Friday, September 28, 2018

Why Does The Trudeau Government Always Side With Criminals?

Why Does The Trudeau Government Always Side With Criminals?


Every time they have the choice between siding with law-abiding Canadians or criminals, the Trudeau government choses the latter.

Convicted terrorists.
Convicted murderers.
Returning ISIS terrorists.
What do all those things have in common?
The Trudeau government sides with all of them.

Justin Trudeau thinks convicted terrorists deserve to keep Canadian citizenship.
His government refuses to fight against the transfer of child-killer Terri-Lynne McClintic to minimum-security ‘healing lodge.’

Trudeau has called returning ISIS terrorists a “powerful voice for change,” while his government lets them return.

Every chance they get, the Trudeau government sides with criminals, and goes against the vast majority of law-abiding Canadians – even demonizing law-abiding Canadian gun owners who haven’t broken any laws.

It’s a disturbing trend that has been repeated over and over again.

This is why more and more people are feeling that the government no longer represents them.
All of us are expected to obey the rules, follow the law, and pay our taxes. Yet, that same government we fund with our taxes repeatedly takes advantage of us, while bending over backwards for those who have violated Canada’s laws and committed horrible crimes.

And, while there is certainly a difference in severity between violent crimes and illegal border crossings, crossing the border illegally is still supposed to be a crime, and the Trudeau government has treated illegal border crossers far better than they treat many Canadian citizens.

Instead of being kicked out of the country, illegal border crossers have received taxpayer funded welfare benefits, housing, and transportation to their ‘preferred’ destination. Almost none of them have been deported.

What makes this so dangerous is that it begins to corrode and undermine the very legitimacy of the government itself. If the government puts criminals ahead of law-abiding citizens, how can Canadians have any confidence in our ‘leaders’?

The longer this goes on, the more our country will be torn apart from the inside.

Spencer Fernando
Photo – Twitter

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