Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Gathering Storm Weekly Storm Report

Gathering Storm Weekly Storm Report

The Gathering Storm Newsletter
May 23, 2009

Here's a synopsis of the most important weekly news revealing the intimidation, infiltration and disinformationtactics used to soften-up the non-Muslim world for domination and the appeasers and apologists that support them because the Islamists are correct in believing the following:


occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their
so-called 'religious rights.'

As long as
the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be
regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone.

At 2% and
3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected
groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

From 5% on
they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the
population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal and work
to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the
Islamic Law.

Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means
of complaint about their conditions. Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam
will result in uprisings and threats.

reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic
killings and church and synagogue burning.

At 40% you
will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia

From 60%
you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions,
sporadic ethnic cleansing, use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax
placed on infidels.

After 80%
expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide.

100% will
usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' - the Islamic House of Peace - there's
supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim.

Get a
FREE TRIAL COPY of the The Gathering Storm eBook which includes the Forward by Walid Shoebat, Introduction, and first 50 pages of The Gathering Storm eBook.

See details below

And remember to listen to the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show. Listen to us live every Friday at 12 Noon PST on BlogTalk Radio. Call in at1-646-915-9870 to comment, reply or just air your spleen!


May 22: Midnight Rider
May 29: Koran debate

As that great leader and Statesman Winston Churchill said,
"It's not the government that makes war in a democracy, but the people - and
the people are asleep in the free democracies today, lulled into inaction by a
'softening up' process of our enemy."

In This Issue
Free Trial Copy of The Gathering Storm eBook
This Week's Political Cartoon
Weekly Think Piece
Intimidation Tactics
Infiltration Tactics
Disinformation Tactics
Appeasement & Apologists
The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award

Free Trial Copy of The Gathering Storm eBook

The Gathering Storm eBook, with an Introduction by ex-terrorist
Walid Shoebat, contains
300 pages of hyperlinked information,
pictures, cartoons and videos that will detail the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics and the multiple types
of jihads that Islamists are using to advance their goal of the Islamic rule of
the world under Shariah law.

Get a FREE
of the The Gathering Storm eBook which includes the Forward by
Walid Shoebat, Introduction, and first 50 pages of The Gathering Storm eBook.

Or Buy The Gathering Storm eBook for Only
$2.95 as a Newsletter Reader

This Week's Political Cartoon

Weekly Think Piece


Telling Stories of Jihad and Freedom

Every culture has a story or a narrative that it lives by. Throughout history,
cultural stories have come into conflict with each other many times resulting
in war.

We have three major cultural narratives in conflict today - the secular narrative
of freedom loving people, the socialist narrative of Marxism, and the theocratic narrative of Islam. Marxism is hardened in Cuba and North Korea, being slowly diluted in China, and having a comeback in Venezuela. For global impact, neither of these forms of Marxism at this time is overly
threatening as a cultural narrative. Outside of the Marxist dictators in Africa
and Venezuela, there is no real rush to embrace the Marxist narrative.

Islam, on the other hand, is a different story and the difference between their story and that of ours, the secular narrative of freedom is, well, telling.

But what about the narrative? Why is human freedom to be
valued? Why is the rule of law important? Why is representative government a
good thing? Why does the individual human being possess such worth? Why should
we defend the weak? Why should we care for the orphan, the widow, the sick, and
the elderly? When is anything worth dying for? Why do we love? What is our

Currently, our story is confused, divided, in disarray and in pieces. Political
correctness and the practice of multiculturalism has stymied our efforts to
forge a coherent story that we believe and what we show to the world.

And what about Islam?

Islam has one . . . a story, a narrative. In general,
Islam's answers to these questions is quite different from the answers given by
the West for most of its history. Bernard Lewis may have over-estimated the
power of the West's commitment to freedom to overwhelm the attractiveness of
the Muslim narrative in what he describes as its "Third Wave."

What's so attractive about the Muslim narrative? I'm not taking about the
militant from of Islam but the socio-political form. The one that's on the
march throughout the world today. And what of this "Third Wave"?

Let's look at what's attractive about the socio-political religion called Islam.What
makes Islam tick? And what can we learn about it that will help us understand
those that adhere to it and learn more about the threat it poses to the
civilized world. Muslims claim that Islam is the world's fastest growing
religion. If true; why? What attracts so many converts from around the world to
this belief system?

The answer can be found in two concepts: Decidophobia and a thirst for a Path
to God.

