U.S. Central Command intelligence reports were altered to hide poor progress against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, a congressional joint task force announced.

Fifty intelligence analysts sparked the investigation by filing a whistleblower complaint about superiors changing information on their products.

Republican chairmen of the House Armed Services Committee, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Subcommittee on Defense of the House Appropriations Committee, led by GOP Reps. Ken Calvert (Calif.), Mike Pompeo (Kan.), and Brad Wenstrup (Ohio) established the joint task force, the Hill reported Thursday.

“What happened at CENTCOM is unacceptable — our warfighters suffer when bad analysis is presented to senior policymakers,” Rep. Ken Calvert said. “We must continue our efforts until we fix it.”

Rep. Mike Pompeo (Kan.) told CBS This Morning “there’s enormous evidence about how this information from talented career professionals inside the analytic arm at CENTCOM did their job and accurately depicted what was going on on the ground, but when it got to very senior levels, that information was changed.”

Wenstrup, a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve said “we still do not fully understand the reasons and motivations behind this practice and how often the excluded analyses were proven ultimately to be correct. We cannot win the war against ISIS with incomplete intelligence.”

“The report out today highlights the importance of having an independent process,” he added.
But Infowars has already revealed the motivation: the Obama administration is doing everything it can to help ISIS topple Syrian President – and Putin ally – Bashar al-Assad.