Thursday, September 7, 2017

Turkey, Iran and Islamists Worldwide Flex their Influence While the West Watches, Sometimes Reacts

September 7, 2017

Featured Stories

A Lesson in Democracy for Turkey's Islamist President

September 5, 2017  •  IPT News FacebookTwitter
When Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Washington, D.C. this past May, he was greeted outside the home of the Turkish ambassador by a small group of protesters concerned about his crackdowns on civil rights and antagonism towards Turkey's Kurdish population. Within
minutes, his bodyguards sprang into action, accompanied by
others in the Turkish posse, beating and kicking the
protesters – who included women and senior citizens. 

Belgium: 119 Islamic Institutions Investigated for Extremism in 2016

by IPT News  •  August 28, 2017 FacebookTwitter
Data suggests that one in five mosques in Belgium are a cause for concern among domestic intelligence services.

Featured Videos

Somali Official Warns About Al-Shabaab's Seizure of Uranium

Song Celebrating Murder of 3 Israelis Performed at Palestinian Wedding

Also in the News

Suspects in France's Explosives Lab Probe Linked to Syria

September 7, 2017  •  ABC News FacebookTwitter
French investigators believe that three suspects linked to an explosives lab found in an apartment in a Paris suburb had talked about wanting to target a bank and had made
phone calls to unidentified contacts in Syria,
authorities said Thursday.

'Israeli Jets Hit Syria's Masyaf Chemical Site' - Reports

September 7, 2017  •  BBC News FacebookTwitter
The Syrian army says Israeli jets have attacked a site in the west of the country where Western powers suspect chemical weapons are being produced. An army statement says rockets fired from Lebanese airspace hit a military post near Masyaf, killing two soldiers.

'Segregated Communities' Fueling Rise in Terror Threat, Warns Counter-Terror Chief

September 7, 2017  •  The Telegraph FacebookTwitter
Isolated communities and illegal Islamic schools are a "breeding ground" for terrorism, a senior police chief has said, as he warned the security services are investigating 600 extremist plots. Neil Basu, the Metropolitan Police's counter-terror chief, said that the nature of the threat the UK
faced has shifted, warning that the main danger came
from extremists "in our midst".

Canadian Jihadi Farah Mohamed Shirdon Killed in Iraq Airstrike in 2015: U.S. Military

September 7, 2017  •  Global News Canada FacebookTwitter
The U.S. military says a high-profile Canadian in the so-called Islamic State was killed in a coalition airstrike in Iraq more than two years ago, marking the first official report of his death.

Iranian Spy Service Threatening, Blackmailing Global Media Outlets

September 6, 2017  •  The Washington Free Beacon FacebookTwitter
Iran's clandestine spy network has been threatening and blackmailing scores of journalists, even going so far as to detain and threaten the family members of these reporters, in order to ensure positive coverage in global media outlets,
according to a new report that estimates at least 50
international journalists have been threatened in
just the past year.

Energy Sectors of Europe and North America Being Targeted by New Wave of Cyber Attacks

September 6, 2017  •  Cybersecurity Insiders FacebookTwitter
A hackers group known as Dragonfly is said to be targeting energy sectors across Europe and North America with a new wave of cyber attacks. And this startling revelation was given by Symantec Security Response team.

Toronto Woman Accused of Terror-Related Assault Deemed Mentally Fit to Stand Trial

September 6, 2017  •  The Toronto Star FacebookTwitter
A Toronto woman who has pledged allegiance to Daesh and is facing several terror-related charges has been deemed mentally fit to stand trial. Rehab Dughmosh, arrested in June after allegedly brandishing a golf club and knife at a Canadian Tire, was ordered to undergo a mental fitness assessment last week by Judge Kimberley Crosbie.

U.S. Military Base Attacked by Suicide Bombing in Afghanistan After Soldiers Insult Muslims with Leaflets

September 6, 2017  •  Newsweek FacebookTwitter
A suicide bombing struck the U.S.'s largest military base in Afghanistan Wednesday, hours after an Army general apologized for dropping leaflets found offensive by many
in the Muslim country.

Pakistan Suffers Diplomatic Defeat as BRICS Names Regional Terrorist Groups

September 6, 2017  •  Long War Journal - Foundation for Defense of Democracies FacebookTwitter
Pakistan suffered a major diplomatic defeat as its erstwhile ally China signed off on a statement that denounced several terrorist groups that are both openly and covertly supported by the Pakistani state.

U.S. Envoy Suggests Iran May Be Cheating on Nuclear Deal

September 6, 2017  •  Israel Hayom FacebookTwitter
U.S. President Donald Trump's envoy to the United Nations laid out an argument Tuesday for the U.S. to declare Iran in violation of the 2015 nuclear deal, but suggested the Trump administration might then leave it to Congress to decide whether to withdraw from it.

