Monday, February 1, 2010

02-01-10: Exclusive: iPod, iPad or iRan?

February 1st
Will the real Barack Obama please stand up? How stupid do they think we are? Who made the decision to try Abdulmutallab in a U.S. civilian court? Rasmussen - in search of self-governance. A lesson from James Madison about Obamanomics.

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Pakistan Taliban Chief Reportedly Killed in U.S. Drone Strike

The head of the Taliban in Pakistan, Hakimullah Mehsud, was killed in a U.S. drone attack, Pakistan state television reported Sunday. The report stated Mehsud had been injured in a drone attack in the Shaktoi area January 14 and died three days later. He reportedly was buried in the village of Mamuzai in the North Waziristan region...

Exclusive: Beware the Erosion of American Sovereignty

Adam Raezler

The White House seeks to ratify a series of international treaties that pose a great danger to America's sovereignty.

Exclusive: iPod, iPad or iRan?

Gadi Adelman

News crews from around the world swarmed San Francisco as Steve Jobs introduced the new Apple iPad. Where does it leave us when the new iPad trumps the news over our nation's security?

Read this article - then share your comments about our media - click here

Exclusive: Obama: The First Year

Morris J. Amitay

When it comes to national security, does President Obama get it?

Exclusive: A Retired Airline Pilot Speaks Out on Airline Security

Dave Gaubatz

Are the "friendly skies" really as safe as we are being led to believe? A retired airline pilot speaks out on this crucial security issue.

Video: Senator Collins slams White House on Christmas Day Bomber handling
UN climate panel shamed by bogus rainforest claim
Video: Karl Rove on KSM as ‘Alleged' 9/11 Architect: We Wouldn't Call Hitler the ‘Alleged Invasion Architect'
Video: Homeland Security chief skipped EunuchBomber review
Video: Axelrod: President's Criticism of Supreme Court During SOTU Was ‘Totally Appropriate'
Video: White House: ‘One Vote Away' From Making Health Reform a Reality
Sea Level in Israel Has Been Rising and Falling Over the Last 2,500 Years.
Two Models for the Encounter Between Islam and the West
Video: Hamas TV: The Real Palestinian Beauty Queen Is the Jihad-Fighting Mother.
Terrorists 'plan attack on Britain with bombs INSIDE their bodies'
Obama's ousted 'Green Czar' to address world's leading corporations.
The World's Most Bizarre Terror Threats: Underpants may be the least of our worries.

Censorship by Intimidation

Melanie Phillips

The real agenda of this study is censorship by intimidation - to defame and smear all those who comment, however responsibly, on a matter of such intense public importance as Islamic extremism and terrorism.

The Great Green Land Grab

Alan Caruba

Property rights were deemed so essential that the Founders wrote an Amendment to the Constitution to protect them - yet environmentalists today trample them without qualm.

Munching in the ‘Blue Zones': Better Health Solutions?

Ben-Peter Terpstra

As we debate about health care, a common sense approach to better health might be found in what one author calls the "Blue Zones."

How Designated Terror Organization al-Shabaab Targets Western Youth

Steve Emerson

At least 14 people have been charged in federal cases related to al-Shabaab recruitment in America, including attending terror training camps, fighting for - and providing support to - the group.

Exclusive: Are Gradual and Silent Encroachments Abridging U.S. Citizens' Personal Freedoms?

C. Austin Burrell

The objective of these infringements has been to expand the power of our federal government, while reducing and limiting not only individual rights, but also the rights and privileges of States.

The Public Health Plan Reincarnated: New-and Troubling-Powers for OPM

Robert E. Moffit, Ph.D. and Kathryn Nix

This newest version of health care reform provides the U.S. Office of Personnel Management with new and expanded powers. This analysis explains why that is dangerous.

Exclusive: The Unbearable Light-ness Of Being A Spammer

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

Only the unemployed and the "American Idol" contestant who sang "Pants on the Ground " have the time to spam a newspaper's Letters to the Editor section.

U.S. Forces in Haiti to Grow to 20,000

John J. Kruzel, American Forces Press Service

Roughly 20,000 U.S. troops will be supporting relief efforts in Haiti by Jan. 24, military officials said, adding to the 13,000-strong American force currently there.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. With New York All But Ruled Out, Lawmakers Look for Cheap, Safe Spot for 9/11 Trials
  2. US raises stakes on Iran by sending in ships and missiles
  3. Chicago-Bound Amtrak Train Stalled by Islamic Terror Threat
  4. China to Suspend U.S. Military Exchanges Over Arms Deal
  5. GOP: Obama Has 'Blind Spot' on Terror War
  6. Iran Puts 16 Opposition Supporters on Trial
  7. US beefs up missile defenses in Gulf
  8. Terrorists 'plan attack on Britain with bombs INSIDE their bodies' to foil new airport scanners
  9. 3 Americans now held in Iran for half of a year
  10. BBC takes openly anti-war stance in coverage of Blair testimony on Iraq
  11. Blair says no regrets for removing Saddam
  12. Secy of State Clinton promises not to talk to the Taliban's "really bad guys"
  13. Afghan interpreter shoots dead two US soldiers
  14. British couple held by Somali pirates for 100 days appeal for help
  15. Democrats quietly working to resuscitate healthcare overhaul
  16. Obama Seeks $200M for Terror Trials
  17. Obama Jobs Program Could Cost $100 Billion
  18. Tony Blair's Iraq Statesmanship - The former PM reminds the world why Saddam had to go, and the lesson for Iran. (WSJ)
  19. How the bloody battle against Mexico's drug lords could threaten America. ... (FRONT PAGE)
  20. Obama administration takes several wrong paths in dealing with terrorism (MICHAEL V. HAYDEN)
  21. Mosque University (MIKE ADAMS)
  22. Obama impresses 'educated class' but not terrorists (MICHAEL BARONE)
  23. KSM and His Great Traveling Terrorist Trial Is on the Move (PAJAMAS)
  24. EDITORIAL: Obama won't connect terror dots (THE WASHINGTON TIMES)
  25. More Mr. Nice Guy - While nukes proliferate, Obama fiddles. (JOHN BOLTON)

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