Monday, April 4, 2011

The Goldstone Recantation

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

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The Goldstone Recantation

by Phyllis Chesler April 4, 2011

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Sometime Friday night, April 1, 2011, which was also the Jewish Sabbath, the Washington Post published, online, a rather remarkable op-ed piece by South African jurist Richard Goldstone. Essentially, Goldstone recanted his own "Goldstone Report," a document which has been used against Israel in countless, damaging ways, a document which accuses Israel of possible "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity" in its incursion into Gaza in response to the 10,000 rockets Hamas launched towards Israeli civilians in Sderot and southern Israel—a document which charges Israel with having "purposely targeted civilians in Gaza."

Goldstone now admits that all the above charges are wrong, false, are based on too-little-information or on flawed-information. He partly blames Israel for not "co-operating" with the venomously biased Human Rights Council, but in truth, Goldstone really had available much of the information which is now contained in Israel's painfully careful investigation of what happened in Gaza.

Read the complete original version of this item...

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