Decidophobia is the morbid dread of making fateful decisions - an ostrich like defense that
drives people to seek refuge from decisions in a religious or ideological conformity.
The term was created by Walter Kaufman in his book 'Without Guilt and Justice".

The objective of the Decidophobic is to make one major decision, and only one
major decision
, so one does not have to make another major decision in his
or her life ever again. One strategy is to join a religion or a movement. One
that has a set of finely prescribed behaviors that circumscribe one's actions
and offers an earthly or heavenly reward for the true believer. If a person is
adrift without personal bearings and can not function in a chaotic ethical and
moral environment that is perceived to have no absolutes - much like we have
today - he or she will seek a belief system that offers a safe haven in this
storm of relativism.

Islam fills that void.

It is a strict religion that offers paradise and a sense of meaning in life
to those who adhere to the simple pillars of its faith. Islam also presents to
its followers a person whose life can be imitated and acts as a blue print to
achieve the promise of paradise. But there is another form of 'religion' that
is just as powerful and offers the reward of paradise here on earth. That is
the belief in a strong secular ideology also led by a man to emulate - and even
worship - and follow in his footsteps. Examples of these ideologies are Nazism
with Hitler and Maoism with Mao Zedong.

Both of these belief systems are the answer to one suffering with
Decidophobia. There is even an instruction manual for the Decidophobic that
relieves him or her of any future personal decisions. The beliefs revealed and
the instructions are clear in their 'bibles'. Mein Kampf, Mao's Little Red
Book, and the Koran. These belief systems are now the Decidophobic's community,
their country that they dwell within surrounded by fellow citizens of their
little nation.

And the word nation is not used lightly here.

Take Islam. The nation of Muslims is the nation of Islam - or the Ummah.
Ever wonder why the Islamists are so vehement about nationalism as practiced
today? Quite simple. It runs counter to the concept of the nation of Islam. A
true Muslim can not be a citizen of two nations at once. Mohammed
condemned the concept of nationalism in any and all forms. The jihadist condemnation
of the World Soccer Cup is a case in point.

"Claiming that soccer plants the seeds of nationalism, and
is therefore part of a "colonial crusader scheme" to divide Muslims
and cause them to stray from the vision of a unified Islamic identity, the
Jihadist website told readers: "The sad fact of the matter is that many
Muslims have fallen for this new religion and they too carry the national

This might seem silly to us and we degrade those who hold such a looney idea
but it fits nicely into Islam's goal to stop Muslims from straying from their
true nation, that of Islam. Which brings up the concept of the Path to God that
dovetails perfectly with the Islamist view that the destruction of the secular
world is the necessary first step in creating an Islamic utopia on earth.

Why are the Islamists so concerned with the secular view of the world? Yes,
we say it's because it conflicts with our secular story that promotes freedom
and democracy and Islam can not coexist with it, etc. etc. But why? What are
the religious grounds for this? That is to say, how can secularism be a threat
to the Muslim's path to God?

The Hindus have recognized for centuries four paths - or ways - to
self-development and spiritual growth - the Way of Action, the Way of Love, the
Way of Knowledge, and the Way of Mind Control or Meditation. Islam uses
primarily the Way of Action. In the book entitled 'The One Quest' written by
Claudio Naranjo, the two approaches to 'right action' are the one of
discipline, duty, injunctions and restraint; and the other it's direct
opposite, the one of self-expression, self-trust, and unconstraint. In the
latter case, freedom itself can lead to the goal of self-improvement of the
spirit by providing the greatest opportunity for experience and choice.

Guess which 'right action' is the choice of Islam and why it's current
choice of the path to spiritual development will be extremely difficult to
integrate into a world filled with the thirst for freedom? Yep - the approach
of discipline, duty, injunctions and restraint - the direct opposite of what
modern western style culture exhibits today.

Our modern day culture believes that self-improvement - at least in the
physical realm - can only be achieved by the greatest opportunity for
experience and personal choice, unrestricted by any discipline, duty,
injunction or restraint. Taken to extremes, one approach leads to the
restriction of everything, the other, the permissiveness of everything.

Clash of civilizations? You bet. Clash of paths to self-improvement? You

The outlook is not good for any kind of integration of the two 'approaches'.
Take the way of action that demands discipline, duty, injunctions and restraint
- that is, the removal of any and all physical world distractions (including
the female body) and entities (nationalism) that would hinder the true
believer's goal of reaching paradise - and we have the Taliban. Allow freedom
to disintegrate into license and we are left with the nihilism of Nietzsche.

