Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Pre-Teen Princesses Can Learn from Shrek as They Become Warrior Women

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

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What Pre-Teen Princesses Can Learn from Shrek as They Become Warrior Women

by Phyllis Chesler
PJ Media
November 2, 2011

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An Open Letter to Children of All Ages Everywhere (and to My Eighteen-Month-Old Granddaughter):

I have a secret to share with you. Grownups, at least some of us — take me, for example — enjoy cartoons, fairy tales, fantasy fiction, Disneyworld, and what are considered "children's" movies just as much as you do. Maybe even more.

The child in me just refuses to allow herself to be killed off — no matter how distressing the headlines. Be careful, this can happen, so guard your own child well. My child's sense of wonder, her ability to embrace the whimsical, the impossible, the ridiculous, has steadfastly refused to disappear, or to make room for a full-time, hostile-to-Hogwarts kind of Muggle.

Read the complete original version of this item...

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