Saturday, September 20, 2014

Muslim Scholar: Obama 'Wrong' About 'Not Islamic' Islamic State

Muslim Scholar: Obama 'Wrong' About 'Not Islamic' Islamic State

President Obama's notion that the Islamic State is "not Islamic" and that "no religion condones killing" doesn't square with the army of Muslims that the terror group is attracting. The CIA figures as many as 31,500 Muslims have joined IS.

It's hard to believe there's more than 30,000 serial killers in the world, including at least 2,000 in the West, and they're all suddenly flocking together in search of victims. In the entire U.S., there are at most 50 active serial murderers by FBI estimates.

Clearly, something else is motivating all these Muslims, yet Obama insists it's not their faith.
"He is wrong," said Islamic scholar Dr. Muhammad Zareef.

"They are true Muslims fighting in the cause of Allah," he added in an interview. "The Quran makes it very clear that a good and faithful Muslim has every reason to kill non-Muslims. ISIS and other groups like them take these verses into their hearts."

The forbidden truth is, the Islam that IS practices is firmly rooted in Islamic scripture and sanctioned by Islam's most influential scholars, says Zareef, who studied Islamic law for eight years after growing up in a devout Muslim home in the Mideast. Now living in the U.S., he became a reformer after 9/11.

"One of the things that disturbed me most was the Quran made it very clear the only assurance of going to heaven is if a Muslim kills an infidel (unbeliever) in jihad or dies in jihad," he said, citing Surahs 2:190-193; 5:33-34; 8:39-41; 9:20; 9:29; 9:111; 9:123; 22:58-59; and 47:1-4, among other verses.

"Muslims are instructed to use warfare to defend and promote Islam," explained Zareef, author of "Allah's Plan for Muslims." "All unbelievers are regarded as being at war with Allah and his religion; therefore, they deserve to die. Muslims have permission to kill all who don't believe in Allah."
Jihadists, he says, are following the example of the Muslim prophet set forth in Al-Bukhari book 52 of the Hadith, a sacred text supplementing the Quran. They "are trying to honor Prophet Muhammad's speech and the Quran verses by killing non-Muslims," he said. "And if I, as an ordinary Muslim, say anything against such violence, they will treat me the same way as they do non-Muslims."

Zareef says the Quran "encourages terrorism" against infidels, citing Surah 2:216, 243-244; 3:157-158; 4:74; 8:12; 9:5; and 47:4-6, while repeatedly directing jihadists to "smite at their necks."

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