Monday, February 6, 2017

Sharia Commands Muslims to Lie to Non-Muslims

Sharia Commands Muslims to
Lie to Non-Muslims

KORAN  98:6

The Koran says non-Muslims are the worst of all creatures (98:6), so it should be no surprise the Koran and the Sunna (example of the Islamic prophet Mohammad) allow and oblige Muslims to lie to non-Muslims.

All authoritative Islamic law (sharia) obliges jihad until the world is under Islamic rule.

Therefore, when Muslim leaders are speaking to non-Muslims about Islam, there is a high probability they are lying.

It is not just a few "radicalized" Muslims who want sharia and all that goes with it.

At the Norway Peace Conference, the founder of and host of the conference Fahad Qureshi polled the audience of hundreds of Muslims who unanimously raised their hands indicating they want sharia to be the law of the land to include stoning for adultery, death penalty for homosexuals, and everything that comes with it because their law comes from Allah in the Koran and the example of their prophet Mohammad.

Qureshi stated, "These are general views that every Muslim actually has.  Every Muslim believes in these things.  Just because they're not telling you about it or just because they're not out there in the media doesn't mean they don't believe in that."

2013 Pew poll reveals most Muslims want sharia to be the law of the land, and most of the Muslim world believes there is only ONE version of sharia - not the "thousands of interpretations" Islamic advisors to the US. government have lied about for the last 15 years (and beyond).

Specifically, a sampling of 10 countries/areas of all the Muslim areas polled - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Nigeria, and the Palestinian Territories - reveals out of 785 million Muslims living in these areas, 617 million told the Pew pollsters they want to live under sharia (Islamic law).

For those of you without calculators handy, that is 79% of the Muslim world.  That is a big number.  So is 617 million Muslims, and that's just a sampling of the world's Muslims.

The majority of the Muslim world wants the sharia that:  commands pagans to convert to Islam or die; commands Christians and Jews to convert to Islam, submit to sharia and pay the non-Muslim poll tax, or die; calls for apostates to be killed; identifies woman as property; and commands jihad as perpetual warfare until sharia is the law of the land over the entire world.

This is also the sharia that obliges Muslims to lie to non-Muslims.

As UTT's own Chris Gaubatz experienced in his recent encounter with a sharia scholar and Imam from Texas, they will lie to your face and then feign offense when you call them out on their lies.

See the video HERE.

Think about this the next time an Islamic scholar, leader of an Islamic organization, the local Imam, or any prominent Muslims are talking to you about Islam.


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UTT 3-Day Law Enforcement Program
FEB 21-22 in Louisiana

UTT will conduct its 3-Day "Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Threat" in Hammond, Louisiana February 21-22.  There is no cost for attendees.  Only law enforcement officers, prosecutors, analysts, and related personnel permitted.  National Guard and first responders welcome!

For more information and to register email us at

UTT's Presentation at National Sheriff's Association Conference

UTT's John Guandolo and Chris Gaubatz presented information about the Jihadi Threat at the National Sheriff's Association Winter Conference in Washington, DC Saturday morning (2/4/17).

The presentation was well received and Sheriff's seem open and willing to do what they need to do to protect and defend their counties across this nation.

UTT thanks the NSA for allowing us the opportunity and for being courageous to speak the truth about real threats facing our nation.

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