Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Influence Inside Trump Administration:Domestic & Foreign Policy Fronts.How Did This Happen?What Are The Ramifications? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Influence Inside Trump Administration:Domestic & Foreign Policy Fronts.How Did This Happen?What Are The Ramifications? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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(Palestinian students supporting the  militant group Hamas, an organization that’s ideologically linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, hold a poster depicting Hassan Al-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood founder, during an election campaign for students’ council at Palestine Polytechnic University in the West Bank city of Hebron on April 20, 2015. Credit: Mussa Qawasma/Reuters)
UP until 2008, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia – the largest global terror organization, bar none – slid under the American radar. For the most part, they operated unimpeded for several decades, even though burrowed within every sector. But what blew their cover was the biggest terror trial (in 2008) in U.S. history, the Holy Land Foundation Terror-Financing Trial, aka HLF. As a side-note, a close contact is inextricably linked with its evidentiary trail. Let’s just leave it at that.
BE that as it may, for the stated record, this trial encompassed the full spectrum of their hydra-based terror apparatus. In the main, they were  – and still are – cloaked under so-called humanitarian non-profit orgs with touchy-feely names. Moreover, since December 2001, the U.S. government designated the HLF a terror organization, still yet, it was open for business for 7 more years! How did it happen? How can it be?

NOT only that, while some of their top leadership ended up in prison for lengthy prison terms, the fact remains that countless inter-related groups and players are continuing to go from strength to strength under Trump’s administration, as they did under HUSSEIN Obama! This is so even though the Brotherhood Mafia, their titular head, has been exposed for what it actually is: a lethal threat to the security of the U.S.! Again, what’s going on?
UNCONSCIONABLY, even though several administrations turned deaf, dumb, and blind to their infiltration and penetration, another fact also remains: if not for HUSSEIN Obama’s two-term enabling and heavy-lifting, the Brotherhood would not be running America’s domestic AND foreign policy! Let that sink in.
BUT before we fast forward to shoring up said explosive charge, know that the following (plus countless proofs within these pages…seek and you shall find…) sets the stage:

  • Back in 2014, it was proven that Obama Inc. acted as a full-on shield to protect the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. The evidence is beyond manifest, and its poisonous effects are at maximum peak. Most significantly, CAIR’s (Hamas’s Brotherhood arm in America) access to each and every power center is bullet proof.
  • Resultant, is it any shock that in the beginning of 2015 it was reported: Terror Alert: Brotherhood’s political party descends on Capitol Hill!
INDEED, the Muslim Brotherhood’s new “American” political party is front and center within Capitol Hill and ready to take America by storm. Literally.
AS always, when it comes to tolerating jihadi terror, Facebook is in the deadly mix. A post by Taher Herzallah, leader of one of the groups represented in the Muslim political party formed in 2015 in the U.S., clearly celebrates Israeli casualties and the group that has caused them – Hamas. The post has since been taken down (screenshot below).Taher_Herzallah_Facebook_postWONDER of wonders, as the National Campus Coordinator for American Muslims for Palestine, Herzallah also represents the US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), an organization formed with Muslim Brotherhood front groups in America to create the first Muslim Brotherhood political party in the U.S. Earlier this year, reported on the founding member groups of USCMO. They include CAIR, MAS, and ICNA. As far as posts to social media that reveal the true feelings of these supposed Muslim civil rights groups, CAIR’s Executive Director Nihad Awad was caught using doublespeak earlier this month with twitter. Upon learning the news that convicted terrorist financier Sami al-Arian had been released from jail, Awad sent out two tweets – one in English and one in Arabic. They were not the same; the Arabic tweet blamed the ‘Israeli lobby’ as reported. Last month, USCMO held its inauguration in Washington, DC. Two of the speakers at the event were Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN); they represent the only two Muslims in Congress. The goal of USCMO is clearly to help elect more.


REGARDLESS of all the jive-talk from red/green apologists, can anyone dare to deny their infiltration and penetration into the highest levers of power – and on steroids too?
