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 | Suspect Detection Systems – Automated rapid interrogation system that exposes the hostile intent of potential criminals or terrorists. Developed for use in airports, at border crossings, crime scenes and interrogation centers. Used by Federal Agencies and private enterprises across the world. http://www.suspectdetection.com | FOLLOWING the attempted downing of Detroit-bound Northwest Flight 253, many are asking the question: “Why did security procedure fail to spot this terrorist?” Well, the answer to the question can be found in the general approach used to identify potential terrorists trying to board commercial airliners. Today, security focuses on whether or not a passenger is carrying a weapon or potentially dangerous substance. Security should however focus on whether or not a passenger has been indoctrinated with radical ideology. Unfortunately, recent history has proven that attempt to hijack or blow up planes are carried out by extremist, fanatical Muslims. Security should be more intent on exposing radical Muslims, than on the substances found in our shoes or our perfume bottles. The Flight 253 Attack was clearly an act of jihad. If we do not wake up and realize the effects and motivations of this overarching, extensive radical world view, we will continue fighting a losing battle.
Flight 253 and Counterterror's Epic Fail by Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch |
An attempted jihad attack on Christmas Day has revealed that Americans are much more vulnerable to such attacks than most have believed – while government officials whistle in the dark. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the 23-year-old son of a wealthy Nigerian banker, tried to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 just before it landed in Detroit. As far as the DHS and Janet Napolitano are concerned, the Flight 253 incident is a massive and unmitigated disaster, showing the complete and abject failure of their anti-terror policies across the board.  |
Jihad 101 by Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy |
What importance has the recent Swiss referendum to ban the building of minarets (spires next to mosques from which the call to prayer is issued)? Some may see the 57.5 to 42.5 percent decision endorsing a constitutional amendment as nearly meaningless. The political establishment being overwhelmingly opposed to the amendment, the ban will probably never go into effect. Only 53.4 percent of the electorate voted, so a mere 31 percent of the whole population endorses the ban. The ban does not address Islamist aspirations, much less Muslim terrorism. It has no impact on the practice of Islam. It prevents neither the building of new mosques nor requires that Switzerland's four existing minarets be demolished. It's also possible to dismiss the vote as the quirky result of Switzerland's unique direct democracy...  |
Take Action |
At the end of our newsletter we always like to leave our readers with a take action item. This week, we suggest the take action item that most Americans are already taking. Why don’t you read this, and do nothing! Do not learn more about the threat. Do not tell others about the dangers. Do not demand of your Congressmen, Senators and Law Enforcement to focus on this threat because it isn’t necessarily “politically correct”. 
Radical Islam is waging a war against western culture and Judeo-Christian values.
 The War Against The West (1:40) | | | | In This Issue
Featured on RadicalIslam.org On RadicalIslam.org

The Third Jihad Radical Islam's Vision for America is a documentary that alerts Americans to the danger radical Islam poses to the United States and to Western civilization as a whole. | Watch The Third Jihad Trailer |
| About RadicalIslam.org RadicalIslam.org, the flagship education tool of the Clarion Fund, was developed to spread awareness about the threat of Radical Islam in the United States and to provide practical response tools. The portal acts as a social networking tool, uniting individuals across America to take a stand against Radical Islam. Users are encouraged to express themselves through comments on website blogs. RadicalIslam.org also has a live-blogging presence on Twitter: No2RadicalIslam. | |
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