Monday, November 7, 2011



The ISANE 12'vers want to destroy the world to bring the mahdi out of the well,,

The Infidel world will NOT survive if they get the Nuke.



I told ya so. Once again, everything I have been saying here at Atlas about the progression of Iran's nuclear program for years is proved true. The same can be said of what I warned about Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and the cataclysmic ascendancy of Islamic supremacy, the coming caliphate, across the world.

Iran is nuclear. The head of the snake has what it takes to destroy its enemies and expedite the arrival of the twelfth Imam. We have known this was going on for years. Their man at the UN, Mohamed ElBaradei, had consistently covered for Iran's nuclear program. Perhaps he, too, has a vision of a world living under Islam. In any case, this traitor to the free world was awarded a Nobel for his perfidy instead of ..... standing trial.

John Bolton has warned us for years. And when action appeared imminent in 2007, the fifth column that has infiltrated our intel agencies conducted a stealth coup against the White House and eliminated any possible strategic military response to Iran's nuclear weaponsprogram by issuing a false NIE report contradicting earlier US assessments on Iran's nuclear capabilities -- which forced Bush to take off the table the possibility of pre-emptive military action against Iran. Freedom's enemies.

IAEA Says Foreign Expertise Has Brought Iran to Threshold of Nuclear Capability - Joby Warrick
 Intelligence provided to UN nuclear officials shows that Iran's government has mastered the critical steps needed to build a nuclear weapon, receiving assistance from foreign scientists to overcome key technical hurdles, according to Western diplomats and nuclear experts briefed on the findings. Documents and other records provide new details on the role played by a former Soviet weapons scientist who allegedly tutored Iranians over several years on building high-precision detonators of the kind used to trigger a nuclear chain reaction. The records reinforce concerns that Iran continued to conduct weapons-related research after 2003 - when, U.S. intelligence agencies believe, Iranian leaders halted such experiments in response to international and domestic pressures.
 The new disclosures fill out the contours of an apparent secret research program that was more ambitious, more organized and more successful than commonly suspected. According to David Albright, a former IAEA official who has reviewed the intelligence files, one key breakthrough that has not been publicly described was Iran's success in obtaining design information for an R265 generator. The device is a hemispherical aluminum shell with an intricate array of high explosives that detonate with split-second precision. These charges compress a small sphere of enriched uranium or plutonium to trigger a nuclear chain reaction. (Washington Post)
 See also Behind Anti-Iran Rhetoric, Fears of Nuclear Gains - Joby Warrick
A new spike in anti-Iran rhetoric and military threats by Western powers is being fueled by fears that Iran is edging closer to the nuclear "breakout" point, when it acquires all the skills and parts needed to quickly build an atomic bomb if it chooses to, Western diplomats and nuclear experts said Friday. A Western diplomat who has seen drafts of a UN report on Iran's nuclear activities to be released this week said it will elaborate on secret intelligence showing Iranian scientists struggling to overcome technical hurdles in designing and building nuclear warheads.
 Olli Heinonen, who retired last year as chief inspector for the IAEA, the UN's nuclear watchdog, said Iran's apparently successful deployment of advanced centrifuges in recent months could lead to a dramatic rise in the production of enriched uranium. (Washington Post)

See also The Base Where Iran Is Developing Nuclear Weapons Yossi Melman 
Iran is pursuing its nuclear weapons program at the Parchin military base about 30 kilometers from Tehran, diplomatic sources in Vienna say. (Ha'aretz)

U.S. Backs Away from Sanctions on Iran Central Bank - Paul Richter
Despite weeks of tough warnings, the Obama administration has backed away from its calls to impose new and potentially crippling economic sanctions against Iran in retaliation for an alleged plot to kill Saudi Arabia's ambassador on U.S. soil, according to diplomats and American officials. U.S. officials have decided that a proposed move against Iran's central bank could disrupt international oil markets and further damage the American and world economies. (Los Angeles Times)

Back in December of 2007, the NIE issued a seditious and inaccurate report on Iran's cessation of their nuclear program in a thinly-veiled attempt to change the way in which the Bush administration would handle Iran's nukes. And it clearly succeeded.

Foreign officers at the office of the Director on National Intelligence behind the report were not elected by the people of this great nation, but they imposed their hostile, anti-American foreign policy agenda on this country. This is unheard of. But clearly the danger of the permanent bureaucracy so frighteningly (but presciently) described in John Bolton's Surrender is Not An Option. There should be nopermanent diplomatic institution, even at the federal level. They're too readily converted into bastions for America's enemies.

It was an end run around the administration, and provided America's adversaries on the security council, in the EU3, and among the Democrats and the leftist/Islamic apologists in the media -- everyone -- the ammunition to stop any action on the development of Iran's nuclear's weapons. The NY Times and the left wing media have hungrily devoured the bait.

Yes, it was a 21st century coup. Bush could get nothing done on Iran after the NIE report. It was a very scary turn of the knife.

Bush On The Defensive Over New Iran Intel US News and World Report

President Bush held a press conference in which he urged key allies to maintain the current pressure on the Islamic Republic. In fact, the AP reports, Bush said the new intel "contradicting earlier US assessments...would not prompt him to take off the table the possibility of pre-emptive military action against Iran."

Media accounts of the press conference are almost universally negative toward the President. ABC World News, for example, said last night Bush "was instantly and consistently defensive." NBC Nightly News prefaced its report saying, "The 'Washington Post' is running an analysis story on the internet for tomorrow's paper with the headline, 'Neck Snapping Spin' from the President. They're talking about the President's news conference today." (The piece NBC referred to was in fact an online opinion piece not intended for the newspapers' print edition by Dan Froomkin.) NBC also reported Bush was "a president on the defensive."

Print media outlets also suggest the new intel findings and Bush's reaction to them raise questions about the President's "credibility." So much so, says the Capitol Hill newspaper The Hill, that "several" Democrats "said that Congress should investigate the discrepancy between the Bush administration's recent doomsday rhetoric on Iran and the NIE's judgments."

McClatchy says the NIE "has dealt another blow to Bush's credibility -- which already was low over his false claims about illicit weapons in Iraq -- because he was aware of the findings when he warned on Oct. 17 that Iran's quest for nuclear weapons could ignite World War III." USA Today also notes that it was the President's first press conference "since warning in October that a nuclear Iran could lead to 'World War III.'" The President also "said he learned in August that there was new information on Iran's nuclear program that needed to be analyzed. He said he did not see the specific findings until last week." In similar reporting, the New York Times says Bush "opened himself to new criticism over his credibility."

The Chicago Tribune's Mark Silva also says this morning there are "new questions" about Bush's "credibility issues." In her New York Times column, Maureen Dowd mentions that during the news conference yesterday, Silva told the President , "I can't help but read your body language this morning, Mr. President. ... You seem somehow dispirited, somewhat dispirited." Bush is said to have replied, "This is like, all of a sudden, it's like Psychology 101, you know?"

Another major issue this morning is how and why the reversal on Iran on the part of the US intelligence community came about. The Los Angeles Times says that "as US intelligence officials sought Tuesday to explain the remarkable reversal, they pointed to two factors: the emergence of crucial information over the summer, and a determination to avoid repeating the mistakes that preceded the Iraq war." The New York Times, meanwhile, says the intel "reversal" on Iran "was based on 'a great discovery' by American intelligence agencies, but neither he nor other officials would elaborate." The Washington Post, Detroit News andNew York Times trace the impetus for the reversal to the lessons learned from the Iraq WMD fiasco.

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