Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Gathering Storm Report

Gathering Storm Weekly Storm Report

The Gathering Storm Newsletter
October 3, 2009

Here's a synopsis of the most important weekly news revealing the intimidation, infiltration and disinformationtactics used to soften-up the non-Muslim world for domination and the appeasers and apologists that support them because the Islamists are correct in believing the following:


occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their
so-called 'religious rights.'

As long as
the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be
regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone.

At 2% and
3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected
groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

From 5% on
they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the
population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal and work
to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the
Islamic Law.

Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means
of complaint about their conditions. Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam
will result in uprisings and threats.

reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic
killings and church and synagogue burning.

At 40% you
will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia

From 60%
you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions,
sporadic ethnic cleansing, use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax
placed on infidels.

After 80%
expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide.

100% will
usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam'
- the Islamic House of Peace - there's
supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim.

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October 9: IQ al Rassooli and Ilana Freedman

October 16: Ask the Imam and Fausta

October 23: IQ al Rassooli and
Elisabeth of Austria

October 30: Ask the Imam

As that great leader and Statesman Winston Churchill said,
"It's not the government that makes war in a democracy, but the people - and
the people are asleep in the free democracies today, lulled into inaction by a
'softening up' process of our enemy."

In This Issue
This Week's Political Cartoon
Weekly Think Piece
Intimidation Tactics
Infiltration Tactics
Disinformation Tactics
Appeasement & Apologists
The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award

This Week's Political Cartoon

Weekly Think Piece


What is a Moderate Muslim?

The other night I watched the movie Exodus on TV and there was one scene in
it that brought home the problem with moderate Muslims. Ari Ben Canaan, a Jew
played by Paul Newman, was speaking to Taha, the mukhtar or his
Arab village. Taha and Ari, who lived next store in the Jewish village, grew up
together and were fast friends. In fact, Ari saved the life of Taha when a
radical Muslim faction killed Taha's mother and father.

When the partition of Palestine
was announced on the radio and the British mandate was divided into Arab and
Jewish states, Taha was distressed. His village was now in the state of Israel
and said he felt like he lost his freedom. Ari said that was absurd. The Jews
and Arabs just gained their freedom from the British. To Ari, nothing had
changed. Both Arabs and Jews in Jewish Palestine were now citizens of Israel.

Taha thought about this but was called away to the next room where Arab radicals
told him to prepare to attack Ari's village. When Taha returned he said he must
side with his Arab ethnic group. Ari asked why? "We fought side-by-side against
people like those in the past. Why not fight together to stop their radical
agenda now."

And here was the telling of the tale. Taha said "You ask me to choose between my
people and my religion." He could not do it. At that point when Taha did not
see himself as a citizen of moderation and choose to fight against the radical
elements in his midst - that was the moderate Muslim's mistake. In the end, the
radical elements he felt so obliged to support, hung him with the Star of David
cut into his chest. The rest, of course is history.

Now fast forward 50 years or so.

The choice is still there and moderate Muslims will need to make that choice or be
grouped with those who are hated for their murderous acts in the name of their
religion. As this struggle between Islamism and the free democracies
progresses, there will be no room for dual loyalties. They will have to actively
choose to be citizens of their country and not members of the Umma, i.e., the
nation of Islam.

Thus, moderate Muslims are on the horns of a dilemma. From Jihadi Du Jour.

The Qur'an and many commentators are explicit to point out that for a Muslim to
pledge allegiance to a non-Muslim government is illicit and places that Muslim
outside the protection of the Islamic Umma.

S.5:51 "O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and
protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst
you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a
people unjust."

The classical commentator Ibn Kathir says of this verse "The Blessed and Exalted
One forbids to his servants the making of allegiances with the Jews and
Christians, who are the enemies of Islam and His people, - fight them of Allah!
- then he informs that they are only allies of one another. He then threatens
those who practice this (i.e. such forbidden allegiances) saying 'he amongst
you that turns to them for friendship is of them'. He then states directly "That
means that those who make allegiances with Jews and Christians are among the

If a Muslim lives at peace in, or worse still as a citizen of, an avowedly
non-Muslim society s/he is subject to the charge of being a hypocrite.