AS expected, another prominent leader within USCMO is Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing who is closely connected to the infamous “Blind Sheikh”, Omar Abdel Rahman. Wahhaj was one of the speakers at the USCMO inauguration, alongside Ellison and Carson. Useful idiot Glenn Greenwald, with fire-breathing Islamic jihadi Wahhaj, shared a podium at a 2013 CAIR banquet. Siraj Wahhaj (far left) and Nihad Awad (second from left) in screen shot from USCMO home page.
BUT never mind. What are the chances that it wouldn’t turn out this way? Less than slim to none.
SO once the above is internalized for what it is – and, as more and more curious types seek out supportive evidence of the same – the fact that the Brotherhood Mafia IS currently running the nation’s domestic AND foreign policy fronts will become clear as a bell.

BESIDES, when a supposedly right-leaning administration hands the reins of the NSC to McMaster  – whose views re Islam are such that eviscerating it from terror is his strategic emphasis – let’s just admit that all is not well in the national security realm!
Former White House senior staffer Sebastian Gorka criticized National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster for buying the Obama administration’s messaging on Islam.
Gorka stated in an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, that McMaster has a tendency to follow the exact same philosophy on Islam as the Obama administration did, namely by maintaining that the religion is separate from acts of terror occurring around the world.
For Gorka, McMaster “sees the threat of Islam through an Obama administration lens, meaning that religion has nothing to do with the war we are in.”
“He believes – and he told me in his office – that all of these people are just criminals. That is simply wrong,” Gorka added….
NOT only that, whereas the Arabist-leaning U.S. State Department is always more pro-Arab/Muslim than pro-American/western, having Tillerson at the helm should raise additional alarm bells; he too is all-in, when it comes to protecting Islam at all costs – with the Brotherhood Mafia being front and center!
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said the classification of the Muslim Brotherhood in its entirety as a “terror” group complicates the security and politics of the Middle East.
His testimony on Wednesday before the House Committee on Foreign Relations comes amid rising tensions in the Gulf, part of which centre on Qatari support for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Tillerson said it was problematic to place the entire organisation – whose members amount to more than five million, some of whom occupy positions in governments across the region – on a “terror list”.
“There are elements of the Muslim Brotherhood that have become parts of governments,” he said, pointing out parliaments in Bahrain and Turkey as examples.
“Those elements… have done so by renouncing violence and terrorism,” he said.
“So in designating the Brotherhood in its totality as a terrorist organisation… I think you can appreciate the complexities this enters into our relations with [governments in the region].”
OMG, is he smoking crack? How can it be that the head of State doesn’t know that the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, as elucidated in its “Phased Plan“  – and via the “Explanatory Memorandum“ – plans to destroy the “miserable” (U.S.) house from within and by its own hands, chiefly, through this and that “Phased Plan” of attack? 
Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.
Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.
Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.
Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.
Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).
ALAS, even Egypt (and others) declared them a terror org! Mind you, this designation was back in December 2013, almost 4 years ago. Resultant, is he suggesting that the U.S. should be “holier than the Pope”, so to speak?
TO make matters even more incendiary and unfathomable, reportedly, Trump isn’t pressuring Congress to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist org., even though S.68 awaits signature – Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2017 115th Congress (2017-2018).
IN any case, rational folks understand that there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that this administration’s security agencies will tangibly protect the citizens from jihadi terror, so much so that the coupling of “Islam + terror” is verboten, as under HUSSEIN’s tenure! Indubitably.
President Trump’s new national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, has reportedly spoken out against the use of the term “radical Islamic terrorism” — a notable break with the president and many others on the right when it comes to talking about the war on terror.
There are four people in positions of responsibility in the NSC who have been identified by a source as people who had been “direct reports” to Rhodes — i.e., who worked under his direct supervision — who McMaster has protected and retained. They are: Abigail Grace (Special Assistant), Fernando Cutz (NSC Director for South America), Andrea Hall (NSC Senior Director for WMD, Terrorism & Threat Reduction), and Merry Lin (‎Director for Global and Asia Economics).
