Wednesday, June 16, 2010

06-16-10: A Rushed Afghan Troop Withdrawal Could Be Disastrous

June 16th
Politico: ‘Mosque & State" - greater implications of 9/11 Islamic Center. UN interfering with U.S. national defense tools. Obama backs Israel's flotilla inquiry. Barney Frank commission says $1 trillion should be cut from defense budget. Health costs to jump in 2011.

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Editorial: A Rushed Afghan Troop Withdrawal Could Be Disastrous

The Editor

The military exit from Afghanistan can be successful only if stronger attempts are also made to build a strong political and economic infrastructure in the regions where the Taliban have thrived.

Exclusive: UN Resolution on Iran Open to Interpretation

William R. Hawkins

UNSC sanctions against Iran will be ineffective. Russia, the EU and China all profit from Iran's energy industry. A naval blockade could pressure Iran, but will the US administration consider this?

U.S. Defense Can't be at China's Discretion

Peter Brookes

China is already manipulating the rare earth element market and talking about banning some exports. How should the U.S. deal with this growing threat to our national security?

Exclusive: Sanctions Will Fail To Restrain Iran

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

Weak sanctions will strengthen Iran's ability to crush dissent and further erode its citizens' human rights.

Why You Should Care Deeply about James Cole's Nomination to Deputy Attorney General

Debra Burlingame

Debra Burlingame, co-founder of 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, writes an open letter to 9/11 Friends and Families.


SICK Muslim extremists bombarded British soldiers with abuse at a homecoming parade
Spot the difference: How today's airbrushing PC censors decided Churchill could do without his cigar
Video: Petraeus Passes Out During Testimony But Less Than 15 Minutes Later, The General Returned, Greeted By Applause...
Residents get 6 votes each in suburban NY election
Video: President Obama's Address to the Nation, 6/15/2010
Man on solo mission to kill bin Laden wanted revenge for Sept. 11 attacks
War and Remembrance - A father retraces the steps of his son, a gallant Marine who lost his life in the liberation of Iraq.
Video: Stakelbeck on Terror - New Show from CBN News

George Galloway Announces Plans For Next Gaza Flotilla

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

Pro-Islamist British politician George Galloway is planning a new Gaza Flotilla to launch this September. Is this a cue for more mayhem on the high seas, designed to delegitimize Israel?

Did We Not All Say, "Never Again?"

Ed Koch

The recent rise of anti-Semitism which hides behind the mask of "anti-Zionism" is a frightening force that has come upon us. It is a force that must be resisted, before it becomes unstoppable.

Britain's Islamic Poster Girl Supports Islamists

Edmund Standing

A Muslim woman features in a British web and poster campaign that aims to dispel negative assumptions about Islam. Her previous support for Islamists was not something she mentioned in the campaign.

Caption Contest: Top Entries - June 16

And the winner is...

Quote of the Day - June 16, 2010

Strategic thinking in Afghanistan?...

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