Thursday, February 4, 2010

Victory - but at a steep price.

Dear DHFC Supporter,

The Texas Supreme Court has given Joe Kaufman a final victory over a coven of Muslim organizations who were trying to silence him. That is fantastic news! As a member of the Freedom Center, you helped us fight on Joe's behalf. I can't thank you enough for that support.

But the radical Muslim groups that fought to end Joe's free speech have deep pockets. The Freedom Center, on the other hand, relies solely on Americans who want this type of injustice stopped - people like you. No victory comes without a cost, of course. Today the Freedom Center faces remaining legal fees of $20,000 and I am writing to you to assist us in our debt reduction effort.

A contribution right now to the Freedom Center would go a long way toward not only putting this debt to rest but also toward preparing us for the next legal battle.

You and I both know it's coming, too. Every day my associate and Middle East expert Robert Spencer - the director of "Jihad Watch" - exposes more and more of radical Islam's domestic sympathizers. I am often awed by Robert's fearlessness.

But exposing the growing Islamo-Fascist groups in America is precisely what Joe Kaufman was doing. Robert's "Jihad Watch" is virtually unparalleled. It's an achievement that has made him a target of extremists here and overseas. As such, Robert has been repeatedly threatened bodily and legally. Of course, Robert and Joe aren't the only Americans courageous enough to turn the rocks over and make radical Islam apologists squirm in the light. Thank goodness.

My point is that just as Joe Kaufman came to the Freedom Center for help, others will need our assistance, too. We must ensure that our door is always open and that we have the financial ability to step into the ring and go the distance. That is why it is absolutely imperative we pay off the legal debt that built up during this long, drawn out fight.

So, I am addressing you as a friend, confidant, and steadfast supporter of the Freedom Center: Please make a contribution right now to help us pay off the remaining legal fees...

... and ensure we're ready to fight another day.

I see the situation the Freedom Center and our legal arm, the Individual Rights Center, are in today, and I also know our enemies. They are rich and focused solely on hurting our nation.

I am reminded of one of President Reagan's favorite sayings: "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." We cannot fail if we stick together and stand fast against those who don't want their agenda revealed and are willing to use any means to see it through. We have every reason to be as vigilant and tenacious.

Thank you for helping the Freedom Center and the IRF battle for Joe Kaufman's God-given right to free speech. Now, please - help me prepare for the battles you and I both know will come.


David Horowitz

President & Founder

P.S. You and I have only a moment to pat ourselves on the back over Joe Kaufman's victory - as great as it was. It was a victory over powerful, wealthy radical groups working in concert - but it came at a steep price. Please help the Freedom Center pay off the remaining legal fees of $20,000 and prepare for more legal battles.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center

P.O. Box 55089

Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964

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