Remember that in Qur'anic usage "hypocrite" does not mean merely that one is
failing to observe faithfully the dictates of one's religious faith; it
designates those Muslims upon whom the Muslim community cannot rely in times of
conflict and war.

The Qur'an directly equates such hypocrites with Jews and Christians:

S.59:11 "Have you not seen those who have become hypocrites? They say to those of their
brethren who disbelieve from among the followers of the Book: If you are driven
forth, we shall certainly go forth with you, and we will never obey any one
concerning you, and if you are fought against, we will certainly help you, and
Allah bears witness that they are most surely liars."

Allah's command regarding these persons is unequivocal: S.9:73 "O Prophet! strive
hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and
their abode is hell, and evil is the destination."

Now how do Muslims square these passages with living within Western societies?
Simply by considering their lives in Western lands as missionary (dawa') in
nature, supportive of, and ostensibly, preparatory for jihad.

So what does this mean in practice in our era? Is there a hidden danger here?
Should we get paranoid concerning Muslims like our society once was in
suspecting the loyalties of Roman Catholics? (Just go back to J.F.K.'s election
to see what I mean) While I do believe that there is a certain degree of danger
that there could be a kind of jihadist fifth column in a Western society, that
does not seem to me to be our biggest worry. History shows us times when loyal
Muslim citizens of Western non-Muslim nations existed.

Yet, I think that we would do well at least to be asking ourselves how we could
defend against one particular dangerous scenario. Every Muslim, regardless
of how moderate his personal views, could well be approached by more
jihadist-inclined Muslims and have demands placed upon him. He will be
susceptible to these demands because of two powerful influences.

One, he does not wish to be identified with the hypocrites who oppose Allah and his
army. He wishes to be a true believer
. This moderate Muslim would
not easily do a major act of betrayal to his host Western nation, but he is
susceptible to emotional manipulation, therefore, in a desire to prove his
Islamic bona fides he may well be willing to do things that support the
jihadist cause. Would they be overt acts? Probably not, but they may be acts of
support that would make an overt attack possible. Therefore, the
emotionally/religiously manipulated Muslim represents a potential danger, as he
becomes a controllable instrument for jihadi agendas.

Two, jihadists have a long track record of attacking fellow Muslims mercilessly.
Algeria's FIS is a good example of such brutality.

This makes even the most moderate Muslim extremely susceptible to coercion.

With this ever present danger in mind, moderate Muslims have a Hobson's choice to
make. Do they embrace the nation they live in and its laws and renounce the
Umma, or at least reduce it to a secondary loyalty like every other religion
has? Or do they see their loyalty as a Muslim first and a citizen of a country

If moderate Muslims want to really disassociate themselves from the ideology that
seeks to have Islam dominate the world through violent and political means,
then they must renounce all attempts at establishing and imposing Sharia law in their communities and fight against it in their countries - both Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

If not, they may find themselves forced violently off the fence like Taha and
either suffer the irrational response of non-Muslims after a horrendous attack
on our cities or schools, or wake up like Taha did with an anti-Semitic sign on
their chests.

Intimidation Tactics


Some Books More Equal Than Others_ Bible Defaced At Cost To Tax

By centurean2

And without freedom to scrutinize the book that jihadists themselves cite as
inspiration, the West has little chance of understanding, let alone combating,
radical Islam. APPEASEMENT!!!! Categories: Uncategorized ...
toddler_ Free Country? 9.27; Federal judges terrified of Muslim terrorism case...9.27; UK: Muslim
Immigration Official Allows in 44 Potential Terrorists_ Muslim OFFICIAL?9.27; Islamic Jihad in Russia: "It's not separatism anymore, it's a jihadist insurgency"9.27 ...

Comments: Mob-pressured church permit revocation sets bad

Jakarta Post

Probably no place of worship would exist in any area where believers of a
religion, be they Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist, belong to the minority ...

