December 31, 2009 - Newslinks
Pakistan seeks terrorism charges against Americans
-- Reuters: "Pakistani police will ask a court to charge five Americans detained in the country this month with planning terrorist attacks and jail them for life, a police official said on Thursday."
-- "The young Americans, from Virginia, are accused of contacting militants groups over the Internet in a bid to wage holy war. Pakistani officials have said the Taliban had planned to use them to carry out attacks inside U.S. ally Pakistan."
--- Another report with photos,2933,581633,00.html
-- Taliban planned to use Americans in Pakistan attacks
--- Reuters: "Taliban insurgents had planned to use five Americans, now detained in Pakistan, who had contacted the militants via the Internet, to carry out attacks in the U.S.-allied country"
Pakistan: Taliban own Karachi Ashura carnage - killing 44 minority Shiite Muslims
-- Dawn: "The claim was made by one of the country's most wanted commanders of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)."
-- Dawn quote of Taliban's Asmatullah Shaheen: "We carried out the suicide bombing in Karachi"
-- TTP denies hand in Karachi procession attack
(Pakistan) Two more schools blown up in Bajaur - 68 schools destroyed in area
(Pakistan) Arrested terrorist uncover big terror plot in Karachi
(Pakistan) Four militants killed in Orakzai Agency
-- Pakistani forces kill 8 militants, arrest 48
(Pakistan) UN to move some staff out of Pakistan for safety -- after 11 UN workers killed this year
Pakistan: Key Taliban leader detained near Lahore -- Khalilullah
(Pakistan/U.S.) US to give $55 million for Waziristan: Patterson
Pakistan asks coalition not to leave Afghanistan in haste
Afghanistan: 6 Afghans Beheaded for Talking to Police
-- AP/CBS: "Men were Cooperating with Government Authorities in South-Central Afghanistan"
-- "Police say militants have beheaded six Afghans for cooperating with government authorities."
-- "Juma Gul Hamit, police chief of Uruzgan province in south-central Afghanistan, says the men were beheaded Thursday near the provincial capital of Tarin Kot."
-- "Hamit defended the victims, saying they were not involved in any anti-government activities."
Afghanistan: Islamic Supremacist Taliban Take Credit for Suicide Bombing Against Americans
-- Taliban claims murder done by Afghan soldier
Afghanistan: In year-end message, Taliban calls 2009 'successful'
Afghanistan: Highway 1: prime Taliban target
Afghans turn to Taleban justice as insurgents set up shadow government
Afghanistan: Number of U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan doubles in 2009,0,4935947.story
(U.S.) Continuing Reports on Abdulmutallab Foiled Terror Plot
December 31 Abdulmutallab Reports
-- Continuing Reports on Abdulmutallab Foiled Terror Plot
-- Detroit bomber: US intelligence 'insufficiently aggressive' in pursing leads
-- Obama to Get First Reports of Probe Into Christmas Day Terror Attempt
-- Detroit terror attack: fears over wave of al-Qaeda syringe bomb attacks
-- U.S.: "Spy agencies failed to collate clues before flight - Eavesdropping evidence was not synthesized with other intelligence"
--- NYT: "The National Security Agency four months ago intercepted conversations among leaders of Al Qaeda in Yemen discussing a plot to use a Nigerian man for a coming terrorist attack, but American spy agencies later failed to combine the intercepts with other information that might have disrupted last week’s attempted airline bombing."
--- "The electronic intercepts were translated and disseminated across classified computer networks, government officials said on Wednesday, but analysts at the National Counterterrorism Center in Washington did not synthesize the eavesdropping intelligence with information gathered in November when the father of the would-be bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, visited the United States Embassy in Nigeria to express concerns about his son’s radicalization."
-- U.S.: Terror suspect attended 2008 Islamic 'knowledge fest' in Houston, Texas
--- CNN: "The man accused of trying to blow up a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas Day attended an Islamic 'Knowledge Fest' in Houston, Texas, in 2008, according to one of the organizers of the event."
--- "Yasir Qadhi, who was an instructor at 'Ilm Fest,' said the 16-day conference organized by the Al Maghrib Institute was a series of courses and workshops to teach young Muslims 'the nuts and bolts of Islam.' "
--- "The Al Maghrib Institute has chapters in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, and has taught more than 30,000 young Muslims in its courses."
--- "Qadhi, of New Haven, Connecticut, has been involved in de-radicalization efforts in the United States and was a leading participant in the U.S. Counter-Radicalization Strategy conference organized by the National Counterterrorism Center in the summer of 2008."
-- Yemeni officials eye Abdulmutallab link to radical cleric
-- Washington Post: "Yemeni investigators believe the Nigerian man who allegedly attempted to bomb a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day may have met with suspected al-Qaeda operatives in a house used by a radical Yemeni American cleric, a senior Yemeni official said Thursday."