One approach leads to a constipated, restricted, dead culture - Islam. The
other to the chaos of relativism where moral equivalency, political correctness
and multiculturalism prevent the perception of what's right and what's wrong.
Neither extreme assists both the individual or society's spirit reach its
fullest potential.

Finally, both extreme belief systems, theocratic and secular, are two sides
of the same coin. Islam sees religion and the state as one and the same. Their
book of beliefs dictates how society should function. Secular extremism like
Nazi Germany and Maoist China operated the same way. The leader's belief and
the function of the state were direct results of the 'bibles' of Mein Kampf and
the Little Red Book.

Now what about the Third Wave of Islam? Bernard Lewis writes:

The first wave dates from the very beginning of Islam, when the new
faith spilled out of the Arabian Peninsula, where it was born, into the Middle East and beyond. It was then that Muslims conquered Syria, Palestine, Egypt and North Africa - all at that time part of
the Christian world - and went beyond into Europe. There, they conquered a
sizable part of southwestern Europe, including Spain, Portugal and southern
Italy, all of which became part of the Islamic world, and even crossed the
Pyrenees and occupied for a while parts of France.

The second wave was conducted not by Arabs and Moors but by Turks and
Tartars. In the mid-13th century, the Mongol conquerors of Russia were converted to Islam. The
Turks, who had already conquered Anatolia, advanced into Europe and in 1453
they captured the ancient Christian citadel of Constantinople.
They conquered a large part of the Balkans, and for a while ruled half of Hungary.
Twice they reached as far as Vienna,
to which they laid siege in 1529 and again in 1683. Barbary corsairs from North
Africa went to Iceland - the uttermost limit - and to several places in Western
Europe, including notably a raid on Baltimore (the original one, in Ireland) in

The third wave is taking a different form: terror and migration. The
subject of terror has been discussed frequently and in great detail. What I
want to address here is the other aspect, which is of more particular relevance
to Europe today - the question of migration.

Where do we stand now? Is it third time lucky? It is not impossible. Muslim
immigrants have certain clear advantages. They have fervor and conviction,
which in most Western countries are either weak or lacking.

It's not that our story is weak, but how we practicing it.

[Muslims] are self-assured of the rightness of their
cause, whereas we spend most of our time in self-denigration and
They have loyalty and discipline, and perhaps most
important of all, they have demography. The combination of natural increase and
migration that is producing major population changes could lead within the
foreseeable future to significant majorities in at least some European cities
or even countries.

Our challenge today is to reach back in time and tell the coherent beneficial
story that freedom loving people have fought for and attained over the last
several centuries.

But we also have some advantages, the most important of which are knowledge and
freedom. The appeal of genuine modern knowledge in a society that, in the more
distant past, had a long record of scientific and scholarly achievement is
obvious. They are keenly and painfully aware of their relative backwardness and
welcome the opportunity to rectify it.

Less obvious but also powerful is the appeal of freedom. In the past, in the Islamic
world the word freedom was not used in a political sense. Freedom was a legal
concept. You were free if you were not a slave. They did not use freedom and
slavery as a metaphor for good and bad government, as we have done for a long
time in the Western world.

But the idea of freedom in its Western interpretation is making headway. It is
becoming more and more understood, more and more appreciated and more and more
desired. It is perhaps in the long run our best hope, perhaps even our only
hope, of surviving this developing struggle.

The one place where we can most definitely lose the war on terror is on the
battlefield of ideas. Who would believe that a combination of pure hatred and
medieval superstition would provide the most appealing ideology of the 21st

What is our counter? The ideology of freedom, obviously. But do we really believe in
it anymore? That is hard to believe on a continent which in the previous
century was ravaged by the deadly poisons fascism and socialism, where
everybody now seems to know what they are
(America, Jews, capitalism, immigrants, whatever), but there is little left to
unite us when we are forced to decide what we are fighting

We need to affirm what we are fighting for and just against.

Secular Blasphemy writes:

The one place where we can most definitely lose the war
on terror is on the battlefield of ideas. Who would believe that a combination
of pure hatred and medieval superstition would provide the most appealing
ideology of the 21st century? What is our counter? The ideology of freedom,
obviously. But do we really believe in it anymore?

Or do we believe in what Janis Joplin said, "Freedom's just another word for
nothing left to lose."

Before we get to that point, I hope we can tell our story in
ways that will halt and push back the strong global story of the Islamists.

