Wednesday, February 3, 2010

02-03-10: Glenn Beck ‘The Revolutionary Holocaust’ What your children are not learning in school should frighten you.

February 3rd
Obama's budget proposal, department by department. Is he taking America over the edge? Charlie Cook: "GOP can win both houses in November." Leftwingers outraged by being associated with leftwingers. Is this rich.....or what?! Obamanomics, a ‘fiscal catastrophe in the making.'

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Exclusive: Iran and ‘Smart Power' - Not All It's Cracked Up to Be (Part One of Two)

Peter Huessy

Understanding the reasons behind the Iraq war can help us to see the situation in Iran more clearly.

Exclusive: When a Trend Cannot Continue, It Stops

Dick McDonald

The only way to solve the current catastrophic runaway spending by our government is to return to the small-government principles provided by our Founders.

Exclusive: Review: Glenn Beck Documentary, ‘The Revolutionary Holocaust'

C. Austin Burrell

What your children are not learning in school should frighten you.

Exclusive: Are Cuts in Defense Spending the Best Way to Cut Government Costs?

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

The most newsworthy item was the president's decision to freeze discretionary spending, but exempting defense and homeland security.

Exclusive: Chris Matthews Compares GOP to Khmer Rouge - Where's The Sense of Proportion?

Pam Meister

Have we really gotten to the point where anyone could compare what's going on in either of the Parties to the vicious and brutal way in which the Khmer Rouge came to power in the last century?

Shariah Finance: What Every Elected Official - And Citizen - Should Know

The Editors

Shariah Finance is rapidly growing in our nation. But what is it? How will it affect you? Find out in a free webinar.

Video: Krauthammer on Administration's Anti-Terror Policies
Video: President: This Is The Most Transparent Government In Modern Era
Video: Again: President Knocks Trips to Las Vegas
Video: Canadian Premier Heads to US for Heart Surgery
Video: McCain: Holder ‘Has Obviously Botched This One Very, Very Badly'
Video: Dramatic review of how the Iranian people were betrayed in 1979.
Joe Klein Blasts Glenn Beck As A 'Hatemonger.'
U.S. Marine: "The Rules of Engagement Prevent Me From Doing My Job"
The Friendly Skies Of Nancy Pelosi [$2.1 mil over 2 years! - that's YOUR money!]
Video: Stunning clandestine tape from Iran on coming 2/11 demonstrations. This will give you chills!!

Not Waving, but Drowning

Melanie Phillips

The climate change zealots continue their free fall into utter ridicule.

Meet Our Decorated Heroes: God Bless Them!

Master Gunnery Sergeant Peter Proietto, USMC - Bronze Star with "V" - Afghanistan

U.S. Marine Master Gunnery Sgt. Peter Proietto bravely risked his life to save his comrades during a deadly Taliban ambush in Afghanistan.

Caption Contest: Top Entries - February 3

And the winner is...

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Terrorist attempt 'certain' in months
  2. Iran: ‘We Do Not Take Mrs. Clinton's Remarks Seriously'
  3. Administration Will Not Tell Fiscal Commission to Avoid Tax Hikes on Incomes Below $250,000
  4. It's Official: President's Spending Today Dwarfs FDR's Depression-Era Spending
  5. Airline Terror Suspect Provides Key Intelligence
  6. Palin Blasts Emanuel for Calling Dem Idea 'Retarded'
  7. Deficits May Alter U.S. Politics and Global Power
  8. Gates to Hill: Pentagon to ease gay ban
  9. Iran hints at prisoner swap for 3 U.S. hikers
  10. Intelligence Chief Expects Attempted Terror Attack on U.S. in Three to Six Months
  11. Grassley to Geithner: Making Stimulus Permanent Would be Like Turning a 'Pet Gecko' into 'Godzilla'
  12. Largest-ever federal payroll to hit 2.15 million
  13. Dutch Critic of Islam Wants Extremist Killer to Testify at His Trial
  14. Americans in Yemen, Including Ex-Prisoners, Put U.S. on ‘Heightened Alert,' Report Says
  15. Early draft of the Constitution found in Phila.
  16. Still Rolling: Fox News Has Its Best January Ever
  17. Mirandized Security Risks (AMERICAN SPECTATOR)
  18. The Saga of Abdulmutallab, Underwear Bomber (DANA M. PERINO & BILL BURCK)
  19. The president's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism goes after Rep. Wolf, but doesn't have his facts straight. (WEEKLY STANDARD)
  20. The Case Against Gays in the Military (WSJ)
  21. Unholy Alliance: Zinn, Chomsky, Bin Laden (FRONT PAGE)
  22. Mirandize bin Laden? (JED BABBIN)
  23. Obama faces more setbacks in push for civilian terror trials (JULIE MASON)
  24. Show ACORN the Money (SPECTATOR)
  25. Tone Deaf to Concerns About Terrorism (RICHARD COHEN)

1 comment:

  1. FOX Noise is trying to make us swallow the utterly false assertion that Hitler and Stalin were not, as history has led us to believe, bitter enemies. The plain truth of the matter is that they were in bed with one another - ideologically speaking, that is. At one point in this silly program, Jonah Goldberg says, "The Nazis and the Bolsheviks in Germany was really a case of Coke vs. Pepsi." That is why when the Nazi Party was formed in the nineteen-twenties, they decided the swastika at the center of their flag needed to be surrounded by a bold field of red. They were trying to attract the Socialists, whose flag was the same color.

    What is conveniently omitted is the fact that Hitler wasn't trying to forward the Socialist cause, he was trying to convert them or - at the very least - confuse them. According to Beck, the only reason Herr Hitler opposed Communism was because he disagreed with its "internationalism". This is utter nonsense which can be debunked by a cursory examination of every comment Hitler ever made (public and private) on the subject of Soviet Russia and Marxism.

    HISTORICAL FACT: Here is something else Glenn Beck neglected to mention. It was not only the Jews who were consigned to perish in the Nazi death camps. Also marked for extermination were Gypsies, homosexuals - and Communists. Liberal my eye!

    One segment of the program is subtitled, "THE GENOCIDE YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF". What genocide might this be, you may ask? It is the fact that millions of Russians were murdered by Stalin's regime. The Liberals, says Beck, don't want you to know about this and have deleted it from the history books. This segment might more accurately have been called: "THE GENOCIDE THAT GLENN BECK AND YOUR AVERAGE VIEWER OF FOX NOISE HAS NEVER HEARD OF". I don't know about you but I've known about the mass murder carried out by Josef Stalin ever since I started reading history in my early teens. What books (or book) is Glenn talking about? "My Life, My Loves" by Eddie Fisher perhaps? Come to think of it, old Eddie did omit that nasty little fact from his text. Coincidence? I wonder. He's hiding something, I know it!

    Tom Degan
    Goshen, NY