-- "In an extensive interview, Rashad Mohammed al-Alimi, Yemen's vice prime minister for defense and security affairs, also said the cleric, Anwar al-Aulaqi, is believed to be alive. It was the first such statement from Yemen's government on the fate of the U.S.-born preacher, who has been linked to the gunman who allegedly killed 13 people at Fort Hood, Tex., on Nov. 5. Obama administration officials have said they believe Aulaqi was killed in a Dec. 24 airstrike on a house in southeastern Yemen where he had met with the Nigerian, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab."
-- U.S. Transfer of 91 Yemenis home from Guantanamo Bay placed on hold in wake of Flight 253 bomb plot
-- UK: US airline plot bomber recruited by al-Qaida in London: Report
-- UK: Christmas Day bomber invited 'jihad' cleric to address British students
-- Daily Mail: "The Christmas Day airline bomber invited a radical cleric who has advocated dying while 'fighting jihad' to address British students."
-- "While president of the Islamic Society at University College London, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab helped arrange for Abdur Raheem Green to speak."
-- "The cleric, who converted to Islam from Roman Catholicism, has written that conflict between Islam and the West is 'ordered in the Koran', and that Muslims and Westerners ' cannot live peaceably together'."
-- "He has also claimed: 'Dying while fighting jihad is one of the surest ways to paradise and Allah's good pleasure'. "
-- UK: Detroit terror attack: stream of British students arrested and deported from Yemen
--- "A series of British students have been arrested and deported from Yemen in the last year for allegedly trying to join radical Muslims, it can be disclosed."
-- UK - University College of London: "Christmas Day bomb suspect 'not radicalised at UCL'"
--- November 24, 2009: UK: London University Islamic Society Hosts Hate Advocate Abu Usamah – who has praised Osama Bin Laden
--- March 11, 2006 - "farouk1986" (reportedly Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab) promotes University College of London Union Islamic Society postings by Yvonne Ridley
-- Nigerian May Have Used Course in Yemen as Cover
-- Yemen: Al Qaeda 'most dangerous' arrested - Mohammed Abdu Saleh al-Haudali
UK: House of Commons in anthrax terror alert
(U.S./Africa) NYC: 3 men indicted on narcotics-terrorism charges
-- AP: "Oumar Issa (OO'-mahr EE'-sah), Harouna Toure (hah-ROO'-nah TOHR'-ay), and Idriss Abelrahman (EE'-drihs ah-behl-RAH'-muhn), believed to be in their 30s and from Mali, are being held without bail."
-- "Authorities say the case marks the first time the U.S. has captured and charged al-Qaida suspects in a drug trafficking plot in Africa. They were brought to the U.S. this month after being arrested in Ghana."
(U.S.) NYC: Security breach shakes New Yorkers
Iraq: Salafi-Jihadi Organizations in Iraq Reject Call by Resistance Groups to Unite, Urge All Groups to Join Al-Qaeda
Iraq: Anbar police chief resigns over Ramadi attacks
Iran/Iraq: Peter Moore's kidnapping 'masterminded by Iran'
-- UK plays down report Iran directed hostage-taking
-- Iran accused over kidnap as picture released
-- Petraeus 'certain' UK hostage was held in Iran
India: Maoists kill two CPM members in West Midnapore district
Mauritania: Al-Qaeda sites publish photos of kidnapped Italians
Mali: Spanish Hostage held by al-Qaeda has bullet wound
Mali: Al-Qaeda wants ransom for hostages - report
Malian troops taught anti-terrorist tactics by US soldiers
Somalia: British ship seized by Somali pirates
Indonesia: US Embassy Issues New Year Attack Warning for Indonesia's Bali
-- Indonesia: Terror attack warning in Bali
-- current time in Indonesia
(Austria) Report: Austria – Hizb ut-Tahrir Threatens Austrian Government Official
Other News:
Finland shopping mall shooting: gunman kills five before commiting suicide -- Albanian Ibrahim Shkupolli
--- "Speaking at a news conference, Kaski also refused to discuss Shkupolli's nationality, but Finnish media reported he was an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo."
--- YLE Finland Report
Nigeria: Why Nigerians can't adopt Sharia –Islamic cleric
(UAE) Dubai plans academy to teach Islamic banking
Iran opposition threatened with trials
-- "Officials say more than 500 protesters have been arrested since Sunday's clashes"
Iran orders quiet burial of protest martyr
Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei loves caviar and vulgar jokes, defector claims
Israel: Settler Teen Arrested Over West Bank Kfar Yasuf Mosque Arson
-- December 11, 2009: West Bank: Media Reports Allege Israeli Settlers Responsible for Arson Attack on Kfar Yasuf Mosque
Against Racial Supremacism:
Florida jail fires Ku Klux Klan (KKK) member - member defends white supremacist group as "faith-based organization"
-- See also March 2009:
-- "When Supremacism Uses A Religious Disguise"
Against Totalitarianism News:
North Korea: Increasing Numbers of North Korean Refugees Head to Thailand
Communist China jails senior Tibetan lama for 8 1/2 years
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