Tuesday, September 5, 2017

TUESDAY Security Update: A N. Korean Attack "Will Be Met With a Massive Military Response"

FSM Must Reads + 2012 site
All apologies to the hard-working street-walkers and penthouse prostitutes who, unlike the modern-media harlots and rent-boys, have no illusions and offer no excuses about what they do and why.

Having once stood with them, I was moved to tears when the Cajun Navy simply swept in unannounced with their rescue boats and "swamp dawgs," precisely the right tools and can-do attitudes when Houston neighborhoods are suddenly indistinguishable from its rivers.

We need improved ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems to counter North Korea's nuclear-armed ballistic missile threat to America and our overseas troops, friends, and allies. Iran's threat is not much, if any, behind North Korea's.

And if Americans won't blank out voluntarily or be terrorized into it, the Left has Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the other neo-Nazis and gangs on standby with clubs and guns to make sure you do.

Any nuclear conflict with North Korea would be an "unimaginable" apocalypse in the recent words of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford.

If truth is told about our federal government today, we have 'the largest insurance AND bond company in the world with an army'. What does this mean to future generations of Americans?

The transcripts were revealed in a letter sent to current FBI Director Christopher Wray, in which lawmakers are demanding an explanation and more documents surrounding the case.

As soon as Donald Trump announced Phares as one of his foreign policy advisors in March 2016, he was attacked again by an even wider network of militant media across the web using the same recycled and repeatedly discredited material.

It is not coincidental that most terrorist attacks worldwide have been committed by Muslims, notwithstanding the obvious fact that most Muslims are not terrorists.

Left-wing nonprofit pays lucrative six-figure salaries to top management

In my estimation, the roots of this movement grow far deeper than historical reminders of the Civil War and the ghosts and shadows of America's shameful period of slavery.

Actions speak louder than words. Talk is cheap. Put up or shut up. Prove it.

Through the Mom's March, she asserts women will "stand together for truth, family, freedom, and the Constitution that protects our divine rights as mothers."

MGM Resorts International, said that it would match employee donations made to the Southern Poverty Law Center, NAACP, Anti-Defamation League, Human Rights Campaign, CAIR, OCA National-Asian Pacific American Advocates and League of United Latin American Citizens

FSM video  picks + 2012 site
·  Secretary of Defense Mattis: A North Korean Attack "Will Be Met With a Massive Military Response"
·  Southern Poverty Law Center's Swing to the Left "Turned Into a Windfall"
·  TUCKER: Spars with BLM Supporter: "I'm Trying to Take You Seriously, But I Can't"
·  White House Daily Briefing: Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders (08-31-2017)
·  Senator Ted Cruz Hits Gov. Chris Christie: I'm Sorry That There Are Politicians Desperate To Get In The News
·  Kellyanne Conway: Trump doesn't let critics stop his agenda

·  TUCKER: Trump supporter recounts beating by Antifa group

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