Monday, August 1, 2011

08-01-11: Muslim Rapes Christian Toddler for Failure to Convert to Islam [PLUS: The Missing Link between Al Qaeda & Breivik]

Conscientious Objector, Unless You're an Infidel

by Gadi Adelman

Naser Jason Abdo admitted planning an attack on


Hood but last year he had been granted "conscientious objector" status because he said he could not kill fellow Muslims.



1. SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Persecution: Muslim rapes Christian Toddler for Failure to Convert to Islam
2. VIDEO: CNN's Don Lemon And Sen. Rand Paul [R] Clash Over The Tea Party's Role In The Debt Crisis
3. VIDEO: Senator Rubio [R] Debates Senator Kerry [D] on Senate Floor

4. Atheists' Lawsuit Against Displaying Ground Zero Cross at 9/11 Museum is Insane
5. VIDEO: UCLA professor's new book empirically demonstrates liberal media bias
 6. Vice President charging Secret Service for cottage rental
7. VIDEO: NBC News' Most Recent Star, Al Sharpton, as He Carries Out His Host Assignment with Flawless Execution

8. VIDEO: Iranian Woman Blinded, Disfigured by Acid Shows Mercy to Attacker from Receiving the Same Fate
9. VIDEO: 'Future is up to us': Israel protest gathers 150,000

10. How Mexican killers got U.S. guns from 'Fast and Furious' operation

Inspiration As Perversion:

The Missing Link Between Al Qaeda And Breivik

Nancy Kobrin, PhD, Joan Lachkar, PhD

Two psychologists examine the common inspirations that helped to mold the mindsets of both the Oslo killer and Al Qaeda jihadists.

From the Petersburg Mine to the Wright Flyer

This Week in American Military History

Military History, W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Commemorating this week's anniversaries of defining events in American military history.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Who Are The 'Galactically Stupid' in the Debt Ceiling Debate?

Frank Hill

Some people blame Senator Harry Reid. Some think of President Obama. Others think it is Speaker John Boehner. The Tea Party is getting its share of the blame as well.

Breivik and Totalitarian Democrats

Caroline Glick

In the mind of illiberal Norwegians, terrorism is justified if the ideology behind it is considered justified, for Palestinians to murder Israeli children because their ideology is right.

Fifth Column Sabotage against the USA

and against our Critical Infrastructure

Tom Marin, Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret)

Over the course of the last several years, some Americans are gradually waking up to the fact that our "essence of being" as a nation and as individuals is under a constant state of attack.

Obstructionist Politics: Denying a Vote

Frank Salvato

If partisanship in Washington, DC, is the thing that the American people most loathe about the political class in our country, recent debt ceiling debates must make some people furious.

The Media, Absurdity and Knee-Jerk Analysis:

Equating the Norway bombing and the latest Fort Hood incident.

John Bernard

How can the media compare Norwegian killer Anders Behring Breivik to Naser Jason Abdo, an alleged Islamist terrorist?

White House's Over-the-Cliff Moment

Salena Zito

Future historians may wonder why the White House failed to focus on the consuming issue of the present time: the economy -- and, in particular, jobs.

What's Really Killing Carbon Capture And Storage?

Paul Driessen

Bloomberg magazine bemoans dying interest in carbon capture and storage (CCS), while the boss hastens its demise.

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