Tuesday, May 19, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Who Needs a Palestinian State?

Posted: 18 May 2009 08:18 PM PDT

Everyone, and by "everyone" I mean the denizens of Washington D.C.'s and
Brussel's government buildings, agrees that we need a Palestinian state.
Chiming in with their "Yes" votes are the dictator of a dozen Arab states
who agree that the only thing that will fix the region is adding another Arab
dictatorship to the place, and subtracting the region's one democracy.

But who actually needs a Palestinian state? Or rather a second Palestinian
state. The first Palestinian state, commonly called Jordan, was carved out
of the Palestine Mandate and equipped with a refugee Saudi royal family.
Today Jordan exists mainly under the protection of the US and Israel,
and its population of Palestinian Arabs is a seething mass of Muslim
extremists currently enjoying a 30 percent unemployment rate, where
the majority of the population supports Osama Bin Laden, at a higher
percentage rate than even Pakistan.

But Jordan is practically heaven on earth compared to the Second Palestinian
State that the Obama Administration is to determined to inflict on Israel.

Currently ruled by mutually hostile armed gangs loyal to either the Fatah or
Hamas terrorist groups, Palestine 2.0 has already been a failed state for over
a decade. Every attempt at foreign investment has failed. The ruins of
industrial zones, greenhouses and even a casino, dot the landscape.
Palestinian Arab Christians from overseas who returned to build up the
economy fled quickly in the face of relentless shakedowns, kidnappings and
militia gangs masquerading as law enforcement.

The vast majority of Palestinian Arabs work for two employers. The
UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority... which in turn is funded by foreign
donors. Work for the Palestinian Authority usually means belonging to a
militia gang which is loyal to a particular figure in the PA leadership, who in
turn passes that loyalty on to the current "government".
With little to do, the gangs spend their free time dealing drugs, carrying
out terrorist attacks and collecting protection money from their town's
remaining stores.

For 17 years, Israel, America and just about every interested party has
tried to build a Palestinian state. They provided weapons and training to
build a modern Palestinian police force. They sent advisers and fortunes
in economic aid, thousands per Palestinian Arab. They created industrial
zones and transferred greenhouses.

Billions in funds from the EU, America and various do-gooders were
swallowed up to fund the lavish lifestyles of Arafat and his henchmen.

To those who argue that a Palestinian State will build regional stability,
the rational person must ask, how in the world has any of this contributed
to regional stability?

Year after year, the proposed Palestinian State has become a worse place.
Given autonomy, its own military, political, legal and economic system--
"Palestine" has made the region more unstable than ever. Terrorism
has increased. Violence has increased. General instability has increased.

Proposing that more of this will stabilize the region is akin to a man setting
fire to one piece of furniture after another in his living room, and claiming
that when the entire room is on fire, it will be a safe place to live.

So I ask again, who needs a Palestinian state? If the Palestinian Arabs
really wanted a state (a second state) in Gaza, the West Bank and
Eastern Jerusalem, they could have had it before 1967, when those
territories were in Arab hands. Instead the PLO back then called for
no Palestinian state and the destruction of Israel. As Clinton discovered
to his chagrin at the end of his term, Arafat did not actually want a state
and was not interested in accepting an Israeli offer that gave him 99
percent of what he wanted. Is it really any surprise that Hamas today
follows the same exact party line?

And really why would they want a Palestinian state? If a state was
actually created, the UNRWA would have to close up shop. A
Palestinian state could no longer rely on foreign donors to fund the
hundred thousand or so armed gangsters who form its "government"
and its only real form of employment. And the same Muslim states
who pass along "charity" to help fund the "martyr operations" that
are behind much of the local terrorism would turn elsewhere.

