Thursday, October 1, 2009

FSM Security Update: 10-01-09 *Exclusive: Jihadist War May be Ramping-Up Against America’s Homeland*

October 1st

Nightmare presidency - Obama is ruining India's security climate. ACORN, Kanye West and the Hierarchy of Multiculturalism. ACORN: Obama's Monica Lewinsky? Pinstripe Suits and Purple Pimp Hats! (WOW!)' Cap and Trade' Your Freedom.



Exclusive: Jihadist War May be Ramping-Up Against America's Homeland

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

U.S. Rep. Myrick connects the dots in a disturbing terrorist trend toward reopening the North American front.

Exclusive: Nuclear Weapons - More At Stake than Just ‘Reduction' (Part Two of Two)

Peter Huessy

If we go down somewhere near 750-1,000 warheads, we would be forcing ourselves to put far too many of our eggs in a very few baskets.

Exclusive: A Gutless Disgrace

Tom McLaughlin

You know it's bad when the President of the United States has to be lectured by the president of France about courage.

Video: Rush Gives Platform to ‘Susan from Glendale' in Epic 21-Minute Call - Her Passion Speaks for Millions
George Bush succeeded in Iraq by talking to his generals regularly. By Karl Rove
***ACT NOW***Congress about to give itself a big budget hike
Video: Beck discusses Valerie Jarret and the Chicago Olympics - "Should this woman be anywhere near the President?"
***ACT NOW*** Senate panel blocks GOP's abortion, illegals measures in healthcare bill
A Longer, Costlier School Year?
Video: Hannity and Malkin on Obama's Chicago Olympics cronyism
Video: Behar vs. Coulter on Sarah Palin
Obama at the UN: Take Israel, Please
Audio: ‘What About the War?' Mark Levin Mocks Obama's Olympic Crusade
Video: ‘PSA' Parodies Political Messages From ‘Overpaid Celebrities'
"Nanny" State to mom: Stop baby-sitting neighbors' kids
New FCC Chairman Targets Internet.
Elected & Appointed Officials Who Violate Their Oath & The Constitution Must Resign
"Bitter Clingers!" - Listen up!
How to Bury ACORN
Video: American gulags? - Pay Attention!
"The Jihadists inside America are practicing Taqiya 'camouflage" techniques"

The New and Old Socialism

Herbert London

Socialism everywhere expresses envy of excellence by treating the contributions and wealth of the successful as the wages of sin. Is this what we want in America?

Exclusive: Decoding China's Hu Jintao's UN Speech

William R. Hawkins

Chinese policy is at odds with American security interests in every part of the world, and will pose the greatest threat to the United States as a peer competitor for decades to come.

Fox News Has a Van Jones Problem

Cliff Kincaid

Why has the popular "fair and balanced" cable news channel given a Black Liberation Army fugitive supporter the special status of "Fox News contributor?"

Mr. Television

Steve Bowers, Esq.

Netanyahu's Quiet Success

Daniel Pipes

History may show that Benjamin Netanyahu was the unmentioned hero of the 2009 UN summit, because he achieved a significant acknowledgment from the Obama-Clinton camp.

Guinea: At the Edge of the Precipice

J.Peter Pham, PhD

Violence in any one country can quickly spark a regional conflagration destroys the considerable progress made in all the others.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. NY men under surveillance in terrorism investigation; more arrests expected
  2. Obama, Dictators and democrats: How many rogue nations can President Obama hold in one hand?
  3. Gibbs blasts lawmakers for accusing Obama of jeopardizing mission in Afghanistan
  4. Are US taxpayers funding the Taliban?
  5. Stimulus Spending Doesn't Work
  6. Democratic Lawmaker Likens Health Care Crisis to a 'Holocaust'
  7. McCain to Introduce Amendment Calling for McChrystal Testimony
  8. John Boehner blasts Barack Obama's Olympic move
  9. 43 U.S. Troops Have Died in Afghanistan Since Gen. McChrystal Called for Reinforcements
  10. Chinese oil demand fueling Iranian defiance
  11. ‘We'll have a dictatorship soon in the US'
  12. Candidate Obama Repeatedly Said He Would Reinforce U.S. Troops in Afghanistan
  13. U.S. Credibility and Pakistan
  14. Washington doesn't get it: Iran just wants the bomb
  15. Has the liberal moment come and gone? By: Byron York
  16. Cap-And-Fade
  17. Militant Group Is Intact After Mumbai Siege
  18. Canada's Health Care 'Refugees'
  19. Don't Be Fooled: Obama Isn't Naive
  20. What is really needed in Iran: regime change By: Michael Barone
  21. The Islamic republic of Gaza
  22. Success Against al-Qaeda Cited
  23. Unmasking Obama By Thomas Lifson
  24. Over the River and Through the Woods to...the Iranian Bomb
  25. Elected and Appointed U.S. Government Officials Who Violate Their Oath of Office and The Constitution Must Resign

    ***NEW*** Caption Contest October 1 - 6

    Will your caption come in at number one?

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