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Jamaat ul Fuqra and Compounds in the U.S. A Northeast Intelligence Network Report www.actforamerica.org Last Thursday we emailed you about the video of paramilitary training at the Muslims of America “Islamberg” compound, the video reportedly captured by an unnamed law enforcement source. If you didn’t view that video, we highly recommend you take a few minutes to do so by clicking here. To demonstrate the growing impact of our grassroots citizen action network, there were a couple thousand views of this video as of last Thursday when our email went out. Since our email went out, the number of views has grown to over 90,000. Imagine the impact we will be able to have in instances such as this when our grassroots organization has 250,000, 500,000 or even a million members! On the heels of the release of that video, the Northeast Intelligence Network posted the eye-opening report below (highlights added). At the very end we read this statement:
As you read the report, you will no doubt ask yourself “why isn’t the government doing something about these compounds?” Most likely for the same reason nothing was done about Nidal Hasan, the Ft. Hood jihadist—politically correct-motivated fear of offending Muslims. Click here to view Brigitte Gabriel’s video about Ft. Hood and political correctness run amok. It is our view that, rather than taking offense, truly moderate, peaceful Muslims who are loyal to America would welcome the exposure of the radicals in their midst. - Northeast Intelligence Network - http://homelandsecurityus.com - Terrorists in our midst Posted By Director On December 18, 2009 @ 6:00 am “Nearly four years after our initial investigative report about a domestic terrorist group was made public, we can provide readers the first in a series of exclusive comprehensive updates about Jamaat ul Fuqra’s presence and activities in the U.S. and Canada. While much has been written about this terrorist group and their ‘training compounds,’ the cold, hard facts are far more disturbing than the Internet folklore they attract.” By Douglas J, Hagmann Editors’ note: This is the first installment of updated information a combined investigation between Douglas J. Hagmann, director of the Northeast Intelligence Network and Judi McLeod, founding editor of Canada Free Press. 18 December 2009: Readers of Canada Free Press and the Northeast East Intelligence Network will recall our initial report published in February 2006 about Jamaat ul Fuqra, an Islamic terrorist group operating under the guise of legitimacy by adopting benign sounding identities such as the International Quranic Open University and the Muslims of the Americas. The reality is that Jamaat ul Fuqra is a fully operational Islamic terrorist organization firmly embedded throughout the U.S. and Canada and led by top Pakistani terror leader Shiek Mubarek Ali Gilani of Lahore, Pakistan. Gilani is most well known for his role in the death of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, a claim denied by Gilani and the subject of an ongoing dispute among terrorism investigators. Federal investigators confirmed that Jamat ul Fuqra members have been responsible for at least a dozen murders, 17 bombings and fire bombings, and several assassinations and attempted assassinations. The perpetrators of those terrorist acts received their paramilitary training at the Islamberg compound in New York State. In the weeks preceding the 9/11 attacks, nearby residents to the Islamic compound witnessed male residents of the compound, dressed in military type fatigues, running in military style formation on the rural road adjacent to the Muslim owned property. Other residents heard the sounds of gunfire and small explosions coming from the depths of the expansive property. In our 2006 report, the public was informed of specific activities of this terrorist organization that were taking place on our own soil. Such activities included paramilitary training such as live-fire weapons training, using an elementary school bus as a practice target for weapons and bomb training, repelling, and various forms of urban assault training. It is critically important to understand that our report was a product of a lengthy investigation performed by skilled, veteran investigators with years of field experience in covert surveillance and investigative techniques. To state that the publication of our investigative findings in 2006 report caused a stir domestically and even internationally would be quite an understatement. Our report was met by a scathing, if not delusional and inherently threatening response by Gilani himself, who claims that our report was the product of a Zionist conspiracy to fuel a holy war by Jews and Christians against Muslims. The report, printed and shown to Jamaat ul Fuqra leaders, called the report a product of “Kosher kids,” and obviously denied every aspect of the report. Unsurprisingly, our report was also met with skepticism by media pundits and Internet Bloggers who described as “ridiculous” that such Islamic paramilitary training compounds could be permitted to exist in North America. Others felt that if such activity was indeed occurring on American or U.S. soil, authorities would most certainly take the necessary action to protect its citizens. Despite all such skepticism, our report was cited by the Regional Organized Crime Information Center (ROCIC) and gained the attention of several state and federal law enforcement officials in three countries. Additional citations have been included in such reputable law enforcement publications such as The Counter-Terrorist, and have been included in a number of books on Islamic terrorism. Interestingly and somewhat telling to those who understand the nature of law enforcement and government matters, many of the facts taken from our initial report remain classified as “confidential,” “law enforcement sensitive,” and in one case on a federal level, even “classified.” Five weeks after the issuance of our report, U.S. law enforcement officials personally visited this investigator, stating that an informant admitted Gilani sent instructions to each of the compound leaders in North America, providing specific advice on the methods to use to counter the growing attention to the published report. That international communication also contained my personal information and professional identity, with instructions to prevent any further investigation into their organization. While sympathetic, they said they were powerless to do anything proactive. To add insult to potential injury, they also stated that there were no plans to open an investigation into this organization, a decision that was reportedly made by government officials “at a much higher pay grade.” It was a conversation that I remember well, but not unexpected or surprising based on my previous experience with federal officials. As the Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press continued our combined covert investigation into the activities of this terror organization, other Internet-based organizations created a cottage industry with various films and informational products based, in part, on our initial findings. Some of these documentaries appear to take artistic license with the facts, although none need any embellishment as the stone-cold truth is sufficiently disturbing. As the popularity of such videos grew, many internal workings of the terrorist group, including but not limited to some of their physical locations, operational tactics, paramilitary training and even business front organizations were changed to ultimately avoid further probes into their activities. Although the current videos offer valuable insight of their past operations, they may not accurately reflect the most updated operations and tactics presently being employed by this growing threat. Accordingly, the real and present danger of this group and the threat they present has been marginalized at a time we can least afford to have the truth tossed into the ashbin of urban legend. Today, the threat posed by these domestic terrorists is more severe than initially reported. Now more than ever is time to be very concerned. The operational tempo of Jamaat ul Fuqra is on the rise, and people need to be updated of this growing threat. Since 2006, the changes to Jamaat ul Fuqra have been both obvious and subtle, the latter posing the greatest threat to our safety. This initial article will address some important changes since our initial report, with additional reports to follow. One thing must be understood. The individuals involved in this terrorist group are determined, dangerous, deadly deceptive, and of course, deadly. They are fiercely loyal to Sheik Gilani who has gained significant influence in Pakistan due to events in that country over the last few years. Gilani’s reach and influence with his U.S. followers has risen since 2006. His abilities have increased and have been emboldened by our domestic policies on Islamic terrorism. Communications between Gilani and his U.S. followers have sharply risen over the last few years, increasing the cohesion among his “disciples.” That cohesion and increased communication has manifested itself in a number of areas, including the following: (To continue reading, click here) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America P.O. Box 12765 Pensacola, FL 32591 www.actforamerica.org ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure. The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website. HOW CAN I TELL OTHERS ABOUT YOUR ORGANIZATION? Send a personalized version of this message to your friends. 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