Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Countdown With Ahmadinejad: Is Anyone Else Worried About Dying In Ten Days?

Countdown With Ahmadinejad: Is Anyone Else Worried About Dying In Ten Days?

2010 February 1
by Jeanette Pryor


Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, once asked a Holocaust Survivor if he had any words of wisdom the Minister should remember. Looking gravely at the Statesman, the old man warned:

“When someone tells you they are going to exterminate you, believe them.”

Marking the begining of the Iranian celebration of Ayatollah Kohmeini’s 1979 return from exile, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad promised the world that the Iranian people would:

“…strike a blow to global powers on February 11th.”

February 11th is “Islamic Revolutionary Victory Day.” Ah yes – the Glorious Revolution that brought such benefits to Iran and the world as the an Islamic Sharia state, Hezbollah, the American Hostage Crisis, and the vice-police enforcing the culture of Chador (obligatory female portable-cloister.)

The President also announced that 2010 would see:

“…the end of capitalism and the globalization of the Islamic Revolution.”

This news will result in the journalistic abuse of the qualifier “mad,” the collective glib dismissal of a malicious man who is anything but mad. Ahmadinejad believes the doctrine of Radical Islam, an ideological principle that is both revolutionary and barbarous. He implacably embraces its consequent world-vision and lucidly plans the logical implementation of his homicidal faith.

This is not madness, it is freely chosen evil. The sooner we cease taking giggling refuge in the myth of the insanity of the “Iranian Madman,” we can confront, with accountable determination, the business of neutralizing Ahmadinejad and the politico-religious fanaticism from which his agenda flows.

With Mr. Ahmadinejad properly contained, we can actually look forward to waking up on February 11 and living through the day, instead of vaguely musing, in between dismissive chuckles, if maybe “the absurd little man” was actually serious about that extermination thing.

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