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Michigan state representative: Opposing sharia law is “racism at its core”
Become a $19 per month Patriot Partner contributor and we’ll mail you “Information Warfare and the Muslim Brotherhood”
They’re desperate and running scared.
How else to explain the dishonest, irrational and illogical rants coming from those opposed to our efforts to stop sharia law? A recent example of this came in a news conference in Detroit two weeks ago. According to a Detroit News story, State Representative Rashida Tlaib (pictured at right), who is a Muslim, declared that legislation which prohibits courts from using foreign laws is…
“…racism at its core.” | |  | - That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. According to Rep. Tlaib, legislation known as “American Laws for American Courts” is “racism at its core.”
- According to Tlaib, this legislation, which we have succeeded in passing, with strong bi-partisan support, in Tennessee and Arizona, is “racism at its core.”
- According to Tlaib, the legislation, which prevents state courts from countenancing foreign laws in areas such as family law, which would protect Muslim women from the discriminatory nature of sharia law, is “racism at its core.”
| Americans are waking up to the threat of sharia—and that’s why we’re seeing a desperate push-back by people like Rep. Tlaib. A push-back that is disingenuous and thoroughly devoid of fact and logic.
For instance, how can opposition to a theo-political law system such as sharia be “racist”? Sharia isn’t a “race.” Islam isn’t a “race.”
This graphically illustrates the “information warfare” our opposition is engaged in—and why we must expose it. This is why we have produced an invaluable new resource entitled: “Unmasking the Enemy Among Us:
Information Warfare and the Muslim Brotherhood.”
We have never made such a resource on the Muslim Brotherhood available before. Today, we are offering it to those who choose to become a Patriot Partner to ACT! for America, making a monthly gift of only $19. Simply log on here, choose the Patriot Partner option, and select the $19 gift level. | The first 400 people who respond to this offer will not only receive the invaluable resources described below, they’ll also receive a bonus—an autographed copy of Brigitte Gabriel’s best-selling book They Must Be Stopped—as an extra “thank you” for your support. |
In this one-of-a-kind resource you will find: | • | A DVD containing two powerful and informative presentations. The first, “Connect the Dots: Information Warfare 101,” is a Power Point presentation featuring ACT! for America Executive Director Guy Rodgers. As those who have attended our conferences or other public events know, Guy is a very engaging speaker who is well-versed in the connections between the ideology of radical Islam, information warfare, and terrorism. Here’s a two minute clip from Guy’s presentation.
The second is entitled “The Outlawed Brief.” This Power Point presentation is conducted by former FBI counter-terrorism expert John Guandolo. John was a featured speaker at our 2011 National Conference and Legislative Briefing. He is one of America’s leading experts on the Muslim Brotherhood, and even if you are already knowledgeable in this area, we guarantee there will be new information for you in this presentation. Here’s a two minute clip from John’s presentation.
Never before have these two presentations been made available together on a DVD. I can assure you, what you will learn from these two presentations, and what you can share with others, will be invaluable. | | • | We also include in this kit the English translation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Explanatory Memorandum,” the document that calls for “civilization Jihad” against America which was entered into evidence at the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial. | | • | But that’s not all. The kit also includes “Sharia Law for Non-Muslims,” an invaluable booklet that breaks down sharia law by topic areas for easy use. |  | These three resources will educate and empower you and awaken and enlighten your friends and family. But there’s more. You’ll also receive two of our brand-new bumper stickers—and for the first four hundred people who respond to this offer, we’ll throw in an autographed copy of my bestselling book They Must Be Stopped.
All we ask is that you become a Patriot Partner and make an online, monthly commitment of $19. Simply log on, select the Patriot Partner option, and select the $19 monthly gift level.
This is only 63 cents a day—less than a cup of coffee at a convenience store like 7-11. | If you’re already a Patriot Partner, simply increase your monthly commitment by $15 or more. Log on here; select the Patriot Partner option; click on the “I would like to update an existing recurring gift” option; at the lower right of the page enter the new amount you will give each month, which will equal your current monthly gift plus an additional $15 or more, and put “Muslim Brotherhood resource” in the “Memo” box. |
Patriot Partners are the financial backbone of ACT! for America. They are making our increasing number of successes—including legislative victories—possible. The fact is, we wouldn’t be where we are without our Patriot Partners. They are that important.
Our opponents are desperate and running scared. Please help us keep the momentum going by joining us as a Patriot Partner today. As our thank you, we will ship you our new, never-before-released resource, “Unmasking the Enemy Among Us: Information Warfare and The Muslim Brotherhood.”
Please take advantage of this offer and become one of our valued Patriot Partners today!
ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591
ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.
The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.
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