Steven Emerson,
Executive Director
September 27, 2017
Chief Among American Islamists Eulogizing Brotherhood Leader
by John Rossomando
IPT News
September 27, 2017
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A number of
U.S.-based Muslim group leaders who vehemently reject evidence connecting
them to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in public made a point of publicly
mourning the group's former spiritual guide, who died in prison Friday.
Mohamed Akef was praised as the "Sheikh of the Mujahidin" and
received prayers that Allah place him "in the higher paradise with the
prophets, the pious, and the martyrs."
"What kind of tyrannical regime would imprison a sick 90 years old
man?" Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) co-founder and
Executive Director Nihad Awad wrote
Saturday after Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohamed Akef's death. "Who
resisted the colonizer, and raised generations on righteousness and the
love of their country? #Mahdi_Akef, consider not Allah to be
oblivious." His Twitter post was in Arabic, so many of Awad's U.S.
followers may not have appreciated its significance.
Esam Omeish, a past Muslim American Society president who serves on the
board of Northern Virginia's Dar Al-Hijrah mosque, along with a fellow
board member, are among the religious leaders and political activists who
publicly eulogized the Brotherhood's leader.
In addition to running an organization which ultimately seeks a global Islamic government, Akef left a long history
of extreme rhetoric that his mourners didn't mention.
Akef led the Muslim Brotherhood from 2004-2010. During his tenure, all
members had to swear a religious oath of allegiance to him known as bayah.
As supreme guide, his word was absolute for members. He signed a 2004 fatwa written by Brotherhood spiritual
leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi which said Muslims had "an obligation ... to
kill American citizens in Iraq, since they are in Iraq in order to assist
the soldiers and the occupation forces; it is forbidden however to
desecrate their corpses." Bombings against American soldiers in Iraq
and against Israelis in the Palestinian territories were "religious
obligation[s]," Akef said months before signing that fatwa during an
interview with Egypt's Al-Arabi newspaper that was translated by the
Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
He rejected calling Osama bin Laden a terrorist, saying the al-Qaida
leader was "without a shadow of a doubt – a jihad fighter. I do not
doubt the fact that he opposes occupation, nor that he does this in order to
get closer to Allah, may He be praised and extolled," Akef said in a 2008 interview with the website Elaph.com.
Akef was just 12 years old when he joined the Muslim Brotherhood in 1940. He worked
closely with founder Hasan Al-Banna and spent more than 20 years in
Egyptian prisons. Akef joined the Muslim Brotherhood's "secret
apparatus" that was involved in bombings and assassinations in the
late 1940s.
Akef helped inspire the foundation of the Muslim American
Society (MAS) during his trips to the U.S. in the early 1990s, a 2004 Chicago
Tribune article said.
Brotherhood members founded MAS and continued to be inspired by
Brotherhood ideology, Shaker Elsayed, imam of the Falls Church, Va. based
Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, told the Tribune.
Elsayed generated controversy last spring after he endorsed partial female genital mutilation during a
sermon. He remains on the job.
Omeish, one of Dar Al-Hijrah board members responsible for Elsayed's continued
employment, prayed that Akef be placed "in the higher paradise with
the prophets, the pious, and the martyrs, whose company is exalted. The
best of people is he who lives longer and perfected his deeds. I remember
this giant man, I remembered his smile and the warmth of his faith, as a
pious guide, a compassionate father, a decisive leader, and an ascetic
Omeish acknowledged his past Brotherhood membership during a 2011 talk at
American University, calling it a "wonderful experience." He also
lavished praise on the Muslim Brotherhood last December
in another Facebook post.
Similarly, this was not Awad's first time toeing the Muslim Brotherhood
party line. "We congratulate the Egyptian people and their new
president on this great achievement in Egypt's struggle for freedom,"
Awad said after the Brotherhood's 2012 election victory in
Other CAIR leaders defended the Muslim Brotherhood on social media against
claims it engaged in authoritarian tactics before it fell from power in
July 2013. Awad also defended Turkey following last year's failed coup despite Islamist
President Tayyip Recep Erdogan's transformation of his country into a
police state where dissent is illegal.
Awad's past membership in the Muslim Brotherhood is documented in
internal records seized by the FBI. A telephone list places Awad on the Brotherhood's Palestine Committee,
which was tasked with providing political and financial support for Hamas
in the United States.
