Wednesday, March 16, 2011

03-16-11: Libya: No-Fly Zone Shot Down by G8 (PLUS:President Says He Is Formulating His Basketball Picks)

Catching Up with Events, But Never Leading

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

The administration has been trying to keep up with the rush of world events and developments at home, but at no stage does it seem to be showing real leadership.


 1. BREAKING VIDEO: President Says He Is Formulating His Final Four Basketball Picks
2. Video: 86 Year Old WWII Veteran Choked and Robbed by thug, in Atlantic City Casino
3. Video: Rep. Mike Pence (R) on House Floor: "It's Time to Pick a Fight"
4. Video: 20,000 attend Itamar massacre victims' funeral
5. See what al-Qaida does with children
6. Video: House passes new three-week budget bill, 54 Republicans vote no
7. Forget flashcards! Watch reality TV and get into college
8. Medicare and Medicaid Made $70 Billion in ‘Improper Payments' Last Year-More Than All Spending by DHS & State Depts. Combined
9. Video: Rep. Conyers (D): ObamaCare a "platform" for government takeover of health care
10. Video: O'Reilly: Why Does Bill Maher Get Away With Calling
Koran ‘Hate-Filled Holy Book'?

Libya: No-Fly Zone Shot Down by G8

Gary H. Johnson, Jr.

The G8 nations opted to support a period of UN sanctions against Libya, rather than endorsing a no-fly zone. Are the G8 nations' links to Libya's national oil company guiding their actions?

The King Hearings were Taboo-Busters

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Last Thursday's Homeland Security Committee hearings began a conversation about an issue that has long been deemed politically untouchable.

Al-Jazeera Opens Doors to Hamas and CAIR

Cliff Kincaid

Al-Jazeera supported Samir Kunta, the Palestinian terrorist who clubbed an Israeli child to death, yet its news site does not mention the Fogel family massacre. Who indulges this TV propaganda?

Islam is the Enemy of Freedom

Amil Imani

A former Muslim presents his personal view on Islam and claims that it is an ideology that in its "pure" form can never allow personal liberties or religious dissent.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

UK Muslim Brotherhood Coalition to Participate in Next Gaza Flotilla

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

British Islamists from the Muslim Brotherhood are going to play a rôle in the next nautical nonsense designed to smear and delegitimize Israel.

February was Hate Speech Month in Europe


Freedom of speech in Europe is under threat like never before. Islam, a religion that historically attacked Europe and was beaten back, is now gnawing away at its insides...

Caption Contest: Top Entries - March 16, 2011

And the winner is...

Quote of the Day - March 16, 2011

Promises, Promises....

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