Friday, February 10, 2017

The Do's and Don'ts of Dealing with Islamic Extremists

February 9, 2017

Featured Stories

U.S. Ill Prepared for Convicted Jihadis Ending Their Prison Sentences

by Patrick Dunleavy  •  February 8, 2017  •  IPT News FacebookTwitter
Radical Islamic organizations such as al-Qaida and ISIS never forget their members. To them, going to prison is part of the pathway to paradise. Both groups' leaders spent considerable periods of time locked up.

Sunni States' Military Spending Sprees Could Fall to Radical Islamists

by Yaakov Lappin  •  February 7, 2017  •  Special to IPT News FacebookTwitter
Faced with an array of developing threats to their stability and survival, Sunni Arab states have gone on an unprecedented military spending spree, buying up some of the very best capabilities the West has to offer.

Raheel Raza Hopes To Be The Muslim Extremists Hate Most

by Abigail R. Esman  •  February 6, 2017  •  Special to IPT News FacebookTwitter
Just a month into 2017 and America's hot-button issues are already clear: women, radical Islam, and the civil rights of Muslims in the West.

Guest Column: Washington Finally Designates Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps

by Raymond Tanter and Edward Stafford  •  February 3, 2017  •  Special to IPT News FacebookTwitter
The U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions Friday on a host of Iranian companies and individuals as terrorists.

Featured Videos

On National TV, Keith Ellison Ducks Anti-Israel Statement

Ayaan Hirsi Ali responds to attacks by Linda Sarsour

The IPT Blog

  • Defections Challenge Hamas' Cooperation With the Islamic State
    Hamas continues to play a double game when it comes to the Islamic State. The Palestinian terrorist organization is trying to supress ISIS-inspired jihadists in Gaza, while simultaneously cooperating with the terrorist group's Sinai Peninsula affiliate – Wilayat Sinai.
  • Israel Foils Another Hamas Kidnapping and Murder Plot
    Israeli security forces indicted three Palestinians Monday, saying they were part of a Hamas terrorist cell planning to kidnap and kill Israelis in the West Bank and within Israel.
  • Fordham University Facing Backlash for Rejecting SJP on Campus
    The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) recently condemned Fordham University for banning the radical group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) from campus. The NLG claims that Fordham's decision continued a "legacy of Anti-Palestinian discrimination, known as the 'Palestinian Exception' to Free Speech..."

Also in the News

House Panel: 'Insider Threat' of Jihadi Employees on the Rise at U.S. Airports

February 8, 2017  •  Breitbart FacebookTwitter
Airports and passenger planes across the United States face evolving "insider threats" from aviation industry employees who have joined terrorist groups and are seeking to carry out "lone wolf" attacks, the House Homeland Security Committee warns in a recent investigation.

Muslim Brotherhood Making Inroads in Germany, Says Senior Intel Official

February 7, 2017  •  Legal Insurrection  Facebook Twitter
German intelligence agencies are alarmed over the growing influence of radical Islamist "Muslim Brotherhood" organization in the state of Saxony.

Saudi Cash Is Sending Veterans On Luxury Trips To Washington To Oppose 9/11 Law

February 7, 2017  •  The Daily Caller FacebookTwitter
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is paying at least one large public relations firm in Washington, D.C. to recruit American military veterans who will agree to visit Capitol Hill to tell members of Congress — in person — that they oppose a new federal law allowing civil lawsuits against state sponsors of terrorism.

Islamic Peace Conference Hides Faces of Women on Event Flyer

February 7, 2017  •  The Daily Mail FacebookTwitter
Organizers of a controversial Islamic conference in Melbourne have sparked outrage for publishing a promotional flyer with the faces of female speakers blacked out.
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