Wednesday, April 6, 2011

04-06-11: Malkin: The hypocrisy from those who attack fiscal conservatives is astounding… (Plus: Debra Burlingame Video)

  1. Libyan rebels criticize Nato (IRISH TIMES)

  2. Shutdown Looms Without Further Meeting Between White House, Congress (FOX)

  3. Fed's Low Interest Rates Crack Retirees' Nest Eggs (WSJ)

  4. Conservatives blast White House, Holder for delay on 9/11 trial (CNN)

  5. America's Third War: Two Americans Killed at Mexico Border Crossing (FOX)

  6. France's interior minister is facing legal action after declaring that the "growing" number of Muslims in France posed "a problem". (TELEGRAPH)

  7. Wisconsin High Court Race Could Be Headed to Recount (FOX)

  8. GOP Leaders Say Conservative Return to Power Deserves as Much Credit as Stimulus for Lower Unemployment Rate (CNS)

  9. Trump to address Tea Party rally in Florida (CNN)

  10. Tim Pawlenty is latest entry into 'Christie Primary' (POLITICO)


1. Video: Debra Burlingame - Sister of 9/11 Hijacked Pilot; and Peter King Say Holder Wants to See "Commissions Fail" 2. Video: The Path to Prosperity: America's two futures, visualized (Paul Ryan - R) 3. Video: Chris Matthews - "We created her here... Michele Bachmann. (R)" 4. Video: Senator Schumer (D): Tea Party is to Blame on Budget 5. Video: Allen West (R) Impresses Greta. Shares How He Was Able to Get All 435 Reps To Vote In Favor Of His $35 Million Dollar Spending Cut Bill. 6. Audio: Herman Cain on Muslims in Government: I Want people Who Support Declaration of Independence, Not Shariah 7. Video: During ‘Government Shut-Down' the Government Doesn't Really ‘Shut-Down' 8. Video: President to Congress: Act Like Grown-ups 9. New York Introduces the Un-Happy Meal 10. President's Sideline keep his head down until 2012.

The Dilemma of Qur'an Burning and Violence:

A hyper-radical reaction or mere hypocrisy?

Al Fadi

Introducing a new column, "Q Dilemmas" where Qur'an dilemmas are discussed in depth by a former Wahhabi Muslim.

The Twisted Mind: Inspire Magazine No. 5 and Its Reverse Superego

Nancy Kobrin, PhD, Joan Lachkar, PhD

The latest issue of the al-Qaeda magazine Inspire celebrates a twisted value system that can only appeal to a twisted mind.

Ashes for Allah: New Calls for Censorship

Edward Cline

When one copy of the Koran is burned, five days of rioting ensue in Afghanistan, and murders happen. The event is used by some to suggest throwing away the First Amendment.

Road to Nuclear Zero a Dead End

Owen Graham, Michaela Bendikova

In 2009, the President gave a speech at Prague, in which he presented a vision of a world with no nuclear weapons. The realities of the world make this an impossible dream.

Ann Barnhardt: Vox Populi? Let's Hope

Diana West

Has America finally been subdued into dhimmitude? If you listen to Lindsey Graham, you could think so. Perhaps he should listen to Ann Barnhardt. Then he might grow a pair....

More Koran Burning

Andrew McCarthy

Burning Korans is counterproductive, and insults and antagonizes decent Muslims who may be able to reform Islam's violent elements. But ultimately, should free speech ever be rationed?

KGB TV to Air Show Hosted by Anti-war Marine Vet

Cliff Kincaid

Moscow-based Russian propaganda network RT is preparing to air a show presented by a former marine who is now an anti-war campaigner who accuses America of "fascism."

Egypt's Military Vows to Fight Rising Threat of Radical Islamists

Trevor Westra

The military gave concessions to the Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood when Mubarak resigned. However, the Islamists' zeal is forcing the army to reconsider its position.

The Democrats' Friends 'n Fat Cats Protection Plan

Michelle Malkin

While there is a stalemate over the budget with neither side giving ground, the rhetoric has reached fever pitch. The hypocrisy from those who attack fiscal conservatives is astounding....

Dog Lovers and Baby Killers

Cyril Boynes, Jr.

If only the world cared as much about African children and families, as they do about dogs.

America Badly Needs Leaders

Star Parker

The negotiations on next year's budget are in deadlock. As usual, it will be likely that a resolution will only happen when the two sides split the difference. But is this best?

Caption Contest: Top Entries - April 6, 2010

And the winner is...

Quote of the Day - April 6, 2011

"Free speech is a great idea, but...." But what?

Nihad Awad, Co-founder of CAIR, Unplugged:

Portrait of an Anti-Semite

Steve Emerson

In a speech given to two American Muslim associations, the head of CAIR revealed himself as a man wedded to conspiracy theories about the "Israel lobby," a term applied normally to Jews.

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