Friday, April 8, 2011

04-07-11: Publicly Funded University Provides Free Services for Mosques to Deal with "Informants" (Plus: Trump and Rumsfeld Videos)

Late night spending talks make progress but yield no deal (WT)

New Anti-American Secretary of State (BEN SHAPIRO)

Mexican officials find 59 bodies in mass graves (LA TIMES)

Congress Questions Handling of Awlaki Case After Fox News Report on Dropped Arrest Warrant (FOX)

TSA Failed At Least 23 Times to Detect Subsequent Terror Suspects as They Boarded Planes in U.S., Says GAO (CNS)

Portugal Last Night Became The Third European Union Country After Greece And Ireland To Formally Request An Emergency Bailout (TELEGRAPH)

Hispanic and Asian children will outnumber white kids before end of decade...four years earlier than predicted (DAILY MAIL)

Beck announces end of popular Fox News show (WT)

President’s Friend and Golfing Bud, Robert Titcomb, Arrested for Soliciting Prostitute (THE BLAZE)

WSJ Poll: Trump Now Tied For Second Nationally Among Republicans, Leads Among Tea Partiers


1. Video: NBC's Brokaw: Saudis ‘So Unhappy' With Our Administration They Sent Emissaries to China, Russia Seeking Enhanced Ties 2. Video: Donald Rumsfeld: Eric Holder's Turnaround on Tribunals for 9/11 Suspects Vindicates President Bush and his Administration 3. Audio: Laura Ingraham: Reminds Us of Debbie Wasserman Schultz' (D) Civil Tone 4. President teams up with Al Sharpton in New York to woo African-American voters ahead of 2012 election 5. Video: Chris Christie (R) calls his state's teachers union ‘political thugs'  6. Video: In farewell announcement, Beck admits dislike of conflict, says FOX gig not meant to be permanent 7. Video: Chris Matthews Congratulates Media Matters On A ‘Successful Campaign' To Remove Glenn Beck From Fox 8. Video: Illegal Immigrants Protest for Access to Higher Education 9. Video: House Speaker Boehner (R) and Senate Majority Leader Reid (D) Say They Have Not Reached An Agreement On The Budget. 10. Video: Trump's Spirited Discussion about Birth Certificate...met with Giggles & Smirks from MSNBC Morning Joe Panel (Today Show Video Added)

While Engaged in Libya, America Won't Tackle Iran's Nuke Program

Dr. Avigdor Haselkorn

Israel's very existence is threatened by Iran's development of a nuclear weapons program. While the U.S. administration ties itself up in Libya, Israel is more vulnerable than ever.

Mueller Talks Budget Challenges, Reaffirms CAIR Ban

Steve Emerson

FBI head Robert Mueller claims his organization has no formal ties with CAIR, and is aware of a Californian CAIR campaign to prevent Muslims cooperating with his bureau.

Islam: Good Hate, Bad Love

Amil Imani

A former Muslim describes why he finds Islam has values which subvert humanistic notions of "good" and "bad."

Goldstone's Error in Judgment

Joshua Davidson

In 2008, Judge Richard Goldstone condemned Israel in a United Nations report. Now he admits he was in error. Has his wrong assessment left a permanent stain upon Israel?

CUNY School Of Law Provides Free Services For Mosques To Deal With "Informants"!

Christopher Logan

City University of New York is funded by taxpayers, yet it is using those funds to provide free advice to mosques on how to "respond to encounters" with informers and law enforcement.

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Iran's Deadly Exports

Arming thugs vs. Arab Spring

Amir Taheri

Pro-democracy uprisings in Arab countries have worried the Iranian leadership in Tehran. But it has also strengthened those who support "exporting the Islamic revolution."

Thousands of Mexicans Missing Since Beginning of Drug War

Jim Kouri, CPP

More than five thousand people have gone missing in Mexico since 2006, suspected victims of the nation's ruthless drug gangs.

Global Muslim Brotherhood Update: April 7, 2011

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

The Muslim Brotherhood continues its machinations, with Obama's faith adviser Dahlia Mogahed announcing that "Washington has no worries" with the Brotherhood.

Tzipi Livni Faces Prosecution in Britain, Moussa Koussa Hopes For Asylum

And Britain wonders why it is called perfidious.

Daniel Hannan

Since the 13th century, French leaders referred to Britain as "perfidious Albion." Its current political hypocrisy over how it treats Israel and Libya seems to prove the point.

Caption Contest - April 7 - 12, 2011

Caption Contest

Can you come up with the funniest photo caption?

Quote of the Day - April 7, 2011

FSM: Quote of the Day

Why Britain is mired in dhimmitude...

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