Jihad around the clock... - Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami

By sheikyermami

Jihadist propaganda blitz ahead of German elections says only a matter of time
"before jihad destroys German walls". Intimidation
efforts kick into high gear. "Taliban threatens Germany ahead of vote: official,"
from Agence France-Presse, September 25: ... (Right Side News). An ex-Muslim writes, "Muslims and their frequently well-paid apologists
use the multiculturalism umbrella only in non-Islamic lands to shield
themselves from the torrent of legitimate criticisms." ...

Infiltration Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gates of Vienna: Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Islam

By Baron Bodissey

This immigration invasion is supported with a lot of money, with logistical and
material support, through infiltration
of our political and social structures, but mainly with the unshakable belief
that Islam will triumph and its flag ...

An essay: The next terrorist attack in the USA « seeker401

By seeker401

Bin Laden will be eager to demonstrate that the election of an appeasement-minded US President
will make no difference to the global jihad's goal of establishing a worldwide
caliphate, with all people brought into the Dar al-Islam under Shari'a Law.
Everyone must become a Muslim, a Dhimmi paying ... An American
security agent intercepts the e-mail due to the foreign destination, but 1453,
the year Constantinople fell to an earlier Muslim aggression means nothing to
him. ...

Schoolhouse Shariah

Investor's Business Daily - USA

The consultancy changed its name after former IBD Washington bureau chief Paul
Sperry, author of "Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have ...

Disinformation Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Israel's War Crimes?

Washington Post

Obviously, the Palestinians want all or nothing as this appeasement has not worked. If the Palestinians want land, tell them to wage a legitimate, open war, ...

Obama Appeasing Israel and Losing Credibility with the Muslim ...

By Rafik

Obama Appeasing Israel and Losing Credibility with the Muslim
World. Jump to Comments. By: Jeff Gates. Barack Hussein Obama's June 4th speech
in Cairo was awaited with keen anticipation by a global population of 1.3 billion Muslims ...

Art, Freedom & Happiness: What's next... Muslims teachers ...


Disinformation czar, Linda Douglass [This is a new media buzz since our earlier list, a response ·by
pundits to the White House request for informants: see Glenn Beck and Lew Rockwell] .... Now, the flip
side is I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam.
And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the ...

Appeasement & Apologist Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Appeasement The Daily Jabber

By Kirkd

Eleven Reasons to Reject Shari'a in Any Form These eleven reasons are extremely
good reasons to reject the muslim ideals. I was raised on the precept that when you came to America you came to be an American not to change America into ...

Muslims Against Sharia Blog

By Persia

The annual Muslim holiday of Eid has come and gone, and once more the community has been showered with messages from politicians tripping over one other to prove their credentials as lovers
of Islam and all things Muslim. ...

Al-Qaeda second banana: Muslims will defeat Obama - Jihad Watch

By robert

I picture Obama receiving the daily briefing, furrowing his brow, and actually
feeling a little miffed that this idiot Zawahiri doesn't see what a friend he
is to the Muslim people. ... Bush sure did a hell of a lot of
sandal-licking for the Saudis, but Barack Arafat Saddam Hussein Osama has taken
that sandal-licking to a whole new level of appeasement and surrender, and the zebibah-displaying inbred bedouin savage has the nerve to say that it (not he) and his fellow ...

The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Golden Balls Award goes each week to the most flagrant Appeaser or Apologist or those that outright lie that has done most to undermine our defense against Islamists. This weeks Golden Balls Award goes to:

Spanish Government

Moors Want Spain to Apologize after 400 Years

Socialist Spain plans no celebrations for throwing out the Moors
400 years ago? 400 years of Mohammedan
expulsion no reason to celebrate?

As Spain marks the 400th anniversary
of the launch of the massexpulsion on Tuesday, it is widely regarded as an early example of ethnic cleansing and as a major loss that delayed the country's development.

The government, however, is
not commemorating the event that official Spain feels "uncomfortable" about,
as novelist Juan Goytisolo put it.

Got that. Retrieving one's
freedom is "uncomfortable" as the elitist novelist puts it. Let's hope the Spanish people are more comfortable with their freedom then their leftist artists.

Congratulations to the Spanish Government! You can check in and claim your award at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay.

Contact Information


The Gathering Storm 1234 Main Street Anytown, USA NY 10012

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