Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Islamist Watch Monthly Newsletter - August 2017

August 2017 Newsletter

Islamist Watch's monthly newsletter features our top blog posts, articles and media appearances. This month, we found millions of taxpayer dollars being given to Jamaat-e-Islami, a violent South Asian Islamist group that operates a powerful network of front groups here in America. 

We also discovered that an imam in LA, closely linked to the Iranian regime, was detained by the FBI over child pornography allegations. And we found further evidence of anti-Semitism expressed by officials of Islamic Relief - this time by the chairman of the board. Please also sign our petition against the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF), which is subsidizing Islamic Relief's extremism.

Make sure to read the two pieces by Islamist Watch staff member Oren Litwin, who continues to monitor Islamist attempts to influence American elections.

If you or anyone you know is interested in writing about Islamism in America, we would welcome your pitches. Send any ideas to submissions@islamist-watch.org

Putting an End to Government Funding of Islamism

In Tuesday's speech, President Trump denounced the flow of U.S. money to Pakistan while that nation harbors terrorists. South Asian Islamism is an enormous problem, and yet a great deal of the discussion in America surrounding Islamism focuses on the Egyptian-founded Muslim Brotherhood. But the Muslim Brotherhood is far from the only Islamist network in the United States; it is simply the best known. Other Islamist movements also benefit from government ignorance about the diversity of Islam and Islamism across the globe. The South Asian Islamist movement Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), for instance, has received millions from the U.S. taxpayer for its powerful network of charities and welfare services, which are designed to obtain external funding as well as legitimize JI as a representative voice of Muslims, in both America and South Asia.

Islamic Relief Chairman Seems to Hate Jews and Love Jihad

Islamist Watch has uncovered further evidence of anti-Semitism promoted by senior officials of Islamic Relief, the largest Islamic charity in America. Writing and sharing posts mostly in Arabic, Lamada has circulated text praising the "jihad" of the "Mujahidin of Egypt" for "causing the Jews many defeats." He has republished claims on Facebook that praise Hamas for inflicting a "huge defeat" against the "Zionist entity."


Virginia Politicians Embrace Islamist Mosque

Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor, Ralph Northam, is now the Democratic nominee in the race for governor. Working to rally support in a once-red state that is now quite purple, Northam has been reaching out to many different constituencies—including Virginia’s growing Muslim community. Shortly before winning his primary in June, Northam spoke at the All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center (ADAMS), emphasizing his opposition to President Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban” and his commitment to an “inclusive” Virginia.


Iran-Linked Imam Detained over Child Pornography

On July 6, heavily-armed FBI agents reportedly raided the home of Shia cleric Mujahid Abdul-Karim at his home in Watts, South Los Angeles. According to a press release issued by Abdul-Karim's mosque, dozens of federal agents stormed the imam's residence at dawn, throwing flash grenades that shattered the house windows, and handcuffed Abdul-Karim and his family. Abdul-Karim has reportedly not been charged and he was released shortly after his detainment, although his computer was confiscated.


Deedra Abboud to Share Platform with Extremists

Arizona Senate candidate Deedra Abboud is scheduled to appear at a benefit dinner for ICNA Relief, the relief arm of the Islamic Circle of North America, on October 14th. Although Abboud has presented herself as the new moderate face of the Muslim community, she will be sharing the stage with two extremist clerics, Siraj Wahhaj and Omar Suleiman.


Other Islamist Watch writings, research and media appearances:

Our mailing address is:
Middle East Forum
1650 Market Street
Suite 3600
Philadelphia, PA 19103

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