Friday, October 2, 2009

FSM Security Update: 10-02-09 *Illegal Alien Eligibility for Gov’t-Run Health Care Violates our Sovereignty AND Our Wallets*

October 2nd

Time to act like a POTUS! The Limits of Charisma - Mr. President, please stay off TV! The Soros-Axelrod Axis? Obama's "competing Waterloos." ACORN-OBAMA: what's the connection? ‘Gitmo guru' back peddling on closing detention center



Exclusive: The Feminization of American Education - Destroying Western Civilization?

Robert Weissberg

By shielding egos and sustaining self-esteem, the American educational system is destroying western civilization on the installment plan.

Exclusive: Illegal Alien Eligibility for Government-Run Health Care Violates our Sovereignty AND Our Wallets

Michael Cutler

Making illegal aliens eligible to join a federally managed health care system gives them the incentive to remain in the U.S. before Comprehensive Immigration Reform is debated, let alone enacted.

Cap-and-Switch: Hello Sucker!

Alan Caruba

Let's look at the objectives of the Senate version of a huge tax on all energy use by every American. As I will note later, the bulk of the cost will fall on low-and-middle income households.

The Only Real Strategy for Afghanistan

Frank Salvato

Obama's expressed disinterest in victory in Afghanistan will culminate in an eventual triumph for radical Islamists and almost certain acts of violent Jihad on American soil.

The Noble 'Sacrifice' of Michelle Obama

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Obama has a gift for selling special-interest business-as-usual as public-interest charity. Just look at how she's "sacrificing" for Chicago this week!

Video: Bill O'Reilly: Sen. Al Franken Won By 'Acorn' Voter Fraud?

Video: Bill Bennett on Obama Trip: For Once He'll have to Praise America
Video: Helen Thomas Presses WH on Public Option: ‘Want Your Conscience to Bother You'
Three Dangerous Stooges by Victor Davis Hanson
Did you hear about THIS? Senators Have Wires Crossed on Nation's Security
More Details on the Democrats' Secret Scheme to Pass Obamacare
‘Legitimate Concern': Rep Says Generals May Resign Over Obama Afghanistan Strategy

The Rookie Gets Surprised...Again

Steve Bowers, Esq.

Clear and Present Danger

Riki Ellison

President Obama needs to accelerate with urgency its development of new missile defense architecture to meet the threat, or face the grave consequences.

American Police Farce

Chris Carter

The American Police Force (APF) is a mysterious group that is attempting to lease a jail in Hardin, Montana. Who funds them? Who is their parent company? Where will they get their prisoners? Unfortunately, no one's talking.

IPT Exposé Shows Georgetown Prof John Esposito Shilling for Radical Islam

Steve Emerson

"Esposito's coziness with terrorist supporters, and his frequent criticism of U.S. policy as a cause of terrorism has not hurt his standing with government officials." Why ever not?

Iran and its Latin American Ambitions Move to the Forefront

Douglas Farah

Given the recent actions of their leaders, one cannot assume that the alliance between Iran and Venezuela is simply an alliance for the good of humanity, or for the peoples of either nation.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. President Gets French Lesson to Remember By Charles Krauthammer
  2. National alert system 'unreliable'
  3. Iran budges on nuclear fuel in U.S. talks
  4. Poll: 61% Say Use Force to Stop Iran
  5. U.S. panel chides Holder in Panther probe
  6. U.S. commander: Don't scale back Afghanistan mission
  7. ACORN Legal Memo Confirms Depths of
  8. Russia is feeding a dangerous arms buildup in Venezuela.
  9. Muslims Not 'Free of Being Mocked,' Danish Cartoonist Says
  10. Big 'D' Democrats thwart small 'd' democracy
  11. Will Israel Attack Iran's Nukes?
  12. Obama's Dangerously Deluded Foreign Policy
  13. 43% View Obama's Olympic Trip as Bad Idea
  14. Another Scandal-Scarred Czar Is Born
  15. Wimpy foreign policy never saved anyone's day
  16. Fitzgerald: Fayad the Front Man, Or, Nobody Here but Us Accountants
  17. Alaska Can Meet U.S. Energy Needs: Obama's Interior Department faces a big decision on offshore oil.
  18. 10 Reasons Why Sanctions on Iran Won't Work
  19. TONY Blair is set to be made the first President of Europe
  20. Obama Puts Afghanistan on Back Burner Until Obamacare Passes
  21. Obama's not-so-secret plan to raise taxes
  22. Aid trickles in as Indonesia quake toll tops 1,000
  23. Can Sanctions Cripple Iran?
  24. Obama enabling a nuclear Iran
  25. 83% Say Congress Should Post Bills Online For All To Read Before Voting On Them

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