Thursday, November 10, 2011

Does Iran Want Israel to Attack?

"Something has to happen that ignites that final war between Iran, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood on one side and the pro-American Arab states, Israel and the U.S. on the other. An Israeli strike will definitely be seen by the Iranian regime as playing into this End Times scenario and may be interpreted as that trigger event...."
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Family Security Matters Contributing Editor Ryan Mauro is the Founder of, a national security Analyst at Christian Action Network, a Strategic Analyst for Wikistrat and a national security commentator for FOX News.

Does Iran Want Israel to Attack?

An aerial view of a suspected uranium enrichment complex near Qom, Iran.
Ryan Mauro
With Shimon Peres warning that the time to attack Iran's nuclear sites is getting closer, is it possible that Iran wants Israel to strike, provoking conflict while it continues to build nukes?


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