Friday, October 2, 2009

Bulletin of Jew Hatred October 2, 2009

Bulletin of Jew Hatred

October 2, 2009

We do not usually include comments in our Bulletins but the myth touted
by the media and academics that Sharia law is the same as Jewish law is prevelant
and gaining ground.
This myth is debunked in an important talk given
at the SIOA launch in Washington, D.C. by Rabbi Jon Hausman titled Halacha,
Sharia and the Religious Acceptance of
Constitutional Governance.
encourage you to read it all at New English Review.


September 9, 2009


A Syrian newspaper published an article claiming that the German Holocast was
invented by Israel and the Nazis never singled out the Jews as a target for

September 18, 2009

Tehran, Iran

Ahmadinejad and Aytollah Khatami in Qods (Jerusalem) Day Address say Zionists
are the cause of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and suppression in Sudan. Zionists
also slaughter innocent women and children and harvest their organs.

Sept 21, 2009


While Jewish residents of Havat Gilad were at the synagogue praying, Arabs from
a nearby village tried to burn the town down, destroying two homes and the town's

Sep 27, 2009

Jerusalem, Israel

Twelve policemen and 15 rioters were wounded Sunday in riots by Muslims on the
Temple Mount in Jerusalem and later in the Old City.

North and South America

September 18, 2009

Washington D.C.

At an Al-Quds Day rally in Washington D.C. Muslims celebrate with hate speeches
about the destruction of Israel and wave Hizballah flags. The event was organized
by an employee of the Fairfax County Dept. of Planning and Zoning.

Sept 19, 2009


David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes and Cliff May discuss the fight against radical
Islam and the new anti-semitism on campuses. (video recording from Jewish Policy

Sept 19, 2009

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Anti-Semitism exists globally and at a level prevalent enough to lead to a potential
Jewish genocide, according to a leading Jewish scholar and anti-Semitism expert.
Charles Asher Small of Yale said that help is needed given the threats to Israel
and Jews throughout the world from both Iran and radical Islam.

October 1, 2009


Former President of Argentina Carlos Menem has been charged with obstructing
justice in the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association in Buenos
Aires where 85 people died and hundreds were wounded. He's accused of covering
up the involvement of another man, also of Syrian origin.


September 21, 2009


Russian neo-Nazis attacked a Russian synagogue and the home of a police official
who has been investigating terrorism.

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Publisher: Bill Warner; Editor: Asma Marwan


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