Thursday, August 11, 2016

Eye on Iran: Iran Nuclear Chief: 2 Nuclear Plants to Be Built with $10bn Investment

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Mehr (Iran): "The AEOI head Ali Akbar Salehi said Tue. the construction of two nuclear power plants with $10bn worth of investment will soon begin on President Rouhani's orders. Ali Akbar Salehi, Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), referred to the efforts made by the Western countries in exerting pressures and imposing various kinds of threats on the Iranian negotiating team in the course of nuclear talks, adding 'their problem is not with our armaments, economy, technology, trade, or even science. Their problem is with the Iranian nation; they are worried about the message of the Islamic Revolution reaching across the world.' 'The US has settled its scores with its potential rivals but Iran has stood up against it,' Salehi said. 'This is a serious political challenge that does not form in vacuum and requires producing content and ideologies.' Salehi went on to add that major European banks are not working with Iran due to pressure from the United States. 'We need to speak up louder to the world and this needs to happen faster,' Salehi said. 'The US is worried that the content of the Islamic Republic's productions would reach the world.' ... Salehi further noted that with the implementation of the JCPOA, the right to enrichment and heavy water production has been preserved in the country, adding 'Iran's heavy water production surplus is currently on a sale agenda and our nuclear industry is functioning well.'"

Press TV (Iran): "Iran says its oil exports have increased to as high as 2.5 million barrels per day - a landmark development that could mean the country has already regained a crucial global oil market share that it had lost as a result of multiple years of sanctions. 'Oil exports have increased to 2.5 million barrels per day,' said Iran's First Vice President Es'haq Jahangiri. 'The sons of the Iranian nation have been able to move again the wheels of the country's oil production that had stopped [as a result of the sanctions] and thus regain the old [share] of the markets,' Jahangiri told a meeting of education officials. He emphasized that several oil producers - specifically the Persian Gulf states - have come across 'massive' problems as a result of the plunging prices of crude oil over the past few years. However, Iran's economic stability prevailed due to an efficient management, Jahangiri added."

Tehran Times: "The Iranian foreign minister will start a five-nation tour of Latin America on August 21. Mohammad Javad Zarif will begin another round of his international tours by first visiting Cuba, and then Ecuador, Nicaragua, Chile and Bolivia, a source in the Iranian Foreign Ministry told Sputnik on Saturday. The chief diplomat will lead 'a large economic delegation' and is expected to sign contracts in the fields of oil, energy, maritime, and transport, the source added. The Iranian minister will wrap up his visit to Latin America on August 27."

Nuclear & Ballistic Missile Program

Tasnim (Iran): "Iranian President Hassan Rouhani praised diplomatic efforts made by the country's negotiators involved in the nuclear talks with world powers as a result of which the Iranian nation's rights have been recognized by the international community. 'The (Iranian) administration's foreign-policy efforts over the past three years have been based on restoration and recognition of the people's rights,' President Rouhani said at a joint meeting between cabinet members and the country's governors-general in Tehran on Wednesday. He pointed to the July 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany), saying that prior to the deal, major powers and international organizations denied Iran's right to enrichment and claimed that Iran's nuclear activities pose a threat to the international security and stability. He added that today, however, they not only do not raise such claims but cooperate with Iran at the highest levels of nuclear activities. In other words, the president said, Iran was able to make the world recognize the country's definite rights and its constructive role in the region through the nuclear negotiations."

Trend: "Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Asia and Pacific Affairs Ebrahim Rahimpour has said that Iran's trade ties with Russia and Azerbaijan witnessed a significant boost immediately after the removal of sanctions followed by the implementation of the joint comprehensive plan of action (JCPOA). He also touched upon an agreement between Iran and Russia for constructing nuclear power plants in the Islamic Republic adding that Russia will build eight power plants in Iran. Russia has constructed Iran's first nuclear power plant, Bushehr, with 1,000 megawatts capacity and it is preparing for building new plants in Iran. Iran has planned to increase its nuclear power generation capacity to 2,000 megawatts by 2035."