Intimidation Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Harassment, Islamic Radicalism Drive Flight of Palestinian Christians - Alexandria,VA,USA

During that seven-year period the pace of Christians leaving Bethlehem picked
up, amid reports of Muslim-Christian tensions and PA intimidation
and ...

Media besieged by Taliban

SANA - Islamabad,Pakistan

This atmosphere of terror and intimidation caused by the Taliban against media has led to

self-censorship in Swat. Media has been forcibly advised by the ...

Pakistan (MNN) A family mourning the murder of their
nine-year ...

Mission Network NEws (press
release) - Grand Rapids,USA

Local Christians believe that the violent act was used as an intimidation
tactic, noting that it took place the day before the Good Friday holiday. ...

Infiltration Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Somalia peace overture rejected

BBC News - UK

But even his introduction of Sharia law to the strongly Muslim country
has not appeased the guerrillas. "They see it lawful to shed blood.

lockandload: Who will defend us from Sharia?

By songdongnigh

We are not just blind to the Islamic infiltration, we actually invite it
in without realizing it through refugee resettlement programs and open
enrollment into higher education, to hiring Muslims for sensitive government
programs. Every Mosque, every Islamic community center is another toehold in
Western societies. Every concession to Muslim practices and rites is
another tendril of the Islamic cancer. FROM JEWISHWORLDREVIEW.COM: Who will
defend us from Sharia? ...

NYPD's Muslim chaplain seeks new policies for Muslim
cops ...

By creeping

Latif's Islamist intimidation eventually won the day, with NYU crushing
academic free speech in the process, banning the display of the cartoons under
the guise of "security dictates." The decision was criticized by the Foundation
for ...

Disinformation Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Time for change's Journal

Democratic Underground -

They do that with the knowledge that the voters they lose in doing so will be
more than compensated for by the disinformation that will be paid for by
their ...

Aslan: US "War on Terror" Not About Terrorism Fog City

By Fanny Dassie

Aslan criticized the United States for failing to understand the differences
between nationalist and non-nationalist Islamic groups and, in doing so;
the number of Islamic enemies targeted has expanded to include nation
states like Iran and .... How much trivia and disinformation has
been shoveled at us from that time to this! And to what avail? It appears to me
that President Obama is being manipulated to wage war more widely and
"smarter". To do so requires a host of ...

Part 1 ...

By Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari

We aim to promote human rights and democracy among Muslims. We oppose Islam,
not Muslims. We are against hate, not faith.

Appeasement & Apologist Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Muslims Have Conquered Europe Without Firing A Shot

Philadelphia Bulletin -

Those in the process of appeasing the Muslim onslaught should
heed the wisdom of Mr. Churchill, one of the great statesmen of history who
understood the ...

Doc's Talk: New York Times Skews The News on Christian Decline
in ...

By GS Don Morris, Ph.D.

Why does Bronner likewise ignore any other specific examples of Muslim
of Palestinian Christians - sexual harassment, demands for
"protection" money, and job discrimination? Why does he make do with
the vague, ...

The Spectator

Having accepted the Arab and Muslim
narrative on Israel/Palestine, and having decided that appeasement is
the only way forward, Obama and Miliband are making the strongest effort since
Carter to pressurise Israel to become the ...

The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award

The Golden Balls Award goes each week to the most flagrant Appeaser or Apologist or those that outright lie that has done most to undermine our defense against Islamists. This weeks Golden Balls Award goes to:

Richard Glen Strandlof

Leader of Veterans Anti-War Group and Dem Spokesperson Was Never a Marine.....

A Denver-based veteran's organization has voted to disband
after accusing its founder of fabricating an identity as a former Marine
captain who served three tours in Iraq and was at the Pentagon on

Thirty-two-year-old Richard Glen Strandlof, who used the
name Rick Duncan, founded the organization, the Colorado Veterans Alliance,
about two years ago.

Major Carl Redding, spokesman for the U.S. Marines, said
there is no record of Richard Glen Strandlof or Rick Duncan serving in the

Strandolf appeared several times as a campaign spokesperson attacking
Republicans in 2008 on national security issues.

Colorado Republican State Chairman Dick Wadhams said "It is appalling
that Mark Udall and other Colorado Democrats were either willfully deceptive or
terribly careless in using an imposter posing as a veteran."

The Left has no conscience. Lying comes natural to them - Hear that Pelosi?

Congratulations to Richard Glen Strandlof! You can check in and claim your award at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay.

Contact Information



The Gathering Storm 1234 Main Street Anytown, USA NY 10012

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