Thursday, February 4, 2010

PROOF: Waterboarding Prevented More 9/11's

Finally, PROOF:
al-Qaeda leaders prevented more 9/11's and saved countless lives

But now, Barack Obama wants
to prosecute the men who
kept us safe!

Courting Disaster
Dear Fellow

You've heard, no doubt, about the al Qaeda-trained terrorist who tried to blow up Northwest flight 253 on Christmas day. That's because he
came so close to succeeding.

What you probably haven't heard about, however, was al-Qaeda’s 2006 plot to hijack seven American
passenger jets and blow them up over the Atlantic. That’s because it was prevented.

How? By “waterboarding” the captured 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who gave up details of the plot.

And here’s something even fewer Americans know anything about: That plot was just one of many post-9/11 terrorist plots that
were foiled thanks to the CIA’s waterboarding of KSM and other high-value terrorists.

Yet, immediately upon taking office, President Barack Obama began to dismantle the CIA’s enhanced-interrogation program, expose its secrets and
spread a number of lies about it that have since become conventional wisdom -- including the claim that waterboarding is not only
“torture” but was unnecessary in getting KSM to talk.

Result? America is once again in grave danger of direct terrorist attacks on our country -- as the nearly successful "Christmas bombing" so
chillingly demonstrates.

Now, in Courting Disaster: How the
CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack
, former Bush Administration insider Mark Thiessen refutes
these lies -- and challenges the false arguments that have been made by Obama and his fellow critics of the CIA program.

For a limited time, Human
is making Courting
available to you absolutely FREE.

In stunning detail, Courting
hammers home that it was only the extraordinary work of America’s intelligence professionals that prevented the
terrorists from striking again. You’ll discover, for instance, how information from detainees in CIA custody led to...

  • The arrest of al-Qaeda terrorist Jose Padilla, who was sent to America on a mission to blow up high-rise apartment buildings using natural

  • The capture of a cell of Southeast Asian terrorists who had been told by KSM to fly a passenger jet into the Library Tower in Los Angeles

  • The capture of Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, KSM’s right-hand man in the 9/11 attacks, just as he was finalizing a plot to fly hijacked planes into
    buildings in downtown London

  • The disruption of a plot to replicate the destruction at our embassies in East Africa -- this time in Pakistan

  • The disruption of a plot to blow up our Marine base in Djibouti, which could have rivaled the 1983 bombing of our Marine barracks in

  • The breaking up an al-Qaeda cell that was developing anthrax for terrorist attacks inside the United States.

By dismantling our most effective intelligence programs, the Obama Administration has recklessly put America’s security at risk. Courting Disaster shows how
and why -- and is a clarion call for renewing the programs that are essential for protecting America.

CLICK HERE to learn more -- and
to get your FREE copy of Courting


Thomas S. Winter

Thomas S. Winter

Editor in Chief, Human Events

P.S. Here is how to tick off a liberal... just subscribe to Human Events today! (And you 'll receive a FREE copy of Courting Disaster -- a $29.95 value.)

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