U.S.-Iran Relations

Free Beacon: "State Department Press Director Elizabeth Trudeau told a reporter at Tuesday's department press briefing that it was a waste of time to keep asking about the Obama administration possibly making a ransom payment to Iran. Associated Press reporter Matt Lee has been repeatedly asking the State Department if the plane carrying American prisoners out of Iran took off before a plane carrying $400 million in cash landed in the country. The Obama administration has denied that the $400 million it airlifted to the Iranian regime was any form of a ransom payment, saying it was part of a settlement of a decades-old dispute and just coincided with the freeing of American hostages. Some observers have said the Iranians could view the payment as ransom if the money landed first before they allowed the hostages to go."

Congressional Action

Free Beacon: "Members of Congress expressed 'disgust' with the White House this week and are demanding Obama administration officials come clean about the circumstances surrounding a $400 million cash payment to Iran that is widely perceived as a ransom for the recent release of U.S. hostages, according to conversations with multiple lawmakers and senior congressional sources. Growing tensions between the White House and Congress came to a head following comments by White House spokesman Josh Earnest in which he compared Republican critics in Congress to Iranian regime hardliners. Earnest's comments came in response to multiple unanswered questions about the circumstances surrounding the delivery of $400 million in cash to Iran ahead of the release of several U.S. hostages earlier this year. When faced with questions about this cash exchange, White House officials such as Earnest have lashed out at Republican lawmakers for their continued efforts to unearth details about the so-called ransom payment. 'It sounds to me like they are once again in a position where they're making the same argument as hardliners in Iran in an effort to undermine the Iran nuclear agreement,' Earnest said responding to questions from reporters about administration efforts to suppress key details about the cash payment. 'The president made clear a year ago that right-wingers in the United States were making common cause with right-wingers in the Iranian government,' Earnest added. 'And, again, if they're doing it again to try to justify their opposition to an agreement that has benefited the American people, they can do that, but I think that's going to be pretty hard for them to explain.'"

Sanctions Relief

Tehran Times: "President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that the primary purpose behind the conclusion of nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), with great powers was to create a proper atmosphere for economic activities. Speaking at a joint meeting of cabinet members  and governors-general, the president said, 'The main objective of the JCPOA was to open the way for economic activities, not by resorting to means that date back to the 18 and 19th centuries, but by using the banking system.'"

Press TV (Iran): "German chemical company BASF is weighing an investment of $4 billion in Iran, the daily Handelsblatt has reported, citing industry sources. Together with an Iranian company, BASF wants to build new petrochemical plants near Iran's hub of petrochemical activities and gas industry in Assaluyeh, the paper said. BASF signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Iranian Oil Company about future cooperation in April... However, BASF is not the only group that was negotiating with the Iranians, the paper said. Industry sources said Munich gas manufacturer Linde was interested in investment worth billions of dollars in the Iranian petrochemical industry jointly with the Japanese Mitsui Group. According to Handelsblatt, Linde CEO Wolfgang Büchele has been in 'pre-business talks' with the Iranians for some time."

Tehran Times: "A team of Iranian businessmen to be led by Pedram Soltani, the deputy chief of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA), plan to pay a visit to Switzerland, the chamber's website announced. The visit will take place on September 20-23, 2016 and representatives of various business areas including tourism, heavy industries, machine manufacturing, banking, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and aeronautics are among the delegates. The Iranian team is scheduled to attend two economic forums in Geneva and Zurich and will hold business talks with Swiss firms."

Reuters: "Oman and Iran have agreed to change the route and design of a planned undersea natural gas pipeline to avoid waters controlled by the United Arab Emirates, Oman's Minister of Oil and Gas Mohammed bin Hamad al-Rumhy said on Wednesday. The planned pipeline would connect Iran's vast gas reserves to Omani consumers as well as liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants in Oman that would re-export the gas. After international sanctions on Tehran were lifted in January, the two countries renewed efforts to implement the project, but it has also been delayed by disagreements over price and U.S. pressure on Muscat to find other suppliers. In an interview, Rumhy said Oman and Iran were at an advanced stage of designing the pipeline and had agreed on a deeper option than originally envisaged to avoid crossing any third country's borders... Oman still expects to invite companies before the end of 2016 to bid for the engineering, procurement and construction part of the project, Rumhy said without giving an estimate for the cost. The pipeline would be financed on a 50-50 basis by Oman and Iran. 'Oman has started talking to Japanese, Korean and Chinese parties to raise finance. And this option has been received very well. We are looking to receive finance for LNG as per the initial understanding.'"

