In this mailing:
- Bruce Bawer: Islam in
Switzerland: The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Jihad
- Joe Kaufman: Florida
Islamist's "Human Rights" Organization Needs to Be
Investigated for Possible Terrorism Ties
by Bruce Bawer • September 28,
2017 at 5:00 am
- What you would never
know, from all this hand-wringing about
"Islamophobia," is that only a few weeks before the
conference, the country's media had reported on a popular imam
in Biel who, in his sermons, "asked Allah to destroy the
enemies of Islam -- Jews, Christians, Hindus, Russians, and
- The imam in
question, Abu Ramadan, preached that Muslims who befriended
infidels were "cursed until the Day of Judgment" --
which, of course, is not radical at all, but is straight out
of the Koran.
- The crisis is real.
But, says Swiss Muslim author Saïda Keller-Messahli, Swiss
politicians, "especially on the left," refuse to
address it. Instead of trying to defend their country from
radicalism, they think their job is to "protect
minorities and multiculturalism."
- Mosque kindergartens
and youth groups, too, are "places of religious
indoctrination" for Swiss Muslims. So are the
German-speaking public schools, in which imams are permitted
to teach classes in Islam using instructional materials from
Saudi Arabia or Turkey.

Keller-Messahli, the Swiss Muslim author of Switzerland: An
Islamist Hub, has spent years investigating institutional Islam
in Switzerland and urging politicians to take action against it.
(Switzerland photo by Monk/Wikimedia Commons)
If you listen to some of Switzerland's pollsters and
government officials, the country is suffering from a serious and
ever-intensifying crisis -- anti-Muslim bigotry.
In August, a study concluded that Swiss Muslims
"are generally well integrated into Swiss society." Their
main problem? They face "Islamophobia."
Another study the same month found that the
percentage of Swiss non-Muslims who feel "threatened" by
Islam had more than doubled since 2004, from 16% to 38%.
At a September 11 conference, Switzerland's Federal
Commission against Racism (FCR) issued an explicit alert:
"hostility toward Muslims," it warned, was rising – and
was "fed by facts that have nothing to do with Muslims
Conference organizers blamed this
"hostility" on online "propaganda"; Interior
Minister Alain Berset accused Swiss citizens of erroneously holding
"Islam responsible for all the extremist acts committed in its
by Joe Kaufman • September 28,
2017 at 4:00 am
Mohamed Sakr.
- Sakr is a prime
example of a radical Islamist taking advantage of the freedoms
that the United States has to offer all its citizens, in order
to undermine its existence -- in the name of "human
- Although voicing his
enmity is precisely one of those rights, membership in a
terrorist group is not, particularly if he is using his March
of Justice organization as a front. A serious investigation
into Sakr and his operations needs be launched to determine
whether and to what extent he is a threat to US national
Mohamed Sakr is a prime example of a radical Islamist taking
advantage of the freedoms that the United States has to offer all
its citizens, in order to undermine its existence -- in the name of
"human rights."
On March 19, 2014, Nidal Mohamed Sakr, an American
citizen from Providence, Rhode Island, was detained by Homeland
Security upon his arrival in the United States from an extended
stay in Egypt, the country of his mother's birth. Although Sakr is
an active member of the Muslim Brotherhood and former al-Qaeda
associate, he was released and has been operating freely in the
U.S., traveling back and forth between Florida and California as
the head of a Miami-based, self-described "human rights"
organization called The March for Justice.
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