Why would any national security advisor working for Trump not rid the NSC of these people immediately and the dozens of others as soon as he could? One source told me there are over fifty such holdovers on the NSC staff.
None of the four — and the other holdovers — should remain employed at the NSC. Every one of them should be viewed as a political operative dedicated to thwarting whatever Trump wants to do.
McMaster recently told an NSC staff meeting, “There’s no such thing as a holdover.” That is simply bizarre.
The problem is that McMaster is the ultimate holdover. He comprises a significant threat to national security.
Since March I’ve written that McMaster should not be national security advisor because he believes that Islam has no relationship to terrorism. I pointed out several of his remarks to that effect including a 2016 speech in which he said ISIS is an example of the terrorist “…enemy who cynically use a perverted interpretation of religion to incite hatred and justify horrific cruelty against innocents.”
In that article, I demonstrated that McMaster’s view of Islam is the same sort of politically correct garbage that we’ve been fed since 9/11. There are, I wrote, two schools of Islamic jurisprudence. They believe either that the Koran requires Muslims to terrorize, slay or enslave everyone who isn’t a believer in Islam or that it only permits them to do so.
TO add additional heft to the charges at hand, why is CAIR giddy that Bannon and Gorka (other true patriots alike, who happen to know the jihadi score) are no longer part of the administration? Rhetorical.
DEMONSTRABLY, the PC madness is so acute that U.S. and German (yes, their “experimental” Nazi past should be considered prologue to what is to come, if sanity doesn’t kick in) researchers have come up with a cure for the “irrational fear of (Islamic) migrants”, aka refugees! Kid you not.
A group of researchers from Germany and the United States claims to have found at least a partial cure for xenophobia, a much heralded accomplishment in the wake of a historic migrant crisis that has swept more than 1.7 million Muslim refugees from the Middle East and Africa into Europe’s cities and led to fissures in social cohesion that some predict have sewn the seeds of civil war.
According to the researchers, the hormone drug oxytocin administered in combination with peer influence caused people inclined to have “negative attitudes” toward migrants to actually want to reach out and help them.
“Researchers have shown in a new study that the bonding hormone oxytocin together with social norms significantly increases the willingness to donate money to refugees in need, even in people who tend to have a skeptical attitude towards migrants,” the study concluded.
The experiment was carried out on three test groups by researchers at the University of Bonn Medical Center in cooperation with the Laureate Institute for Brain Research in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the University of Lübeck in northern Germany. The researchers conducted three experiments in which they tested a total of 183 subjects, who were all German natives. The subjects were asked to read about the needs of real-life refugee families and decide whether to donate money to them or to native German families with needs.
OH, be still the patriot’s heart, lest it fails! 
NOW, does anyone in their right-leaning, rational mind believe that the likes of social experimenters (akin to brainwashers of the most nefarious kind, yes, as approved by fascist-leftists/Marxists/socialists) really want to thwart the march of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists, as they rampage across the globe?
MORE specifically, would such “experimentation” have appeased the latest jihadi from Detroit from amassing an arsenal of weaponry (never mind the 9/11/01 terrorists and enumerable others), as he sought to wage multiple waves of terror, that which was financed by a Maryland based Imam? Incontestably, scores and scores of American jihadis await orders to rise up and pounce! What is so hard to understand about that?
BUT for those who are still unconvinced about the multiplicity of ways in which Islam is incompatible with the west, hence, a mortal danger to its safety and security, here’s another tidbit: recently, a Muslim “mediator” in Europe opined: Europeans enjoyed being raped after they relaxed! Whoa….is this clear enough to demonstrate what really is going on between Mohammedans and the west, that is, a “clash of civilizations?” Hope so. And, whether they are in Europe, America or elsewhere, followers of Muhammad – a certifiable madman – rest assured, would side with the “mediator” –  to a greater than lesser degree.
CONCLUSIVELY, in the immortal words of Winston Churchill: 
“When Muslims are in the minority, they are very concerned with civil rights. When Muslims are in the majority, there are no civil rights.”
 AS true today as yesteryear. Prescient. Timeless.
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