Thursday, February 4, 2010

02-04-10: Exclusive: Terror Attack Certain in Next Few Months? Has Security Taken a Back Seat?

February 4th
Obama and the ‘malevolent genies.' China and Obama. Jennifer Rubin: Waiting for the realists. John Bolton - While nukes proliferate, Obama fiddles. "Hellfire for treason?" Obama won't connect terror dots: State of the Caliphate is better than it should be.
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Exclusive: About those Unsustainable Benefits and Entitlements

Tom McLaughlin

Governments at every level are rapidly reaching the point where they cannot continue to deliver what they've promised, and millions of people have, unfortunately, learned to expect.

Fear and Loathing in Detroit

Steve Emerson

Islamists continue to use innuendo to stir hostility toward the FBI in Detroit as they, aided by the media, ignore the facts surrounding the death of a radical imam.

Exclusive: You Can't Make This Stuff Up! (2/4/10)

The Editors

A daily roundup of idiocy, buffoonery and incompetence - courtesy of your government and its enablers.

Cuts in Border Security in Proposed Budget

Jim Kouri, CPP

While telling the American people that national security is a priority for the administration, the White House submitted a 2011 budget proposal that includes cuts to U.S. border security.

Exclusive: Terror Attack Certain in Next Few Months? Has Security Taken a Back Seat?

The Editors

Do the jihadists feel emboldened in their chances for success based on how the administration is dealing with terrorism?

Video: Bill O'Reilly Interviews Jon Stewart
Video: Republicans Slam President's Proposed $3.8 Trillion Budget
Audio: Clarence Thomas Defends Supreme Court's Campaign Finance Decision
Video: O'Reilly - Thinks Daily Kos People Are Insane
Two Videos: Lt. Col. Allen West speaks about the challenges facing Americans.
Video: Glenn Beck teaches Arianna Huffington a lesson in journalism!
Maybe Closing Gitmo is not in the Cards
Video: Musical message from Iranian students
Video: Amnesty activist - "Imagine 8 million new voters who care about our issues!"

Exclusive: A Freeze of Jewish Construction in Judea and Samaria

Leslie Sacks

Let's see who wants real progress, and which sides have any sincere interest in peace.

Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood Leader in Panel Discussion with Germans and Americans; Spent Week In D.C.

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

Foxes guarding the hen house.

United States Medal of Honor Citations

Second Lieutenant Darwin K. Kyle, U.S. Army - Korean War

The President of the United States has awarded more than 3,400 Medals of Honor to our nation's bravest. is proud to share their stories with our readers.

***NEW***Caption Contest February 4 - 9

Can you come up with the funniest photo caption?

We choose, you peruse.

  1. 'Terror mom' found guilty of attempted murder of US serviceman
  2. Intel Official: U.S. Believes Mehsud Is Dead
  3. 'Permission' needed to kill U.S. terrorists
  4. Nuclear missile threats to U.S. mount
  5. Congressman slams grant to embattled climate researcher
  6. 'Virtual' Border Fence Plagued by String of Technical Glitches, Delays
  7. Veteran groups resist 'don't ask' repeal
  8. Justice Defends Ruling on Finance
  9. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plays game of cat-and-mouse with West over nuclear deal
  10. IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri under pressure to go over glacier error
  11. U.S. Must Rethink Policy of Deliberately Allowing Terrorists into U.S. for Surveillance Purposes
  12. ICE Official: Work-Site Arrests of Illegal Aliens ‘Down From Previous Years'
  13. The Left Warms to Bush-Cheney War on Terror Policies and Tactics (RUSH LIMBAUGH)
  14. Mirandized Security Risks (SPECTATOR)
  15. ObamaCare's Excuses (WSJ)
  16. Don't Touch Don't Ask, Don't Tell (IBD)
  17. When The Government Warns Of Imminent and "Certain" Attack by Al-Qaida, Complacency Is Not an Option (IBD)
  18. Afghanistan: Friend of U.S. Troops Shoots U.S. Troops (ROBERT SPENCER)
  19. Holder in '02: It's "Hard to Interrogate" Enemy Combatant in the U.S. Because "He Has a Lawyer" (STEPHEN F. HAYES)
  20. An Obama nominee falls victim to the realities of fighting terrorism. (WSJ)
  21. A Short History of American Populism (MICHAEL BARONE)
  22. Class Warfare in the Classroom (FRONT PAGE)
  23. A New Contract with America (PAJAMAS)
  24. Bibi, not Bam, has Iran plan (NYP)
  25. Terrorizing terrorists (RALPH PETERS)

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