Another pro-Brotherhood individual who serves with Omeish on the Dar Al-Hijrah board eulogized
Akef. Akram Elzend, a co-founder of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Egyptian Americans for Democracy
and Human Rights (EADHR), posted his own tribute to Akef on Facebook:
"The Sheikh of the Mujahidin has died #Farewell_Akif," Elzend wrote.
Elzend also alluded
to supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in a March 2015 Facebook post
emblazoned with the Brotherhood's crossed sword-logo that linked to an article
written by the group's spokesman vowing to "liberate Egypt from the
grip of this bloody coup." EADHR co-founder Hany Saqr eulogized Akef as
someone who could not be described with words.
"May Allah repose the martyr Mr. Mohamed Mahdi Akef and elevate him
in the higher paradise and make his blood be upon them who did him
injustice," Saqr
wrote on Facebook. Those internal Palestine Committee records which tie
Awad to the Brotherhood network also identify Saqr as a onetime "Masul" or leader of the American
Brotherhood's Administrative Office for East America.
Osama Abu Irshaid, a board member of the United States Council of Muslim
Organizations (USCMO) together with Awad, joined in the chorus of Akef
"May Allah repose Akef and all the martyrs of injustice in Egypt;
may Allah curse their killers, those who enslave Egypt and their
supporters, may Allah reward the liked of Habib according to their
malicious acts," Abu Irshaid wrote.
Abu Irshaid has his own past connection with a Palestine Committee
entity. He served as editor of Al-Zaitounah, a pro-Hamas
Arabic periodical published by the now-defunct Islamic Association for
Palestine (IAP). IAP was the Palestine Committee's propaganda arm.
Support for Akef showed particular intensity among leaders associated with Egyptian Americans for Freedom and
Justice (EAFJ), who have shown strong pro-Brotherhood sympathies for
President Hani Elkadi eulogized Akef as a hero who "died holding his
head high; he asked for no mercy, he did not entreat his jailers, or his
executioners. The hero and the martyr died giving an example in patience,
defiance, manhood, and steadfastness in truth."
Elkadi made several other Facebook posts mourning Akef. EAFJ spokesman
Mahmoud ElSharkawy hailed Akef as the "sheikh of the
revolutionaries" who was martyred while in prison.
"May Allah rest the soul of the captive and the martyr, and we ask
Allah to grant us the best of end on the path of truth and martyr without
any alteration," ElSharkawy wrote.
Elkadi and ElSharkawy's support for Brotherhood-linked Egyptian terrorists is
made clear by their numerous social media posts.
Formal memorial services for Akef were arranged by EAFJ-linked people in
New York and in New Jersey. A banner at the New Jersey event called Akef
the "Sheikh of the Mujahideen" in Arabic and described him as a
martyr in both English and Arabic.

EAFJ co-founder Sheikh Mohamed Elbar of Brooklyn's Islamic Center of Bay
Ridge eulogized Akef as a martyr and a "mujahid" or
holy warrior. Elbar belongs to the International Union of Muslim Scholars
headed by Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood ideologue and EAFJ co-founder.
"We ask Almighty Allah to elevate Mahdi Akef to the ranks of the
martyrs ... Oh Allah, he died as a Mujahid for your cause, so grant him the
status of the Mujahideen," Elbar said.
Speaker Hemmi Khairallah likewise described Akef as a martyr and warned that
Muslims in America were under attack from "Zionists" and
Elbar's mosque held a separate memorial service for Akef.
It's not uncommon for members of an immigrant community to mourn a
prominent figure from their homelands. But Akef led a religious movement
which seeks global dominance and which cultivated an Islamist ideology that
inspires Sunni terrorist groups throughout the world.
His U.S.-based mourners can continue trying to deny their Brotherhood
affinity, but actions speak louder than words. If the leader you pray God
places "in the higher paradise with the prophets, the pious, and the
martyrs" led a global Islamist movement, sanctioned terrorism and
served in a secretive, violent Brotherhood branch, you've tipped your hand.
Related Topics: The
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) | John
Rossomando, Muslim
Brotherhood, Mohamed
Akef, NIhad
Awad, Esam
Omeish, Dar
al-Hijrah mosque, Shaker
Elsayed, Palestine
Committee, Egyptian
Americans for Democracy and Human Rights, Akram
Elzend, Hany
Saqr, Osama
Abu Irshaid, Hani
Elkadi, EAFJ,
ElSharkawy, The
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
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