Under Fire Berlin Mayor Equates BDS with Nazis, Rejects Israel Boycott

September 6, 2017  •  The Jerusalem Post FacebookTwitter
The mayor of Germany's capital, Michael Müller, will personally stop all city support and space for groups that advocate the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign targeting the Jewish state, according to a Wednesday statement from the Central Council of Jews in Germany.

Turkey Offers Financial Support for Bangladesh for Opening its Doors to Rohingya Muslims

September 5, 2017  •  Daily Pakistan Global FacebookTwitter
Turkey's foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has offered to lend financial support for Bangladesh provided it opens its doors for violence-suffering Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar's
western Rakhine state.

Turkey Nudges Closer to Russia Arms Deal, Alarming West

September 5, 2017  •  The Daily Star - Lebanon FacebookTwitter
Turkey and Russia are inching toward an accord for the first major Turkish weapons purchase from Moscow, troubling Ankara's allies in NATO even though the deal may not ultimately materialize.

Nikki Haley: Confronting Hezbollah in Lebanon

September 5, 2017  •  The Jerusalem Post FacebookTwitter
At the direction of its Iranian patron, Hezbollah has amassed an arsenal of weapons and battle hardened fighters in southern Lebanon. The situation is dangerous, but an agreement reached in the Security Council last week might prove to be a turning point.

London Orthodox Synagogue Hosts Jihadist Muslim Cleric

September 5, 2017  •  Arutz Sheva - Israel National News FacebookTwitter
Catford and Bromley United Synagogue, a London Orthodox synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue movement, hosted a Muslim cleric who has called for a jihad against Jews in the Land of Israel.

U.S. Peace Corps Evacuated as Al Qaeda, ISIS Threat Grows in Burkina Faso

September 5, 2017  •  Newsweek FacebookTwitter
More than 100 U.S. Peace Corps volunteers have been evacuated from the West African country of Burkina Faso, which has witnessed an uptick in activity by Al-Qaeda affiliates and the establishment of a small faction affiliated to the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) in recent months.

19 Arrested in Anti-Terror Swoop in Malaysia

September 5, 2017  •  The Star Online FacebookTwitter
Police have detained 19 suspected terrorists, including eight Abu Sayyaf militants, in major raids across four states.The suspects – 11 foreigners and eight Malaysians – were arrested by the Bukit Aman Special Branch Counter Terrorism Division following raids in Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Johor between July 4 and Aug 30.

The Southern Poverty Law Center Almost Got Me Killed. Why Does the Media Still Propagate Its 'Hate Map'?

September 5, 2017  •  The Daily Signal FacebookTwitter
Under the guise of fighting "hate," the Southern Poverty Law Center lumps together with Nazis and the KKK veterans,
Catholics, Muslims who oppose terrorism, nuns, and now my
own Alliance Defending Freedom.

Russia Threatened to Veto UNIFIL Mandate if Hezbollah Mentioned — Report

September 5, 2017  •  Times of Israel FacebookTwitter
Russia reportedly threatened to use its veto at the United Nations last week if the Lebanon-based terror organization Hezbollah, its ally in the Syrian civil war, was named in a Security Council resolution to renew the mandate of peacekeeping forces in southern Lebanon.

Facing Sentencing, N. Philly Mom Married to Islamic State Soldier is No Aberration

September 4, 2017  •  The Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News FacebookTwitter
A North Philadelphia mother who planned to abandon her children and travel to Syria for an Islamic State fighter she married over Skype was driven by loneliness and a desperate search for religious structure, her lawyers wrote
in court filings last week.

How Islamic State is Undermining Peace Prospects in Libya

September 4, 2017  •  Al-Monitor FacebookTwitter
As Libya's rival parties are moving forward toward a political solution, it seems that the Islamic State and other extremist organizations are re-emerging on the internal scene in a bid to torpedo any such efforts for peace.

California University Puts Students for Justice in Palestine on Probation

September 3, 2017  •  The Jerusalem Post FacebookTwitter
The University of California, Irvine, has sanctioned its local chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine with disciplinary probation for two academic years for disrupting an event held by a pro-Israel student group on campus the evening of May 10, 2017.

What We Can Learn from France's Failed Deradicalization Center

September 2, 2017  •  La Stampa - English FacebookTwitter
It was a national première, the first of its kind, and probably the last. France's unique deradicalization center, or Center for Prevention, Integration and Citizenship closed a few weeks ago, and here's what we can learn from it.

Lebanon's PM Says Israel Lying about Iranian Weapons Factories There

September 2, 2017  •  Times of Israel FacebookTwitter
Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri denied Israeli assertions that Iran has established weapons factories in Lebanon for the Hezbollah terror group, saying the allegations were part of a "disinformation campaign" by Israel.

Unravelling the Omar Khadr Payoff

October 31-November 1 2017  •  Frontline Safety & Security FacebookTwitter
It's been just over a month since Canadians learned that their federal government had decided to issue an apology to
Omar Khadr and to provide him with $10.5M
in 'compensation'. Let's review the facts.
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