Swedish Citizens Take to Streets to Defend Property From Rioting Immigrants
Posted by Jim Hoft
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, May 25, 2013, 1:10 PM

Group of Swedish vigilantes on night patrol May 24. (FriaTider)
http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/05/swedish-citizens-take-to-streets-to-defend-property-from-rioting-immigrants/ Immigrant rioting continued for the sixth night on Friday.
FriaTider reported:
Faced by another night of terror at the hands of predominantly immigrant rioters, Swedes grown tired of the police’s inability to put an end to the unrest took to the streets Friday night to defend their neighborhoods.Fifteen percent of the population in Sweden is foreign born.
The vigilantes were described as a motley crew of homeowners and concerned citizens, as well as neo-Nazi activists and football hooligans.
In the Stockholm suburb of Tumba the police decided to abandon their earlier non-intervention policy as a large group of police officers rounded up and dispersed a group of vigilantes trying to fend off rioters.
The decision to round up vigilantes while, according to Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving, ”doing as little as possible” to stop rioters, met with a wave of protests in various social media and on the Internet. Representatives of some vigilante groups contacted Fria Tider to give their view of last night’s events.
– The number of police officers on the streets is simply staggering. The police appear to have focused all their resources on stopping the Swedes, Fredrik Becklin, spokesman for the nationalist youth organization Nordisk Ungdom (Nordic Youth), said Friday night.
– It makes me sick to see the police clamp down on us Swedes with full force and without warning, using nightsticks and tear gas, while they don’t do a damn thing about the immigrants. We are only trying to help maintain order, while the immigrants set cars and buildings on fire, said a young man who wished to remain anonymous.
The police, however, rejected the accusations as unfounded.
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