Instead for 17 years the same tired opera has been playing in the
region's one theater. First the world's statesmen and diplomats descend
on Israel, crying that the only hope for the region's stability is a
Palestinian state. Next the Israeli diplomats arrive with a generous
territorial offer, counterbalanced by a second clause that asks that
there be no more terrorism.
That second clause is immediately ignored by everyone in the room.
Next the Palestinian Authoritydiplomats arrive demanding twice as
much land, no more border security preventing terrorists from entering
Israel, half of Israel's capital, contiguous borders that would cut Israel
in half, the ethnic cleansing of all Jews from territories claimed by them...
and finally the return of the "refugees", which is code for unlimited
immigration from their proposed Palestinian State into Israel.

The Israelis make a counteroffer. The statesmen and diplomats accuse
Israel of rejecting peace. The Palestinian Arabs begin carrying out terrorist
attacks again (assuming they even bothered to stop during the negotiations).
Israel bombs the terrorists. The statesmen and diplomats accuse Israel of
perpetuating the cycle of violence, and urge everyone to go back to the
negotiating table. By the time that happens a year later, the Palestinian
Arabs have doubled their demands, and the whole "Cycle of Peacemaking"
repeats itself all over again.

The "not so secret" secret here is that the Palestinian Arabs do not want a
state or peace. 17 years of running the Palestinian Authority into the
ground have shown how utterly incapable Fatah and Hamas are of
running anything, besides armed gangs, mosques and occasional
social services to their loyalist families... all funded from abroad.

The Palestinian ruling powers derive their authority from two forces
1. The Muslim desire to destroy Israel as an infidel state whose existence
contradicts Islam. This keeps the money and arms flowing in to the different
factions, as well as provides popular support by Arabs. Which is why no
Palestinian leader will recognize and accept the existence of Israel. It
is why Arafat negotiated out of one side of his mouth and ordered
terrorist attacks out of the other. It is why after his death. his Fatah
movement has lost credibility and popular support to Hamas due to
its increasing inability to kill Israelis.

2. Western and Israel diplomats who keep trying to create a Palestinian
state out of the bizarre notion that such a state would bring the terrorism
to an end. Like all Dhimmi behaviors in regard to Islam, they ignore the
fact that the short term goal of terrorism is terrorism. The long term
goal of terrorism is to conquer and hold the territory of the terrorized.
There is no room for the middle ground of compromise in that
equation. It's either absolute power, or nothing at all.

Terrorism is practiced by armed gangs and movements who derive
their power and support from being terrorists. Proposing that they stop
being terrorists is a lot like walking into GM and suggesting that instead
of making cars, they should make donuts and hand them out for free,
so everyone will be happy.

Palestinian nationalism has always been a crock, a transparently phony
justification for terrorism that has always come before nationalism.
Palestine was never a country or a state. It was the name given by
the Roman occupation forces to a region they were administering,
a region far larger than modern day Israel. There was never an Arab
Palestinian king or ruler until Arafat. There was never a separate
country called Palestine. The Post WW1 Palestine Mandate in the
20th century was used to create two states, an Arab state, Jordan,
and a smaller state, Israel.

Now the drive is on to create Palestine 2.0, despite the obvious fact
that the Palestinian Arabs have done everything possible to prevent it
from coming into being. Nearly two decades of terrorism have turned
the endless rounds of peace negotiations into a joke. Half the Palestinian
Authority is now ruled by the Iranian backed Hamas terrorist group,
which insists it will never recognize or accept permanent peace with
Israel. A state of affairs that never would have come into being, had
Israel not completely withdrawn from Gaza in the first place.

So once again, who wants or needs a Palestinian state?

Israel did not come into being out of pity for the millions of Jews killed
in the Holocaust. Nor did it come into being thanks to US aid or
support. Both of those however are common myths.

The State of Israel was in place well before the Holocaust, in the form
of an embryonic country of farmers who drained the swamps, businessmen
who set up shops, journalists who printed newspapers, and soldiers who
trained to protect and defend their homeland. When the UN recognized
Israel, it simply accepted the fait accompli that Israel existed and was
capable of taking care of itself, which it proved by fighting the armies
of the surrounding Arab nations to a standstill. It did it without US military
aid, which only came into the picture much later with the Kennedy
administration. It did it, because the people of Israel genuinely wanted
their own state and worked to make it happen.

