Thursday, June 17, 2010

06-17-10: Exclusive: Barcelona Bans The Burka

Today's Editorial

Burkas - Hiding From Men's Eyes, or Spitting In Them?

The Editor
As Barcelona prepares to ban the wearing of burkas in public buildings, is this an abuse of an individual's political freedom, or is it freeing some women from the oppression of being covered?

June 17th
President vows to fix oil spill in first Oval Office Speech. Sec. Clinton adds U.S. to list of ‘slave' nations. U.S. expands science engagement with Muslim majority nations. Current strategic review ‘incomplete.' China threatens, "We will hurt you." (How?)

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Swedish Illusions

Herbert London

Sweden serves as a model of a modern socialist state, where people struggle on high taxes to fund welfarism, where migrants are taught how to use the welfare state.

Al Qaeda: Its Future and Ours

Peter Probst

Al Qaeda has downsized to become an affiliation of smaller units, which are more difficult to track and conquer. Worryingly, these smaller units will attack more vulnerable targets, and these targets could include schools.

Exclusive: Barcelona Bans The Burka

Paul Williams, PhD

One Spanish city has reacted to the influx of shrouded Muslim women by introducing a ban on wearing of the burka and also the "niqab" or face veil in its public buildings.

Afghanistan: Where Now? What Now?

Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret), and Kerry Patton

While cooperation with Pakistan and its intelligence agency is seen as the only course for beating the Taliban and al Qaeda, the more elusive will be an Afghanistan triumph for the US and its allies.

From the Birth of the Army to Marines at Saipan

Military History, W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

This Week in American Military History, brought to you by military historian W. Thomas Smith Jr.


Video: An American soldier returning to duty in Iraq was charged by American Airlines because his bag was overweight.
Video: Petraeus defends efforts in Afghanistan
Video: BP CEO: ‘We Care About the Small People'
Marksmanship in 1775: Myth or reality?
BP to Suspend Dividend and Set Up Claim Fund
5 painful health-care lessons from Massachusetts
Marine Wins Battle with Teachers Union
Tough sheriff kind to critters, but muzzled by animal group

Exclusive: How Not To Contain Iran

Leslie Sacks

One self-described "realist in an ideological age" has dismissed two foreign policy experts' genuine concerns about Iran's ambitions. Read why Iran should be taken more seriously.

Exclusive: Risks of Fake US Passport Scams

Michael Cutler

A passport allows an American citizen to freely enter the United States. With passport components manufactured abroad, passport fraud - already used by terrorists - becomes more likely.

Criminal Alien Incarceration Bad for States' Budgets

Jim Kouri, CPP

While the federal administration decrees that states should incarcerate criminal aliens, most of the tab for keeping them confined is paid by individual states.

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