Saturday, April 2, 2011

Arab Spring: Male-on-Female Atrocity in Gaza Disappeared by the Western Media

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

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Arab Spring: Male-on-Female Atrocity in Gaza Disappeared by the Western Media

by Phyllis Chesler NewsRealBlog April 1, 2011

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Last month, at least eight Muslim Palestinian female journalists were physically beaten with clubs, iron chairs, and fists, stabbed, and tortured with electric shocks by male Hamas security forces in the Gaza strip. Their cell phones, laptops, documents, and cameras were confiscated. They were also arrested. Some were forced to sign a document "pledging to refrain from covering such events again."

The "events" were a series of pro-unity rallies organized by Palestinian youth on Facebook (!) which demanded an end to the dispute between Islamist Hamas and a presumably more moderate Fatah.

So much for the Arab "spring," and the purposefully misguided Western (and these heroically naïve youthful demonstrators') belief that the increasingly well organized Islamist Middle East will really rise up on behalf of human rights and women's rights—without which there can be no democracy.

Read the complete original version of this item...

Related Topics: Islamic Gender & Religious Apartheid

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