Friday, April 8, 2011

04-08-11: Video: It's Getting Nasty: House Erupts in Heckling, Chants During Budget Debate (Plus: Michelle Malkin)

TSA Follies: See SPOT Fail

Michelle Malkin

The TSA disgraced itself with its indiscriminate pat-downs of even children. Now, it is revealed to have missed twenty-three cases of jihad operatives moving through airports.


1. President and First Family plan to vacation in Williamsburg this weekend 2. Video: Paul Ryan (R) Challenges Critics "Americans are ready for HONEST talk." 3. Video: It's Getting Nasty: House Erupts in Heckling, Chants During Budget Debate 4. Video: Jon Stewart's Epic 15 Minute, Bible Quoting, Hand Puppeteering Beck Mock-a-thon 5. Video: Laura Ingraham: Ask your Congressional representative if Displacetra® is right for you 6. Video: Greta Interviews Wisconsin Justice David Prosser: "7500 votes tough to overcome" 7. Video: Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) "Gov't Shutdown Like ‘Bombing Innocent Civilians" 8. Video: Glenn Beck: An Introduction to Shariah Finance 9. Video: Al Sharpton: Glenn Beck Was the First Big Voice on a Kamikaze Mission to Stop President 10. Missile from Gaza hits Israeli school bus; 2 hurt

Culture Check 2011

Diana West

Pastor Terry Jones is turned into a human target by Islamists and condemned by Western pundits as an instigator of murder, all for burning a book. Welcome to 2011 "culture."

In a Democracy, Some Decisions Are Agonizing

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Right now, democracies in the developed world are having to face up to some terrible dilemmas. These are just a few that need to be addressed.

Obama's Failed Afghan Strategy and the Return of Al-Qaeda

Trevor Westra

Plans for a timetable of withdrawal from Afghanistan are put in jeopardy by Al Qaeda operatives re-entering Afghanistan.

A Third of Palestinians Support Murder of Five Israelis in Their Home

Itamar Marcus, Barbara Crook

A shocking report reveals that the horrific murder of the Fogel family, in which a baby was decapitated and two children were butchered is supported by a third of Palestinians.

I Love Glenn Beck

James Delingpole

The fact that so many left-liberal pundits are celebrating Glenn Beck's retirement from his regular show is a proof that he has hit some nerves. For this, he should be applauded.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

"Shutdown" Could Affect Cops, Spies and Deployed Troops: U.S. Officials

Jim Kouri, CPP

By failing to approve a budget, the inevitable government "shutdown" would mean people who put their lives on the line to keep America safe could find themselves without income.

Debating Missile Defense Funding for Fiscal Year 2012

Riki Ellison

While the issue of the budget is still undecided, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces discussed what is needed to maintain proper American missile defense.

Quote of the Day - April 8, 2011

Bickering about the budget...

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