Human Rights

Al-Monitor: "An audio file recently released by the website of the late Ayatollah Hussein Ali Montazeri - the onetime deputy supreme leader of Iran who was a leading Shiite cleric - has shed light on the cleric's objections to a string of executions in the late 1980s and his eventual falling out with the ruling establishment. In the final months of the Iran-Iraq War in 1988, the Iranian group Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) launched an attack from inside Iraq against western Iran. While the attack was quickly countered, it led to perhaps the last fateful decision of the Islamic Republic under the leadership of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini shortly before his death in which thousands of mostly MEK members who had been imprisoned in Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution were executed. Montazeri, who had been groomed to replace Khomeini and was one of the most well-known figures of the revolution, objected so adamantly to the order that he quickly lost his place within the government. His objection to the executions has been previously published in his autobiography. But the release of the audio file has brought this news to the surface once again and has revealed the harshness in which he dealt with the individuals involved."

Opinion & Analysis

Soufan Group: "Over the past several years, Iran's security apparatus has developed advanced cyber capabilities that can be adapted to different missions. The extensive use of social media by participants in the 2009 'Green Movement' uprising in Iran convinced the regime it needed additional capabilities to control and monitor the public's use of the Internet. International sanctions escalated dramatically in 2010, largely shutting off Iran from receiving Western information technology and skills. As a result, Iran was forced to develop its information technology capacity domestically. Adding to the Iranian government's sense of urgency for developing its cyber capabilities was a 2010 joint U.S.-Israeli cyberattack known as 'Operation Olympic Games.' The attack, which targeted Iran's nuclear infrastructure, used the famous 'Stuxnet' virus to destroy approximately 20% of Iran's operational uranium enrichment centrifuges by causing them to spin too fast.Iran's cyber operations began in earnest as part of the government effort to suppress the Green Movement by monitoring the Internet usage of opposition activists and then arresting them. When the uprising was defeated in 2012, the regime directed its growing capabilities outward to its regional and international adversaries. Iran first formalized the structure of its cyber-related initiatives as the 'Iranian Cyber Army'-led by the IRGC-to operate under a 'Supreme Council of Cyberspace,' created by Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Khamenei in early 2012. Later, Iran's cyber strategy was put under the command of IRGC Brigadier General Behrouz Esbati, reporting to the Armed Forces General Staff. That staff, which nominally commands both the regular army and the IRGC, is led by an IRGC officer, Mohammad Bagheri, appointed by Khamenei in June."

Heritage 2016 Index of U.S. Military Strength: "Iran represents by far the most significant security challenge to the United States, its allies, and its interests in the greater Middle East. Its open hostility to the United States and Israel, sponsorship of terrorist groups like Hezbollah, and history of threatening the commons underscore the problem it could pose. Today, Iran's provocations are mostly a concern for the region and America's allies, friends, and assets there. Iran relies heavily on irregular (to include political) warfare against others in the region and fields more ballistic missiles than any of its neighbors. The development of its ballistic missiles and potential nuclear capability also mean that it poses a long-term threat to the security of the U.S. homeland. According to the IISS Military Balance, among the key weapons in Iran's inventory are 12-plus MRBMs, 18-plus SRBMs, 1,663 main battle tanks, 21 tactical submarines, six corvettes, 13 amphibious landing ships, and 334 combat-capable aircraft in its air force. There are 523,000 personnel in the armed forces, including 125,000 the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and 130,000 in the Iranian Army. With regard to these capabilities, the IISS assesses that 'The Iranian regular forces are large, but equipped with outdated equipment. The country's apparent strategic priority is the complementary independent Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.' The IRGC 'is a capable organization well-versed in a variety of different operations,' and 'Iran is able to present a challenge to most potential adversaries, especially its weaker neighbors.'"

Eye on Iran is a periodic news summary from United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) a program of the American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran, Inc., a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eye on Iran is not intended as a comprehensive media clips summary but rather a selection of media elements with discreet analysis in a PDA friendly format. For more information please email

United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) is a non-partisan, broad-based coalition that is united in a commitment to prevent Iran from fulfilling its ambition to become a regional super-power possessing nuclear weapons.  UANI is an issue-based coalition in which each coalition member will have its own interests as well as the collective goal of advancing an Iran free of nuclear weapons.

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