By 1942, 17 years after the Palestine Mandate, the Jews of Israel had
built a thriving country, from power generators to vast stretches of
farmland, from a revived language to the Technicon, created in 1924,
which is considered one of the world's leading electrical engineering and
computer science schools in the world.

17 years after Oslo, the Palestinian Arabs have built nothing but death
and destruction. Worse yet they've taken everything that was given to
them and turned it into either a weapon or a bribe. By every standard,
they have failed to show their ability to build or run a functioning state.
Not even the most liberally minded thinker can point to anything in the
Palestinian Authority leadership that suggests that they're capable of
running a functional state. Which is why that same species will naturally
duck the question and begin blaming Israel instead.

And that highlights the real issue. The only reason for creating Palestine
2.0 is the destruction of Israel. It will not bring regional stability. It will
not even bring local stability. It cannot even function unless its entire
workforce is funded from abroad. It cannot even stop engaging in

Palestine 2.0 is a Frankenstein's monster, with body parts from Shiite,
Sunni and Marxist terrorists. It only knows how to do one thing and
one thing alone, kill. It is not a natural creature, because no Palestinian
state ever existed throughout history. It is an artificial state whose
existence has only one purpose. The destruction of Israel.

And that answers our question at last. Who needs a Palestinian state?
Someone who is either ignorant, foolish or needs to destroy Israel.

The Two State Solution is not a formula for any kind of stability or
end to the violence. It's meant to take the violence to a whole new level.
It is a formula for the destruction of Israel.
17 years of peacemaking by Israelis has produced 17 years of terrorism
by the Palestinian Arabs. Everything sowed on the Palestinian Authority,
from money to guns, from autonomy to infrastructure, have come up as
dragon's teeth.

Palestine is not a state. It was never a state. It will never be a state. It is
currently ruled by two factions who have both disowned a negotiated
Palestinian state in favor of the destruction of Israel. It is not a country,
it is a weapon.

Palestine is a gun aimed at the head of Israel with one goal, its destruction.
Palestine is a gun aimed at the head of every Jew in the world, legitimizing
the worst and ugliest kinds of bigotry. Palestine is an imaginary place given
form as a vicious myth brainwashing generation after generation of Jordanian
and Egyptian Arabs to call themselves Palestinians and kill and die in the
name of perpetuating a second Holocaust, all for the glory of Allah,
Mohammed, Marx, not to mention Saddam Hussein, Ahmadinejad, the
House of Saud, and every cause and ruler with an interest in toppling
Israel into the dust.

Palestine is death. It exists only as a form of living death by a population
taught to see themselves as willing martyrs to the bomb belt from birth.
It breathes death, it celebrates death, it teaches death and preaches death.
It is the final ugly end of the hatred and cruelty bottled up in the Arab
and Islamic dictatorships of the region. It is the true face of Islam and
its shining reflection in the mirror of the Western press and diplomats
is the true measure of their Dhimmism.

The Cult of Death in Palestine and the war against Israel is only a preview
for the West of things to come. Palestine is not a place, it is hate and
homicide boiled down into myth. Palestine is not only in Israel. It is
in Paris and London. It is in Madrid and Detroit. It is in Sydney and
Moscow. It is everywhere that the toxic brew of Muslim fanaticism
and Arab nationalism flows. Its flag is the flag of death. Its constitution
is a death warrant for every free nation. Its legislature is a smug
coven of obese terrorist chieftains sending their followers off to death
with the promise of virgin demons fornicating with them in Paradise.

Palestine 2.0 is a monster with only one purpose, to create Holocaust
2.0. That is who needs a Palestinian state. That is why the far left and
the far right are both so hellbent on bringing one into being. Accepting
the Two State Solution means accepting death. Rejecting it means
embracing life.

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