Tuesday, February 2, 2010

02-02-10:Team Obama vs. the All-Volunteer Military

February 2nd
"Racing towards destination unknown." Can Obama reverse Iran's dangerous course? Obama is ‘no JFK.' David Limbaugh - the speech...and reality. Barney Frank and the ‘democratic' Senate. Time for Obama to look at terrorism differently. Is this president ‘mediocre?'
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Team Obama vs. the All-Volunteer Military

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Will the first tangible steps towards this radical left-wing social experimentation with America's all-volunteer military trigger a massive backlash against the administration and its allies on Capitol Hill?

Exclusive: Building Domestic Markets to Create Jobs

William R. Hawkins

The official unemployment rate is 10 percent, but the real rate at 17.3 percent when the underemployed and discouraged workers are counted. We must get the real economy moving.

1776: Victory or Death?

Jim O'Neill

The American revolutionaries fought against Britain's arrogant and tyrannical government. How could we have allowed an American government to grow into just this?

Video: Former CIA Op: White House Aides ‘Nothing But Buffoons When It Comes to National Security'
Mosque University
Video: Lech Walesa's Warning for America
Video: What Does the Federal Budget Freeze Look Like?
IPCC beginning to melt as global tempers rise.
CIA moonlights in corporate world.
Video: "One Single Payer System" - the Musical
Video: Iran democracy movement growing. Watch for Feb. 11 events!
Magazine Rips Global Warming: 'The Hottest Hoax in the World...A pack of lies, it turns out'
Climategate: Al Gore and the politicization of science.
MSNBC: "New media gives conservatives a boost."

Exclusive: Liberals in Full Howl over Recent SCOTUS Decision on Free Speech

John Howard

How, pray, does an expansion in the expression of ideas, philosophies and perspectives undermine democracy?

Exclusive: Haiti: Lessons Learned, or, Another Example Why Israel & the U.S. Matter

Dr. Robin McFee

Responding in Haiti is not a photo op or PR opportunity - it is another example of two nations joined by fundamental credos and shared heritage of inherent goodness who are usually the first to help.

Administration Waging Unhelpful War against Contractors

James Carafano, PhD

The Pentagon is busy eliminating 33,000 private-sector workers and replacing them with federal (union) workers. What is the reasoning behind this initiative?

In Today's Government, Words Can Mean Whatever They Choose Them to Mean

Herbert London

Words are unmoored, set adrift by sophists who employ words for advantage or even to change meaning. The Orwellian reversal of language has been taken to a new level of manipulation.

Some Iranians are Looking Back at Bad Choices

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Back then, it was "death to the Shah." Today, it's "death to the dictators." Who will prevail?

True Grit Needed for Missile Defense

Riki Ellison

The concepts of "Launch on Remote" and "Engage on Remote" is an integral part of the missile defense plan that protects Europe and the United States and must be proven out to provide the protection promised.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Rigging the Numbers - We have not "convicted 195 terrorists in federal court since 2001." (ANDREW MCCARTHY)
  2. GOP idea: Slash cash for Gitmo shutdown
  3. Republicans Step Up Protests of Civilian Terror Trials
  4. Despite pledge, Reid calls major Senate vote before Scott Brown is seated
  5. U.S. Attorney Reviews Call for Probe of SEIU Activities with White House, Congress
  6. White House unveils $3.8 trillion budget
  7. China Fumes over Taiwan Arms Package, Even Though Fighter Planes Are Missing
  8. 2 Dems Support Bill to Axe Funding of Civilian Terrorist Trials
  9. White House: No decision yet on moving 9/11 trial
  10. White House to paint grim fiscal picture: source
  11. Anniversary of Islamic Revolution May Bring New Clashes in Iran
  12. Father indicted in New York terror case
  13. Dem. senators spent weekend with bank, energy, tobacco lobbyists
  14. U.S. Missile Test Mimicking Iran Strike Fails
  15. White House Report: First Three Years of Obama Will Bring Three Largest Budget Deficits Since World War II
  16. A Watershed Election Iraqi democracy can turn a corner next month. (MICHAEL RUBIN)
  17. The Friendly Skies Of Nancy Pelosi (IBD)
  18. Lech Walesa's Warning for America (RUSH LIMBAUGH)
  19. Robert Gates warns Congress on restoring funds
  20. Budget plan would impose host of tax increases Read more at the Washington Examiner:
  21. China threatens Obama over Dalai Lama meeting
  22. The Case for Military Tribunals: If the trial of '20th hijacker' taught us anything, KSM should not be tried in civilian court. (VICTORIA TOENSING)
  23. 3.8 Trillion for What? by Donald Lambro
  24. A Tale of Two Terrorists: The Justice Department defended the lengthy interrogation of one terror suspect days before the Christmas bomber was hastily Mirandized. (DAVID B. RIVKIN JR. AND MARC A. THIESSEN)
  25. Seven Myths About Iran (BRET STEPHENS)

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