Friday, September 19, 2014

VIDEO: Britain First tracks down dangerous extremist Mikaeel Ibrahim

Britain First
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Dear Victoria,
The Britain First South East brigade has tracked down dangerous Islamic extremist Mikaeel Ibrahim - the same man who threatened to behead party leader Paul Golding.
Mikaeel Ibrahim, real name Michael Coe, was jailed for threatening police with a shotgun while being out on licence for a knife-point car jacking.
He presents himself as formerly being a "gangster" who turned to Islam while being in jail.
He said Osama Bin Laden is a "gangster" and has called for an Islamic State in Britain.
Our ongoing "Operation Fightback" will continue to pile pressure on Islamic extremism in this country.
Watch the full video report below or at the top of this bulletin if you are on Outlook/Hotmail/Live:
Confronting terrorists and hate preachers is a necessary undertaking to protect our people.
The question is, while our leaders are facing extreme danger and harassment from the State, what are you doing to help the British fightback?
This latest outrage at the hands of the police should inspire every true patriot to join the ranks of the Britain First movement immediately.
Unless you personally take a stand for your country, all will be lost - fact.
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Yours sincerely,
Jayda Fransen
Deputy Leader
Britain First
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Kent, BR8 7YS - 0208 914 8212
(C) Britannia Campaigning Ltd
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