynne said to the worshippers who came for noon-hour prayers at the Muslim Association of Canada’s Masjid Mosque on Dundas St. W.

“Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and families of this horrible act of violence.” The terror attack on a mosque in Quebec City that left six innocents dead, five in hospital and a Quebec man in custody. “We are shocked,” said Wynne. And horrified.

 Those citing the idea that her going to the mosque was calculated, should consider how humiliating, if not hypocritical, it was for the openly-gay premier to be treated like this. 

Especially, since the Imam who invited her to come to the front of the mosque to share the microphone has in the past publicly expressed his disdain for homosexuality and gay marriage. (Sins that in Islam would mean the death penalty by stoning, hanging, off the roof tossing, etc))

As quoted in the CIJ News in 2015 from a question and answer session on, Imam Wael Shehab said “homosexuality is a sinful act in Islam … I’d cite the following fatwa of Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, president of the Fiqh Council of North America:

“We should deal with them in the same way we deal with any people who are involved in alcoholics, gambling or adultery (beatings, stoning, hanging, etc). We should have deep repugnance to their acts and we must remind and warn them.”

Assuming she had to have known what the men she’d be addressing would do to her if she was in one of their countries, she proceeded, even using the Arabic greeting” “As-Salam-u-Alaikum (Peace be upon you). Thanks for welcoming me into your house, your home,” said Wynne.But other than media and her staff, she was the only female in the room for the male prayer.

“Our government stands with you. We are not different. We are the same. We are all Canadians.” (Except Muslims see you as less than human) Her office did not respond to questions on the Imam’s previous homophobic words.

As horrible as his previous quotes are, Shehab said he very much cherished the premier’s visit and her warm words and humanity.

He explained that although he’s on record for anti-gay teachings in previous sermons, his views are not as they appear. “They are taken out of context,” he lied. “They are not my views. I support for human rights for all.” (except if they are homosexuals, women, or non-Muslims)


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