Thursday, September 15, 2011

09-15-11: Congress Probes WH Over Taxpayer Funded $535 M Load to Bankrupt Company [PLUS: Terrorists Murder Businessman & Kidnap Wife at Resort]

Save Our Constitutional Republic

Bob Smith

America is not a run of the mill democracy - it is a constitutional republic. It is important to recognize that difference.



1. VIDEO: Solyndra Hearing: Congress Probes White House Officials Over Taxpayer-Funded Loan - - Energy Official Can't Say Who Is In Charge Of Giving $535 Million To Bankrupt Company
2. VIDEO: Chris Matthews Blames 'Robots' at CVS, MSNBC for Poverty in America
3. As the Baby Boomers turn...Since the '80s, polls have found those who came of age in the '60s and '70s are becoming more family oriented and conservative.

 4. AUDIO: Congresswoman: "You Don't Deserve To Keep All" Of Your Money
5. Willow the cat goes missing in Colorado, turns up in Manhattan five years later
6. Fed Light Bulb Ban Forces ‘Easy Bake Oven' Overhaul
7. AUDIO: Veteran Journalist Ken Timmerman recalls 9/11
8. VIDEO: President Implores African-American Media To Support Jobs Bill: ‘I Want You Guys To Pump This Up'

9. VIDEO: Explosive Report: Emails Reveal White House Monitored Huge Solyndra Loan
10. Smear, Inc.: Silencing the Critics of Islamic Supremacism

Sustaining the Memory of 9/11

Robert Weissberg

Are the real reasons for the attacks upon American soil on 9/11 really etched into people's memories, or is radical Islam being painted out of the picture?

Iran's Atomic Countdown

Peter Brookes

With no real opposition, and with a U.S. administration virtually ignoring its deadly ambitions, Iran is close to possessing a viable nuclear warhead.

A Tale of Two Obamas

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

The media is busily portraying the president's record on national security as if another person had been at the helm. It is as if, for the media, there are two Obamas...

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Congressman Demands Investigation of Obama's "Uncle Omar"

Jim Kouri, CPP

The case of the president's uncle, an illegal alien who has broken the law yet has not been deported, raises important questions.

Islamism News

Vin Ienco

Death threats, murder of children, Christian minorities living in fear of attack: Islamism marches on...

American Culture: An Irreversible Decline or a Coming Renaissance?

Robert Maynard

Currently, America is in a cultural abyss. But will things get better, and can the USA regain the cultural health and wellbeing that made it thrive?

Nightmare Continues for British Woman Kidnapped by Somalis

Jim Kouri, CPP

A deaf kidnapped tourist, whose husband was murdered in the raid, is thought to be in the hands of terrorists tied to al-Qaeda.

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