Wednesday, April 6, 2011

9/11 Families Deliver Letter to Mayor Bloomberg re: Human Remains at GZ Museum

Thanks to the Mighty ATLAS for ALL YOU DO,,, I hope the families SUE their AZZES OFF!!!

this is disgusting,,

9/11 Families Deliver Letter to Mayor Bloomberg re: Human Remains at GZ Museum

Visitors will descend into the main gallery via a stair right next to the remains of the Survivor's Staircase.

Atlas readers have been following (scroll link) the astonishing depravity of the intention of the scandalously overpaid officials of the 911 Memorial and Museum to exploit the human remains of some 911 victims in a ghoulish display: 911 Memorial Museum Ghoul Officials Exploit the Human Remains of 1,123 "Freak Show."

I hope they file a class action suit.

Atlas readers, please start working the phones and your email lists. We must help the 911 families rescue their loved ones' remains from becoming a circus sideshow:

Email to Joe Daniels, President, 9/11 Memorial Museum:
Telephone: 212.312.8800

Email Mayor Bloomberg, Chairman, 9/11 Memorial Museum

The letter, below, was delivered to the offices of Mayor Michael Bloomberg today, April 5, 2011 at 12:50 PM.

We are 9/11 family members and group leaders who feel that all 2, 749 relatives of the victims deserve to have a voice, and a choice in the final disposition of the human remains of their loved ones. We also affirm that while a number of 9/11 families have supported returning the remains to GZ, they never agreed to placement in a museum, 70 ft. below ground (Please see complete list of family signatories following the letter, below.)
Attorney at Law
260 Madison Avenue, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10016
(212) 532-7586

April 5, 2011
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
The City of New York
Office of the Mayor
New York, NY 10007

Dear Mayor Bloomberg:

We represent a group of 9/11 family members whose loved ones died at Ground Zero. We write because our clients have serious objections as to New York City’s plans to incorporate the human remains found at Ground Zero as a “programmatic element” located some 70 feet below ground within the National September 11 Memorial Museum (“Museum”). Our clients believe, as do numerous museum curators, that this use of the remains is inappropriate and, indeed, inconsistent with the underlying purpose of the Museum, which is to educate the public about the events of 9/11. In 2003, the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation committed to a memorial, including a repository for unidentified human remains that was to be “distinct from other memorial structures like a museum or visitors center.” Placement of the human remains within the Museum is completely contradictory to the LMDC’s criteria that was supported by many 9/11 family members.

Our clients particularly object because the families of the victims were not consulted about this current plan. They believe that many of the 9/11 family members will agree that the remains should be placed in a respectful and accessible location at the World Trade Center site, separate from the Museum, akin to the Tomb of the Unknowns, where both they and the public could go to pay their respects to loved ones. Indeed, those who passed in the attack on the Pentagon on 9/11 are honored in this way at Arlington National Cemetery, and family members of those who died at Ground Zero have a similar interest in such a collective memorial.

Given this, our clients propose drafting a letter, addressed to the family members of the 2,749 World Trade Center victims, seeking their input with respect to the disposition of the remains. Such a letter would be prepared wholly at our clients’ expense but, because the City possesses the addresses of these families, we would ask the City to mail the letters out (again, at our clients’ expense) rather than seek these addresses through the Freedom of Information Law or otherwise. In this way, the City bears no cost, but those who lost family members at Ground Zero would have the opportunity to be heard regarding the disposition of the human remains of their loved ones.

Contrary to your reported comments made yesterday about this issue, we believe that the vast majority of the 9/11 Families are not aware of the current plan and were not consulted about placing the 9/11 remains in the Museum, 70 feet below ground.

Please let us know if this proposal is acceptable to you or if you have any other suggestions as to how 9/11 family members could be consulted in this process. We will call you tomorrow regarding this request, and appreciate your consideration.


Norman Siegel

Steven J. Hyman
Aimee Saginaw
McLaughlin & Stern, LLP
260 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
(212) 448-1100

cc: Michael Cardozo, Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (via fax)
Charles S. Hirsch, Medical Examiner, City of New York (via fax)

9/11 Family Members:

Co-chair, Advocates for a 9/11 Fallen Heroes Memorial
Bother-in-law of FDNY Battalion Chief Orio Palmer, Batt 7

Rita and Jim Riches (Deputy Chief /FDNY-ret)
Chairman, 9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims
Parents of FF James Riches, Engine 4

Rosaleen Tallon, Ed. D.
Family Liaison, Advocates for a 9/11 Fallen Heroes Memorial
Eileen Tallon
Sister and Mother of FF Sean Tallon, Ladder 10

Rosemary Cain and Nancy Nee
9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims
Mother and Sister of FF George Cain, L-7

Joyce and Russell Mercer and Christine Mercer
9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims
Parents and Sister of FF Scott Kopytko, L-15

Maureen and Al Santora (DC/FDNY-ret)
9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims
Parents of FF Christopher Santora, E-54

Sally and Al Regenhard
Skyscraper Safety Campaign
Parents of FF Christian Regenhard, L-131

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