Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Creeping Threat of Radical Islam in North Africa

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Issue 54

In This Issue:

Nigeria Under Islamic Law

Did You Know?

Exclusive Clip: Swiss Politician
Against Muslim Takeover of Europe

Take Action!


North Africa may not come to mind immediately when one thinks of the threat of Radical Islam. However, an increasing number of violent jihadist militias have seized power in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, including Al Qaeda that have seized control of Libya , al- Shabaab who are fighting for the control of Somalia, or Nigeria’s Boko Haram. In this week’s newsletter, Clarion Fund’s Senior Fellow Clare M. Lopez takes a closer look at the disturbing violence that is taking hold in Nigeria.

Boko Haram Wants to Put Nigeria Under Islamic Law

by Clare M. Lopez


The armies of Islam arrived in the Nigerian kingdoms as early as the 9th century. The forcible conquest of North Africa—including present day Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco—imposed Islamic law (shariah) according to the Maliki school of Sunni jurisprudence over this vast swath of territory. Over subsequent centuries, relentless jihadist raids (razzias) as well as the penetration of Muslim merchants, scholars, and traders into areas of the Sahel and sub-Saharan Africa eventually succeeded in subjugating Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and the entire northern half of the modern country of Nigeria to Islam.

Today, Nigeria is a large and populous West African country of some 160 million people, about half of whom are Muslim and half Christian and animist. Nigeria is comprised of 36 states, 12 of which have implemented shariah in the northern half of the country. As the renowned political scientist, Samuel Huntington wrote, “Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards.” Islam in Nigeria, as in every other place on earth where it establishes power, has shown itself aggressive and violent. [MORE]

Exclusive Clip:

Swiss Politician Against Muslim Takeover of Europe

Swiss politician Oskar Freysinger from the Swiss People’s Party spoke recently at an event in Germany to support German politician RenĂ© Stadtkewitz and his new party DIE FREIHEIT (FREEDOM).

Can you imagine such a speech from a politician on Capitol Hill?



Related Article:


Muslims in Switzerland Demonstrate with Yellow Star of David

Jewish leaders from around the world were enraged when Muslims protesting in Switzerland last weekend used the yellow Star of David symbol as part of their demonstration against discrimination. [MORE]

Did You Know...
Libya Turned Back the Clock on Human Rights
to the 7th Century

by Clare M. Lopez

Libyan Transitional National Council (TNC) leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil announced in mid-October 2011 that Islamic law (shariah) will be the basis for all future legislation in the country. The black flag of al-Qa’eda and jihad now flies over the courthouse in Benghazi, the town where the first sparks of the Libyan revolution ignited. The men with the guns come from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a jihadist group accepted into the ranks of al-Qa’eda franchises in 2007 personally by Ayman al-Zawahiri. Abdul-Hakim Belhaj, the former LIFG commander who holds a university degree in civil engineering and who fought alongside the mujahedeen in Afghanistan in the 1980s and later returned there in the 1990s to join the Taliban, is the top rebel military commander in the country, with his headquarters in Tripoli. [MORE]

Take Action

take action

The popular uprisings of the “Arab Spring” were heralded by the West as ushering in a fresh new era of democracy and freedom in the Middle East, but with the rise to power of radical Islamic parties in both Tunisia and Libya, civil liberties and women’s rights are in great jeopardy. The following petition opposes the hijacking of the Arab revolutions by Islamism or US-led militarism and support the call for a free and secular Middle East and North Africa made by citizens and particularly women in the region.

Click here to sign the petition.

Clarion Webinar

take action

If you missed out on our most recent webinar, Women’s Rights & Human Rights Under Shariah Law with Middle East expert and acclaimed author, Nonie Darwish, you can watch it now by clicking HERE.

News and Analysis

Recommended Reading

The Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad

by Hal Lindsey

Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the Judeo-Christian world order with an Islamic world order. Every American needs to understand the enormity of the threat we face and why. Buy



take action

RadicalIslam.org invites you to report to us about issues concerning Radical Islam in your area. We have called this new initiative U-Report. As individuals concerned about the threat radical Islam poses to your way of life, we’d like to give YOU the opportunity to play an active role. Let us know about attempts by Muslims to impose Islamic laws in your community, report about radical Muslim demonstrations or activities on your college campus or in your neighborhood. Send us all the details and after being reviewed your story may be published on RadicalIslam.org

Write to us and help us spread awareness about the threat of Radical Islam in the United States.

Clarion Fund | 255 West 36th St, New York, NY 10018, USA | Donate

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