Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11-09-11:Holder Refuses to Apologize for Murder of Border Agent [Plus: How Did Schools Get So Bad?]

"Society Shapers will never achieve their goals without setting up an artificially created equality where academics is dumbed down or squeezed out entirely, which is what we have today."

How Did Schools Get So Bad?

Martha Gies-Chumney

A new book clearly explains how American public school standards began to slide downwards, but provides an upside- a strategy to restore academic standards.

Read Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



1. VIDEO #1: Holder Refuses to Apologize for Murder of Border Agent; Says Fast & Furious Didn't Lead to Death - VIDEO #2: Holder Struggles to Answer Simple Question About Fast And Furious
2. Atheists Angry After Wis. Gov. Changes ‘Holiday' Tree Back to ‘Christmas' Tree
3. VIDEO: Muslim Homeland Security Advisor Accused of Leaking Documents to Prove ‘Islamophobia,' Damage Governor Rick Perry

4. Military getting ready for the big one?
5. Administration unable to acknowledge the threat of Islamists in the Middle East
6. Administrations NEW Tax on Christmas Trees in Order to...Promote Christmas Trees?
7. VIDEO: Muslim Rape Gangs in England
8. VIDEO: Is Occupy Wall Street Anti-Semitic? Video based on Melanie Phillips's new book, "The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power."
9. Russia to sell nuclear plans to Iran / Sanctions Won't Stop Iran's Nuclear Bomb Program
10. VIDEO: Troubling Trend: 'Mama's Boys' on the Rise - "You want to reclaim your country? You got to go back to the first men who started this country, the founding fathers..."

Accelerating Afghan Withdrawal?

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Jay Carafano, PhD

The administration suggested last week that it intends to speed up the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Is this running off before the job is done?

Friendless in the Middle East

Daniel Pipes

The Arab Spring has changed the rules on how the West can deal with Middle Eastern Nations. But this presents a dilemma for those who want to see more democracy.

Anti-Semitism, a Growth Industry in Bad Times

Alan Caruba

In bad times, anti-Semitism seems to crawl out of the sewers like a repugnant odor. Right now it is on the rise, and finds expression among some at the ‘Occupy' protests.

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Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Administration Sells out Latin America to Reds

Cliff Kincaid

America is losing Nicaragua to the communists - again. Now, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Cuba, and Brazil are all governed by leftist or anti-American leaders.

The Transforming Fire in the Middle East

Bruce Kesler

As America's former predominance in the Middle East diminishes, how is Israel to defend itself? Why are its Islamist enemies so intransigent? Can Israel survive in the long-term?

The Occupy Movement's Classroom Roots

Gabriel Garnica, Esq.

The lack of discipline, and overwhelming sense of entitlement of many "Occupy" protesters can be seen clearly in the school system, where most picked up their bad attitudes.

Administration Weakening U.S. Defense, Military Tells Congress

Jim Kouri, CPP

On Friday, it will be Veterans Day, but the four service branches of the U.S. Armed Forces are openly critical of the way budget cuts are weakening America's ability to defend itself.

Does this concern you? Click Here

Alabama's Strict Immigration Law to be Simplified?

Immigration News Update

Governor Robert Bentley wants to simplify the law on illegal immigration, without diluting its main points.

Quote of the Day - November 9, 2011

FSM: Quote of the Day

Sound advice on aspiration...

Iran's Nukes: The Threat is Closer Than it Appears

Cynthia E. Ayers

Iran is closer to having its own nuclear weapons than anyone had previously thought. But will our leaders effectively deal with this threat, recently revealed by the IAEA?

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