Friday, April 1, 2011

04-01-11: When Prison Imams Are Former Convicts (Plus:3 Year Old - Wants to Be Gov of NJ)

When Prison Imams Are Former Convicts

Don't Make the Same Mistake Twice

Patrick Dunleavy

Ex-convicts and former terrorists have been selected as prison imams. What organization would recommend such people to act as jail chaplains?


1. Video: Weeping 3 Year Old - Wants to Be Governor of New Jersey 2. Video: Senator Reid (D) - "Country Doesn't Care Much About The Tea Party" 3. Video: Would You Buy Your 6 Year Old Daughter a TOY Doll That She Breastfeeds? 4. Video: Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Workers Endure Austere Conditions In Averting Nuclear Disaster 5. Chicago: Three "Middle Eastern Men" Cause Flight to Make Emergency Stop after "Strange Goings On In The Back Of the Plane"  6. Video: Tea Party Says No to Budget Compromise at DC Rally 7. Video: ‘Unconstitutional' Health Care Law One Step Closer to Supreme Court 8. Video: Wisconsin Teacher Charged With Sending Death Threats to Republican Senators 9. Artificially Colored Foods May Soon Carry Hyperactivity Warning Labels 10. Video: Rep. Van Hollen (D) Also Blames Tea Party For Budget Impasse

No, No, No! No More Gorelicks!

Frank Salvato

With Jamie Gorelick being tipped to replace FBI Director Robert Mueller, Frank Salvato looks at the career of the woman who put a barrier between law enforcement and intelligence.

Religion and the Marketplace

Amil Imani

A former Muslim voices his alarm that there are moves afoot in the United Nations, started by Islamists, to ban any criticism of religion. Freedom of speech is under threat, he argues.

Is Peace Breaking Out in the Middle East?

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Progressives in the media may make out that Middle East peace and democracy could soon be breaking out all over, but is this just wishful thinking?

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Why Approval Polls Are No Guide to Outcome

Frank Hill

Low approval ratings in their first terms have not prevented several presidents from winning a second term.

What Really Threatens Our Future?

Willie Soon, Barun Mitra

Beware of anti-energy policies claiming to prevent climate change, warn two scientists...

Libyan Rebels Have Questionable History, Says Intelligence Source

Jim Kouri, CPP

The forces of rebellion in Libya are not all peace-loving democrats...

Stop ATF's Anti-Gun Zealots

Michelle Malkin

The nominee tipped to head the corruption-plagued Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is someone who seems to blame legitimate gun shops for gangs' illicit weapons.

Boorish Anti-Muslim Protesters Aid Islamists

David J. Rusin

A recent legitimate protest against Islamists was ruined by a small band of individuals who heckled Muslims, even children. This fed the Islamist propaganda machine...

Quote of the Day - April 1, 2011

FSM: Quote of the Day

Humpty Dumpty semantics and the Arab Boomerang.

NEW FSM POLL: Donald Trump & the Birth Certificate Issue

Is Donald Trump wise to raise the birth certificate issue?

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