American Islamists Turn to Ankara
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the past few years, the international Muslim Brotherhood has found a
welcoming home in Ankara in the face of opposition from
Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. Consequently, U.S.
Islamist organizations have also turned to the Turkish regime for
collaboration and support.
September 21st, a Washington, D.C.- based organization, the Turkish
American National Steering Committee (TASC), hosted an event in New York City with Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "US-based Muslim Brotherhood
supporters have a busy week coming up," the Middle East analyst Eric Trager noted. "They're
hanging with Erdogan on Monday, protesting Sisi on Wednesday."
U.S. Islamist
organizations have turned to the Turkish regime for collaboration and
support. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
year, following Turkish claims of an attempted coup against the regime,
a TASC rally in support of Erdogan outside
the White House included Shehata and a number of prominent American
Islamist leaders, such as Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of the terror-linked Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). As the Investigative Project on
Terrorism notes, Erdogan's Justice and
Development Party subsequently sent a delegation to the United States
to hold meetings with senior CAIR officials. Since then, Awad has continued to meet with representatives
of the Turkish regime.
partnerships are not new. Since a coalition of U.S. Islamist
organizations traveled to Turkey in 2014, prominent
American Islamic groups linked to the Muslim Brotherhood have become
some of Erdogan's staunchest advocates in America.
2014, the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America
(ISNA) featured three regime-linked speakers,
including Erdogan's senior advisor, Ibrahim Kalin. ISNA, a Muslim Brotherhood front, was named by
federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator during the
2008 Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial.
in 2014, Turkish regime official Mehmet Görmez recorded a video message
for America's largest Islamic conference, organized jointly by two
prominent Islamist organizations: the Muslim American Society and the
Islamic Circle of North America (MAS-ICNA). In his message, Görmez
announced the completion of a Turkish-funded mosque in Maryland, the Diyanet Center of America.
MAS-ICNA conference that year was funded by the "Turkish-backed" American
Zakat Foundation. In return, MAS-ICNA announced that the "Turkish
presidency, agencies, several NGOs, state-media TRT World and Daily
Sabah will organize events during the summit in Chicago, while
President Erdoğan's daughter... will attend the summit as guest of
Turkish regime and U.S. Islamist organizations have looked out for one
another. Erdogan has denounced American attempts to
designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. And in
2015, U.S. Islamist groups, including CAIR, released a statement opposing
recognizing the slaughter of Armenians organized by Turkey in 1915 as a
intolerance for its critics is whitewashed by American Islamist groups.
At the 2016 MAS-ICNA conference, Erdoğan's daughter defended the regime's purges –
managing both to justify and deny mass-arrests of journalists.
Prominent American Islamist operatives and clerics praised her speech.
itself to be a natural ally of the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey makes use
of this same deception: on September 18, Erdogan's office demanded that NATO prevent a critic of
the Turkish regime from speaking at a NATO Parliamentary Assembly
conference organized by the Middle East Forum. When the dissident
appeared anyway, the Turkish delegation interrupted proceedings and then
stormed out.
co-opting Western democracies to silence its critics, or funding
American Islamist organizations with long histories of extremism and
ties to terror, the Turkish regime is now a crucial component of the
global Islamist threat. The West must recognize this, and work to
counteract both.
Sam Westrop and
Samantha Mandeles are based at Islamist Watch, a project of the Middle
East Forum.
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